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  • Feb 17, 2009, 07:30 AM
    How long does it take a sprained ankle to heal?
    2 1/2 weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. I waited a few days to go see a doctor but when I finally did, he ordered x-rays. He said there are no broken bones. He told me to come back in a week. I did and my foot was still swollen and VERY tender in several places (I'm talking that it's so tender the water from the shower hurts it). He ordered more x-rays and said again that nothing is broken and foot looks perfectly normal. While I was at this visit, I also let him know that my big toe is numb, my second toe is numb, and below my ankle bone (inside right ) is also numb. I also have weird "tingling itching" sensation on the top of my foot over by my ankle bone on the outside. The skin there is a darker color than the rest of my foot. I pointed this out to the dr. but he didn't say anything. Now my foot is still swollen all over. It's not huge but looks odd compared to the other one. It still hurts when water from the shower sprays on it or if anything touches the top of it. The whole foot is now a different color than my other one. It's a reddish color I guess. The skin all over it is just darker than my other foot and it's not just one or two places so I don't think it's a bruise. Here's my main question I guess. Why do I have numbness in my toes and on my foot? Why is it still so painful after 2 1/2 weeks? And is this "off color" thing something to be worried about? The doctor didn't tell me wrap it or anything anymore. He just said he'd let me know how the x-rays turned out and he did but I wasn't given another appointment or anything. I don't know what to do now. Should I bother him some more? Or should I go somewhere else? Or am I not being patient with my body? Please help... I'm lost and afraid.:confused:
  • Feb 17, 2009, 07:37 AM

    I'm sure it's an individual thing, but I've seen it take as long as 6 weeks.

    I think the numbness is being caused by pressure on the nerve caused by swelling. This may require some intervention. He might have you take an anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Naproxin, or another NSAID), or he might even give you a cortizone shot.

    The dark color is most likely from a bad bruise -- possibly a deep one.

    The itching/tingling is probably a sign of healing.

    If I were you, I'd call the doctor's office and tell him your concerns. It seems to me that he may want to see you again.
  • Feb 17, 2009, 06:54 PM

    In the middle of May last year I severely twisted my left ankle. It turned black and blue, swelled up, etc. Then when it was healing I had ligaments hurt like the all get out getting back into place. My left knee and calf hurt also. Same as my Achilles heel tendon hurting as well. My ankle still bothers me today some how many months later but it's now starting to hurt less and less each day. It just takes a lot of time for some people to heal. The more you stay off the ankle the better. Just don't rush it, OK?

    How did you twist or injure it in the first place? If you fell ontop of the ankle it will take along time to properly heal. The more weight that was put on the ankle at the time of the injury - the more time it's going to take to heal.

    You don't need to keep "bothering" your doctor as basically there is no magic wand he can waive that can make you heal any quicker than what you presently are doing. He's taken X-Rays and found no broken bones or hairline fractures. At this point all that is left is tendons and ligiments to heal up.
  • Oct 3, 2009, 09:08 AM
    I think you should call your doctor back. While there is no magic wand there are things your doctor can do to help that you do not injure the ankle further while it is trying to heal. My doctor put me in a hard cast to my knee for 4 weeks and then we will reassess. He is hoping at that time to put me into a shorter cast for 4 more weeks. And maybe even some sort of brace after that. He said it will take 10-12 weeks to heal probably. Meanwhile he is keeping tabs on me every 4 weeks. I don't think with the prices we pay for doctors that we can call our questions "bothering" them. The cast is so my heal will stay very still and not further injure tendons and ligaments but give them rest to heal. Personally I would call your doctor back or seek another opinion.
  • Apr 10, 2010, 07:25 PM
    Kevin Coleman
    Call your doctor again and if you aren't impress from the solutions of your doctor, fire him and get another doctor. Also, I sprained my ankle and about 2 weeks passed. However, yours is far worse than mine.
  • Jul 22, 2010, 02:08 PM
    My got sprained when I was playing basketball in 2 1/2 days it felt fine.
    What I did was over ice the ankle and try to put some weight on it.
  • Dec 6, 2010, 12:57 PM
    You are not supposed to put weight on you ankle. I sprained my ankle too 2 weeks ago, until now it is still a little bit swollen. I went to the doctor and he told me that it would probably take 2-6 weeks to heal. Does that include the swelling? I thought swelling should be gone by now? I followed the RICE very well but I got to the point that I don't know what to do anymore.
  • Dec 6, 2010, 01:34 PM
    I think you have to go to a foot specialist, he might be able to figure out what is really wrong with your ankle.
  • Dec 15, 2010, 11:35 AM
    You should soak your foot in some warm water with epsom salts for about15 minutes twice a day as warm as you can take it. Try to wrap it snugly after soaking, try to massage it when you can tolerate it also. Keep it wrapped and elevate higher than your heart every chance you get and sleep with it elevated at night use books or whatever to help you elevate it. Do this everyday, worked for me I'm currently dealing with sprained ankle all the treatments I've mentioned have helped immensely my swelling has gone down and its just real sore right now. If your doctor has not mentioned any of these treatment you should find another one, because these are the basics, good luck.
  • Jan 5, 2011, 10:55 AM

