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  • Feb 4, 2012, 05:46 PM
    Hello - I have had burning sensations on my cheeks since 2011. I believe it started from a mold spore problem in the heating and cooling system at work. I have had leaky gut syndrome in my 20s which is indicative that I am prone to Candida. The problem all but went away for 20 years until now.

    The burning cheeks was the first sign. Then I would wake up with a swollen bottom lip. Then swollen lips. Then swollen lips and eyes until my whole face got very swollen and painful. I do not work for the company anymore, but feel that the spores have invaded my system and now I have to very careful with what I eat and drink. For instance, I had one cup of tea this pm ( tea has mold spores) and my cheeks are burning.

    I think that Johnkx3 is right. Candida. I have given up wheat, wine, cheese, all condiments and sugar. I limit myself to 1 cup of coffee a day (which also carries spores). This diet prevents my face from painfully blowing up. It is very very hard to be live a normal life on this diet, but it is better than the alternative.

  • Apr 9, 2012, 02:45 PM
    I too have been feeling this for about a year or two now I guess. It usually happens in the afternoon and after lunch. But I don't eat breads and other starches. I'm a vegetable and meat guy. However, I also drink quite a bit of coffee and don't get much sleep, 5-7 hours a day at best.

    I try to balance my carbs to proteins 1:1, am a Triathlete and train at least 5 hours a week, sometime as much as 10-15. I'm definitely in shape, aware of my diet, and try to hydrate, but this hot face (not flushed) stuff is getting quite annoying.

    I don't feel or think I have any leaky gut issues but again I don't follow the normative American diet.

    Looking through this I don't see any actual suggestions or fixes. I can say that my eyesight has gotten substantially worse since it started happening and that I also sometime have tingling in my arms. Perhaps I'm just rotting away inside!
  • Apr 17, 2012, 08:37 AM
    I have leaky gut syndrome and believe I have an imbalance of candida in my body. I have had burning cheeks since January of 2011, on and off. Then my face would blow up and it was all very very painful. I went on a strict diet. NO sugar, wheat, cheese, condiments, vinegar, or nuts. 1 cup of coffee a day ( beans have mold). I ate oats, rice, veggies, fruits, and meat. Sweetened my pumpkin pie made with rice flour crust with honey. STILL burning cheeks. So I tried an anti-anxiety remedy just in case my central nervous system was the culprit. Within 10 minutes relief. My burning cheeks went from a 10 to a 3.
  • May 1, 2012, 01:55 PM
    Hi there,

    I have been having the same issue (face feels flush, but is not red and my actual temperature is not elevated) for a few weeks now. I've been trying to evaluate what has changed over the last few weeks. I have it narrowed down to just four potential options:

    1. chemicals off gassing from a new carpet/carpet adhesive that was installed in my office a few weeks ago.

    2. mold that I recently spotted growing in my bathroom

    3. stress/reduced sleep: I haven't been getting much sleep lately (4-6 hours/night) - mostly due to stress.

    4. allergy sensitivity: I've been noticing that when I drink beer now, I usually get a stuffed/runny nose within minutes of finishing my first beer. I'm guessing it's something in the beer. After reading these threads, I'm wondering if it might be the yeast...

    I'm actually headed out the door to the doctor now. Here's for hoping!
  • May 1, 2012, 05:24 PM
    Hey JanetDives---

    What did your dr say?
    I'm having the exact symptoms.
  • May 4, 2012, 04:29 AM
    The doctor says they think it's a combination of environmental allergies and exhaustion. She suggested trying anti-histamines and getting a ton of rest (and reducing my exercise load) for a week to see if it helps. If it doesn't, then she wants me to get blood work done... will keep you posted!
  • May 4, 2012, 06:49 AM
    Hey there JanetDives :)

    Interesting what your doctor said.
    I workout with weights and do light cardio 4x /week.
    It's been hot here- and even though I workout indoors with the air conditioner on- I still feel very warm/hot.

    I haven't worked out for the past 2 days and my face hasn't felt hot at all... hmm

    I am waiting on a urine culture for a potential UTI- If I do have that, I wonder if there is a connection. So after I gave my sample, I was on an anti biotic- it was then my face stopped feeling hot along with stopping my workout.

    So together with my working out- hot days- and a potential UTI... we'll see.
  • May 14, 2012, 07:31 AM
    Weird. I am getting this at the moment and the rest of my body is freezing but my cheeks feel very warm! And I'm not anxious or stressed or angry right now. I was just watching TV when I realized how hot my cheeks were.

    And I'm 20 years old so it definitely isn't menopause.

    It's quite bizarre really.
  • May 20, 2012, 11:43 AM
    Anxiety attacks are an often overlooked cause of this "face fever" (nice description by the way). Of course there are many organic causes but I've suffered from panic disorder for 25 years which has been successfully treated with medication. But recently I started with this flushing and burning of the face (feel like my face is on fire). At this point I have no idea if this is an expression of anxiety, but that's up there on my diagnostic list. The medical sites point to Rosacea but those who I know with that have a chronic reddening; not just episodes of burning and flushing of the face.
  • May 20, 2012, 06:04 PM
    I have had this problem for quite a few years now and I have no idea what causes it. My face is always somewhat red but goes redder when I have this hot face problem. I am 64 years old and I am sorry to have to tell you that the problem appears to get worse as I am getting older.

  • Oct 2, 2012, 12:57 PM
    I have the same thing happening to me, does any of you smoke marijuana I've been smoking it for a long time and I increased smoking it and lately it feels like my face is burning when I did my research they sayd tha marijuana can effect your body temperature had to do with your blood.
  • Oct 18, 2012, 11:39 AM
    iI am a 74 yr old who has just started suffering from this hot face drama.
    I have and am under a lot of stress. My doctor put me on 1mg of sedative and 1x20 citralopram, Whilst it eases it , it does not cure it. I really feel 90% of us are suffering this due to underlying anxiety and stress we don't realize is happening. Go to your doctor, tell him you want something to calm you, see if that works, I took my first one yesterday and have taken one of each today. It feels a bit better but has not really gone away. I think if it was medical it would stay with us all the time, whereas a lot of us have it OK sometimes and bad the other.
    There is so much pressure for young ones today it's a wonder we are even sane.
    Develop the habit of not really caring too much about things that really don't matter and when something not too good happens keep saying " this too will pass"
    Don't stop searching until you find what the real cause of it is.
    Only this way can you live the life you deserve. AND STOP WORRYING, IT MAY NEVER HAPPEN!

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