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  • May 17, 2003, 03:59 PM
    Abusive boyfriend
    My boyfriend of 3 months is starting to turn abusive, and I do not know what to do. He pushes me around, ad when I get pissed off, he starts following me and when he gets me alone, he pushes me up against the lockers because that is usually where he finds me, and he starts kissing me and telling me how much he loves me, and most of the time I end up kissing him back. We start making out, and he starts with lets go for a ride, and when I say no, he always makes me feel bad why do I feel this way? Help me??
  • May 18, 2003, 01:20 AM
    abusive boyfriend

    my boyfriend of 3 months is starting to turn abusive, and I do not know what to do. He pushes me around, ad when I get pissed off, he starts following me and when he gets me alone, he pushes me up against the lockers because  that is usually where he finds me, and he starts kissing me and telling me how much he loves me, and most of the time I end up kissing him back. We start making out, and he starts with lets go for a ride, and when I say no, he always makes me feel bad why do I feel this way? Help me??
    Have you talked to this boyfriend and told him how he makes you feel, when he treats you this way? If not, you should and if he continues to treat you in a disrespectful manor, the solution to your problem is simple. DUMP HIM!! And find somebody that will treat you with respect, the way you deserve to be treated.

    If you are truly Miss Independent as your name indicates, you should have no problem with this suggestion.

    If you tell him your feelings and he still does what he wants, he's only showing you he doesn't really love you at all. So why keep somebody around that doesn't respect or love you?

    When you say why do you feel this way, do you mean about feeling like you have to take what he dishes out? If you do feel like you have to take what he dishes out abuse wise, that may be a sign that you don't love and respect yourself enough.

    Start realizing that you are a great person and that you deserve respect just as much as the next person. When you love and respect yourself, you won't allow anybody else to not love and respect you too.

    That's what it all boils down too. What you will allow. If you allow somebody to treat you badly, they will. So, put your foot down, puff out your chest and be the strong, Miss Independent that you know you are. Make some new rules for yourself to be treated by and stick with them. Anybody breaks those rules, male or female, get them out of your life. You don't need them.
  • May 19, 2003, 02:28 PM
    ChazRe: abusive boyfriend
    You know no one deserves to be mistreated and if you don't address the issue now later is going to be to late.Once an abuser always an abuser unless he deciedes to get help. This abuse stems from his past and it's not going to go away... Communicate your felings to him and if that does't change him then you need to let go, your not able to help this person unless he wants to get the help... It starts with the words, then comes the shoves and then the abuse esculates, be wise and life is to short to be going threw this... Best of luck and God Bless

    Chaz :)
  • May 20, 2003, 06:36 AM
    abusive boyfriend
    Dump him, he is a looser. If he harasses you notify your school authorities and/or the police.

    Best wishes,
  • Jun 24, 2003, 04:30 AM
    abusive boyfriend
    Hey the best way I think you should handle this situation is to leave him or get help together if you don't think he is approachable to say you have a problem then your better off leaving before you get hurt
  • Jul 2, 2003, 08:15 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    NO ONE deserves to be abused in any way, shape, or form. No matter how much you think you like him, or vise versa, you need to get him out of your life ASAP.

    Like they say, give them an inch and they walk a mile. Don't think that if you give him some time to "work things out" that he'll change and not be so abusive, because chances are is that he won't.

    You should tell him how you feel and explain to him that you can't be with him any longer. You never know if and/or when the situation might get worse and you end up seriously hurt.
  • Sep 3, 2003, 02:13 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    He is being very asgressive with you, trying to assert his dominance over you... this is not good, and you might want to seriously consider breaking up with him, permanently. He is ordering you around and then using guilt to get you to do what he wants. Very bad, and the beginning of an abusive relationship.
  • Jun 4, 2004, 07:21 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    Physical abuse in a relationship states that the abusive partner is not worth s**t! $o dump him girl because he isn't worth no s**t!

    Good luck

    Xxx :)
  • Jun 4, 2004, 09:56 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    I know what you are saying I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years and I wish I had got out of it sooner but I thought I loved him so I put up with it, don't make the same mistake I did and get out you don't need the abusive or stress. Hes only pushing you right now but it will get worse if you don't do something about it like now...
  • Jun 8, 2004, 09:42 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    >:( I think a guy who dose that to you dosen't care about you or even loves you . I had a boyfriend just like that but it got worse and it got to the point that he pulled a knife on me over nothing and I realize that he wasn't going to change and I had to get out fast and I am no longer with him and now I feel so much safer knowing that he is not following me or hurtingme anymore . And I know it may be hard but think about it it's the matter of life or death. Please get out now!!

    I hope I helped you :)
  • Jun 8, 2004, 10:14 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    You know back in May 2003 I gave you advise and it appears that this individual is still abusing you, if he hasn't changed by now, I guareentee you that he is not going to change. I wish that I had something better to advise you , I feel you need to let go of this person in your life and move on to something new, that is going to trat you as you deserve to be treated, unless he decides to do something about his actions towards you, then I say move on to better things, I'm sure there is someone special for you, you just have to look and be patient. Good luck and if I can be of further assisstence please email me.

    God bless and remember in me you have a friend who understands.

    Chaz :)
  • Jun 9, 2004, 04:21 PM
    abusive boyfriend
    Dump him
    Get a boyfriend that will give you the respect you deserve
  • Dec 25, 2004, 07:38 PM
    Miss independent?
    Hello dear...

    Okay, because I am assuming that you are young, I'll pump the brakes... a little. sweety, you screen name speaks of strength & perseverance, so why the hell are you sticking with such a parasite? He is feeding off your weaknes and you are being foolish... if he is pushing you into a locker now, he'll be whippin you in a minute! Miss independent, no since you don't have the strength to leave this head, you are miss dependent... miss qb

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