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  • May 7, 2008, 06:18 AM
    Are there any online jobs?
    I would like to get some advice from you people. I have been hearing about the money on web and it really interests me. Is it true that people get rich by just working online? I too have some free time and I want to utilize it to my best interest. I know there are many jobs online but need you people to suggest me on the better ones. Hope that you people will help.
  • May 7, 2008, 06:21 AM
    Working online is NOT a get rich quick scheme, unless you peddle millions of spam e-mails.

    There are more scams out there than legitimate jobs and as such great care must be taken.

    NEVER pay a fee for information or work, as you are being ripped off in a scam.
    If it sounds to good to be true it most likely is.
  • May 8, 2008, 09:53 AM

    Originally Posted by jackary
    I would like to get some advice from you people. I have been hearing about the money on web and it really interests me. Is it true that people get rich by just working online?

    Yes, there is a lot of money that can be made online... if you have a product or service people want to purchase and if you are willing to work just as hard at it as you would at building a brick-and-mortar business, you can (over time - plan at least two years) build an online business. Anyone who tells you there's a magic path on the internet to riches is either a fool or a liar... or both.

    If you mean find a job online working for someone else, if you have specific high-level skills (say, business process reeingineering or software engineering or technical writing), you can find contract work on the internet. There are also virtual office assistant and freelance jobs for those with administrative or editing skills. But without specific skills to sell, you're not going to get a job online (same as in the offline world).

  • May 21, 2008, 05:53 PM
    I used to wonder the same thing. And I started to believe people when they said all internet jobs are scam... until I found one. I love what I do and make money doing it. It just took time and research to find the right thing. I think a lot of people expect to sit around, do nothing, pay nothing, and get rich. Well wouldn't that be the lazy mans perfect world. It just doesn't work that way. There are a lot of scams but there is also real opportunities. It takes time but I found one.
  • May 22, 2008, 01:20 AM

    Originally Posted by domm
    I used to wonder the same thing. And I started to believe people when they said all internet jobs are scam.... until I found one. I love what I do and make money doing it. It just took time and research to find the right thing. I think alot of people expect to sit around, do nothing, pay nothing, and get rich. Well wouldn't that be the lazy mans perfect world. It just doesn't work that way. There are alot of scams but there is also real opportunities. It takes time but I found one.

    What sort of job is it that you have found, please?
  • May 23, 2008, 09:45 AM
    I have been looking for the same thing, also. But when I did find stuff, they were mostly scams. So I researched them. They said 97% of online work are scams, but where are the other 2%? If you come across an online job, Google it first and read reviews from other people that experience that job. For example, if the name of the job is "xxx solutions" (I made that name up. It's an example), go to and type in "is xxx solutions a legit job?" and you'll have lots of things that pops up. They'll be reviews that other people wrote about their experience with xxx solutions. Some will be good, some will be bad. If you find a good one, call them, ask questions,& get set up with them. That's how I figured out if some home jobs were real, fake, or scams. So far that I've looked, most are scams, but I'm still looking, too. But get rich quick home jobs are mostly lies. I researched on Google "legit at home jobs" and they said if they are promising you lots & lots of money in just a week, then it's most likely a scam. That's what they said on the internet. Just please research it so you won't be a victim of a scam!
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