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  • Jan 22, 2013, 01:44 PM
    Why does it hurt more now that I had my ribs put back into place
    Hi! Everyone I went to th dr today after months of being told I had spams and a sprined neck I was told that I had two ribs out of place. My questiion is why does it hurt so much now? And how long will it hurt? I do have a bad back with buldging disc could it be from that?
    (the rib pain)
  • Jan 22, 2013, 02:07 PM
    What can I do about a buldging disc at l5 s1
    I have been to countless dr pain clinics ortopidics etc. and they all said I have a buldging disc at l5 s1 and siatica and they all say that the only way to fix my back is to either have microsurgery or do nothing but workout but that just makes it hurt more I am disparet for relif but it seams hopeless and I don't like taking pain pills and eletric shock does not work and the epadorail ouch it hurt and did nothing to relive it
    Is there any way to fix it without the drastic and without pain
  • Jan 22, 2013, 02:19 PM
    Apparently not - if countless caregivers cannot find a solution I doubt anyone here who hasn't seen your test results can help you.
  • Jan 22, 2013, 02:20 PM
    The people to ask are the countless medical professionals who have been trying to aleviate your pain.

    What did the Doctor say today?

    (I have asked that your threads be combined.)
  • Jan 22, 2013, 02:20 PM
    Have you received chiropractic or shiatsu treatments?
  • Jan 22, 2013, 02:45 PM
    What caused your initial injury? What was the actual diagnosis for your injury? What did the doctors tell you about your ongoing complaints of pain?

    If you are not satisfied with the treatment you have received, have you tried going to a different doctor for a second opinion?
  • Jan 23, 2013, 01:58 PM
    I have received chiropractic but they sent me to the pain clinic they thought I had spina bifita(I think that is how its spelled) then it was found that I had a buldging disc it was around two cm out and I was real young and just had a baby and when I went to the dr and he put my ribs back in place I asked about my back and I was told that there was nothing to do about it but exercise or microsurgery I am to scared to have the surgery I have seen to many that was worst after and I do exercise everyday I just can't get away from the pain
  • Jan 23, 2013, 02:05 PM

    Originally Posted by dontknownuthin View Post
    What caused your initial injury? What was the actual diagnosis for your injury? What did the doctors tell you about your ongoing complaints of pain?

    If you are not satisfied with the treatment you have recieved, have you tried going to a different doctor for a second opinion?

    I was in a wreck 4 months after my son was born premi I was told then I had (spinla biffita I think this is how it is spelled) then I was in another wreck while prgnat with my daughter and it was found that I had a buldging disc that was out by 2cm they wanted to do surgery then when I went to the dr about my ribs and had them put back in place I was told that the only two things I could do is either microsurgery or exercise witch I do everyday I just can't get away from the pain I really don't want to do the surgery I have seen people end up in wheel chairs from it and I don't want that
  • Jan 23, 2013, 02:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Have you received chiropractic or shiatsu treatments?

    What is shiatsu treatments
  • Jan 23, 2013, 02:11 PM

    Originally Posted by billswyfe4lyfe View Post
    what is shiatsu treatments

    It's a sort of hands-on massage and kneading of painful points with a little bit of chiropractic adjusting.

    Or acupuncture -- have you tried that?
  • Jan 23, 2013, 02:27 PM
    No I haven't I live in the country and I don't know of anyone aronud here that do it
  • Jan 23, 2013, 04:03 PM
    I think you need to go to a different doctor and have a full evaluation done on your situation. They can make recommendations. If they offer surgery, ask them to explain the procedure and expectations for success and what the risks are for complications.

    Spasms are muscular and usually can be treated with rest and medication to relax the muscles. Chiropractic can help with misalignment. Massage, cold laser therapy, accupuncture and many other treatments can help with pain management, as can meditaion relaxation techniques and excercises.

    I'm not sure about the spina bifida - this is usually diagnosed at birth, or so I thought. I was reading up on the signs of it in adults, and pain in the back was not one of them. Many people have no symptoms at all. This might have just been an observation of a minor abnormality that is not the cause for your pain.

    You probably still have your back out of whack and perhaps a chiropractor can fix it for you.

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