    I am at 7 weeks and still hurting, went to the ortho, he said nothing broken. Must take a really long time to heal.
  • Feb 14, 2011, 04:58 PM
    Your foot has gangrene, it may be necessary to chop off your leg. Sorry.
  • Mar 5, 2011, 12:00 PM
    Well I sprained my left ankle a week ago and it is still briused and tender. The er dr also told me that I could have a fracture in a week and sometimes it doesn't show if it's a hairline fracture. When I was younger I also was told I had a sprained ankle and turned out I had a hairline fracture and I walked on it for 3 months so its possible!
  • Mar 17, 2011, 08:53 AM
    I only streched ligaments in the bottom of my foot Jan 4th and I am still out on Disability and its now March. I am now having issues with my ankle and they told me my ankle is now sprained. Very frustrating.. I have been in and out of an EQ boot for the past 8 weeks and now I'm back in it.. I wish that they would just fix it, I am tired of being on disability and Im tired of hurting. My dr, told me sometimes sprains, strains and tears can take a good year to completely heal are you kidding me.. Good luck everyone
  • Mar 29, 2011, 02:25 AM
    I too am suffering the same scenario. Rolled my ankle on a sledgehammer. Went to dr, got ordered to get x-rays done. Nothings broken. Its been a week, still in a lot of pain but I only had swelling for the first two days have none now. But my toes are tingly and I have pain in calf and knee on that side too. I'm at a loss for what to do. . Sorry I can't be of assistance more but I think u should call him back. Get on his case about it. Your health and peace of mind is most important thing here
  • May 3, 2011, 12:02 PM
    I dislocated/sprained my ankle and I went to a theraphist which just told me to sit down and then he put my bones back in place it didn't hurt then he told me to wrap it I have to have it wrapped for 4weeks then can't have and activer activaties such as running jogging jumping and playing sports because it can cause further damage
  • Jun 3, 2011, 09:08 PM
    I barely sprained my ankle today and it hurts a lot I really don't want anything that happened to your ankle to happen to mine.. I wonder if its of to walk?? Ive been walking all along please help somebody. I have P.e and I need the points I can't be losing my chances the good thing is that school is about to end but finals are coming! I'm really scared. Somebody tell me how to treat my ankle fast!!

    -Esmeralda Ayard:]
  • Jun 13, 2011, 01:24 AM
    I sprain my ankle about 5 weeks ago playing basketball it was the same ankle I injured back in Feb. I would get back on the court after a week as long as I could walk on my ankle I thought anything is fine. However, the doctor informed me that my ankle never has a chance to heal properly and I should stay off my ankle for at least 6-8 weeks if not, I will continue to injury the same ankle each time. Currently, I am seeing a physical therapist for my ankle and they informed I can gradually start going back to playing whatever sport after 6 weeks. However, I will have to continue to strengthen my ankles and note that it really takes 8-12 weeks for an ankle to heal from a moderate to severe sprain.
  • Jun 14, 2011, 09:53 AM

    Try wearing an ankle brace or support. After over 3 years now and my ankle still messed up I finally resorted to an ankle brace. I wear 2 different kinds. One has vehcro and the other laces up like a tennis shoe. Both allow me to go on daily walks without a lot of pain during and after the walks.

    Ankles take a long time to heal properly. There isno easy cure for this.. Rest is about the best thing you can do for your ankle.
  • Jun 25, 2011, 09:42 AM
    Hi. I sprained my ankle about a month ago. Like you when it first happened it hurt then after a few min. it went numb I couldn't feel the pain but the nerves in my leg knew it was there and my leg kept on shaking. It only sweeled rite on my ankle at that pont but I had it elivated till the paramedics came. It didn't really start swelling till about 5 hrs after it happened cause I kept it up till then. Then that night my hole foot and calf was swollen. Still had the hudge egg on my ankle to. Looked really gross. My hole foot also turned purple and I had some really bad burising around my ankle. After a few days it was still swollen and I now had this odd color bruise on the top of my toes. Wich will last a few day go away and come back. Most bruising has gone away but I seem to get new ones here and there. And after a month it still hurts. Just tuching it sends sharp pains up my leg. And its just a bit swollen right under the ankle bone and the back of my ankle. I wear a brace. But doesn't really do too much. I now have pain on the top of my foot near my toes. Its odd and they told me it was a sever sprain but now I wonder. But until you can get to a dr yes keep it up ice it for 15 min every hr I think they said. Your going to have to saty off it. I don't know if I just pushed mine to soon or what. But you don't want to hurt it more so be paitent with it and do little things to help streathin it slowly... good luck
  • Oct 25, 2011, 09:58 AM
    I sprained my left ankle 11 days ago. The next day after the injury I could hardly walk. I went to the doctor and got some x-rays. They said my fibula was broken and put me in a splint. The doctor said that I would have to make an appointment with a orthopedic specialist to determine if a hard cast was needed. The next day after seeing the doctor they called me back and said that my leg wasn't broken. They said it was an old injury and it was broken at some point. If I did break my leg I never noticed. Anyway I will be seeing a specialist tomorrow to determine the extent of my injury. It has been eleven days and I'm still having pain and it's swelled up. I can walk on my bad foot, but I limp. It's still very swollen and bruised.

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