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  • Jan 9, 2013, 05:16 PM
    My boyfriend broke up with me because of my parents
    There's this guy I really liked, he was practically made for me! People would tell us we looked related and we acted the same as well. It was obvious he liked me and we soon got together. My mom is a total meddler, and she found out the day he asked me out. She went super crazy and would always ask questions about him when she picked me up after school. I was not sure why she was so excited since she didn't really want me to date yet anyway and she made sure to tell him not to do certain stuff we me. We couldn't kiss or anything and if I did I would get I serious trouble. He wasn't comfortable with these rules. He once told me he has troubles with anxiety and my mom bothering him all the time wasn't really helping. The next school year wasn't normal. He stopped talking to me and he soon pulled me aside and told me we should be friends if we aren't supposed to be together , so he broke up with me. I didn't make a scene, he asked me several times if I was OK so I just said yes. I miss him really badly and every time I see him I either get sad, mad, or depressed. It's awkward for me to talk to him, I've texted him a couple times but he never responded. Its been four months since he broken up with me and I don't know what to do because if I tell him how I feel my mom will find out and she will ruin it for me. I need help (o_e)
  • Jan 9, 2013, 06:11 PM
    All right I having same problems with you and I'm going to be 18. I say get back together BUT Don't TELL ANYONE. Not even your best friend. My mother and father hate my boyfriend and I only get to see him once a month. Get back together tell him if your mom finds out just ignore her. They just protecting you. If your boyfriend needs to talk I can give you guys some more tips
  • Jan 9, 2013, 06:13 PM
    How old are you? How old is he?
  • Jan 9, 2013, 06:18 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    How old are you? How old is he?

    I'm almost 16 and he's 17
  • Jan 9, 2013, 06:24 PM

    Originally Posted by courtvrulz View Post
    I'm almost 16 and he's 17

    It sounds like he's taken the easy way out, he's blaming your mom for breaking up with you, instead of manning up and admitting that he just doesn't want a relationship with you. The fact that he doesn't answer your texts, says it all.

    You need to forget about him. I know it hurts, been there, done that, still remember it. But really, you can't force someone to want to be with you, no matter how much you want to be with them.

    It's time to move on.
  • Jan 9, 2013, 06:33 PM
    It's not like he hates me or something, he still likes me, it's just really awkward for both of us, and I don't want to go through my moms meddling again -___-
  • Jan 9, 2013, 06:36 PM

    Originally Posted by courtvrulz View Post
    it's not like he hates me or something, he still likes me, it's just really awkward for both of us, and I don't want to go through my moms meddling again -___-

    When you're 18, move out, you won't have to deal with your moms meddling.

    As long as you live under her roof, and her rules, you'll have to deal with it.

    If he can't handle it, and leaves because of it, then how much does he really care? If you plan on being with this guy for life, then really, your mom meddling is the least of the issues you'll have to face, and he can't even handle that. That says a lot.

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