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  • Apr 3, 2009, 02:35 PM
    Bringing down swelling from an abscess
    I have a abscess tooth and can't afford to go to a dentist. Is there any over the counter remedy that I can use to bring the swelling down and kill the infection. I found online that oil of clove can be used. However its only good for the pain. I need something to bring the infection down. Any suggestion is welcome.
  • Apr 3, 2009, 02:40 PM

    Warm salt water rinses every couple of hours. Good and salty.Dont rinse after you use it.Do not apply heat to the abscess it just makes it worse.

    I am not a medical professional but I have resorted to this myself before.
  • Apr 3, 2009, 08:14 PM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    Warm salt water rinses every couple of hours. Good and salty.Dont rinse after you use it.Do not apply heat to the abscess it just makes it worse.

    I am not a medical professional but I have resorted to this myself before.

    How long should I wait before drinking anything?
  • Apr 3, 2009, 08:16 PM

    The tooth was always be infected and needs extraction or root canal... an extraction at a dental school will cost less than 100$.
  • Apr 3, 2009, 10:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Amir1981 View Post
    The tooth was always be infected and needs extraction or root extraction at a dental school will cost less than 100$.

    I agree totally .I did not mean to give the impression that this should be considered a cure.

    I should have specified that this is for swelling and you can drink a few seconds after just don't swallow it ,rinse your mouth.Then have a drink.
  • Apr 4, 2009, 04:32 AM

    You should get the tooth removed as soon as you can. An abscess can affect you systemically with the absolute worse case scenerio being death. You need an antibiotic to clear the infection up if nothing else.
    Good luck!
  • Jun 21, 2012, 07:22 PM
    Peroxide help also ice packs & ibuprofen. But, I agree nothing helps like an antibiotic. Go to your local health dept. and they may give you and antibiotic until you can afford to get it removed/root canal. The antibiotic only helps for a couple of months though but will ease the pain and take the swelling down.
  • Jun 21, 2012, 07:23 PM
    With the peroxide just gargle it around the tooth a few times a day
  • Sep 2, 2012, 04:46 AM
    I've had an abscess many times and haven't went to a dentist much for it and never got surgery.
    To make the swelling go down heat a towel are cloth (make sure it isn't melting hot) and lay down on it make sure its where the abscess is.
    Drink hot soap! Really works is settles the pain.
    Take a tablet as soon as you feel it about to start you really don't want to wait till its greats worse if the pain gets worse it will go up more.
    But if it gets worse please see the dentist even if its just the swelling moving up.

    I get them maybe 3 times a year this does work trust me.
  • Oct 17, 2012, 08:49 AM
    What if we clean the tooth like we normal would and then brust that tooth that has the absess with proxide and take tylonal will that bring the swelling downa and take the pain away as wella s using the warm salt water?

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