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  • Apr 24, 2009, 07:59 AM
    Numbness & tingling in right arm down to hand
    I recently was re-finishing a cabinet with a lot of up and down arm movement. After about 2 weeks of continuosly doing this, I started experiencing severe pain in my right arm with numbness and tingling. I started seeing a Chiropractor and the pain has lessen, but I'm starting to experience pain in the back of my neck now. I felt as though I was getting better, but the Chiro put me on a new traction machine and the pain in my neck is getting worse it seems. The chiro is not exactly sure what is going on with me as I have no insurance for an MRI, but what I'm wondering is can a Chiropractor create problems for you or make you hurt worse when you leave from seeing them? Is this pain that I'm experiencing until the healing can start? I've been seeing her 3x a week for a month now. I'm not sure why my neck is hurting so when it started with right arm numbness and tingling. Any help or knowledge is greatly appreciated.
  • Apr 24, 2009, 10:19 AM

    I'm not sure what the answer is. You could have pinced a nerve would be my best guess.

    As for why you neck is hurting, you can put you hand on the back of your neck and extend your arm. Your neck muscles tense, so there is a connection.

    Some sort of physical therapy is probably going to be necessary just don't know what it should be.

    I'd probably approach it as a "tensed muscle" or sprain.
  • Apr 24, 2009, 10:51 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    I had the same symptoms, a year or so, Went to Chiro for about 3 months, and got some relief. Chiro only took standard X-rays and did neck cracking and twisting, not sure what they call it. Also tried deep muscle massage with blunt steel tools. Numbness and tingle came back after a month or so with a vengeance, so bad I wanted to cut my arm off.

    I tried a Osteo specialist. I ended up getting a MRI, which shown bone spur and of course a bit arthritis and disk degeneration in between vertebrate C-5 and C-6.

    I got sent to a Neurosurgeon, recommended surgery. Since I had two lower back surgeries years ago for disc problems, I was eager to sign up, as I was comfortable with the surgery concept.

    This surgery was called Prosthetic Fusion. A 3 inch cut is made just above left collar bone. The throat muscles, voice box, etc, is pushed to the side to gain access to the front of the vertebrate. A piece of titanium is fastened to three vertebrate, spanning the affected disc, screwed into using two screws per vertebrate, C-5,C-6, and C-7.

    They remove any material necessary, bones spurs etc. to give the nerve room. Close up the wound, tape the incision, put on the neck brace, and after one day and night at the hospital sent me home.

    Neck must remain still with no movement for 6- 8 weeks. I got better just about that and then got worse. Not from any neck or arm pain, but in the throat muscles.

    After about 6 months of trying to get someone to listen to me, my GP sent me for ultrasound, and Ear Nose and Throat specialist, that all found nothing, the Neurosurgeon finally admitted that a very small percentage of people have a nerve in the neck muscles that gets cut, unavoidable. Lucky me.

    Any strain of lifting, twisting too much, raising or lower head,the symptoms of discomfort feels like someone is gripping the throat, inside. Much better now, but not back then, still get a bit of this with manual work.

    The neck surgery was fine, my arm is back to normal, was the day right after the surgery. But even today, with a bit of throat muscle irritation, I can get some minor tingling , only due to the muscles swelling a bit, and since there is not much room for the nerve to pass from the neck to the arm.

    I attached a photo side view X-ray. If you look close you can see the threads of what looks like wood screws, actual size should be about 3/4 inch long, screwed into the bone.

    I believe, only an MRI will show exactly what is going on in there. You can try different treatments until you can't take the pain any longer. I have met a few people that had the same surgery I had, all came out with great results. Only me had the throat issue. Hope I helped some and did not scare you.
  • May 14, 2009, 03:01 AM

    Have your doctor suggested anything like carpal tunnel test...

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