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  • Aug 30, 2008, 11:31 AM
    Constant Left leg pain - starting at the middle of the left buttock & goes down leg
    Any ideas what would cause this condition on a grown man?

    Constant Left leg pain - starting at the middle of the left buttock & goes down leg. Thanks for helping
  • Aug 30, 2008, 11:34 AM
    I can only guess that it may be sciatica, but a full evaluation by your doctor can give you the best diagnosis
  • Aug 31, 2008, 08:27 PM
    A pinched nerve in that area is commonly called sciatica. They might have lifted something too heavy or lifted something wrong. If the condition continues, please consult your doctor.
  • Aug 31, 2008, 08:44 PM

    Originally Posted by mema-beba
    Any ideas what would cause this condition on a grown man?

    Constant Left leg pain - starting at the middle of the left buttock & goes down leg. Thanks for helping

    I have the same problem every once in awhile but it alternates between left and right sides
    Of the body. I've seen a doctor but was ever diagnosed. All I was given were some exercises to do at home to stretch my leg muscles, as well as my buttocks and my back. My pain is actually felt in the middle of the lower back. I'm assuming it's a pinched nerve or sciatica for my pain and yours, although mine isn't constant pain. I'm only 28 years old.
  • Oct 20, 2010, 03:56 PM
    I agree in regards to sciaticia. I have it and when it flares.. it feels like a hot poker is poking you in the butt and it runs down the back of my leg. Go to a neurologist for advice and meds to help calm the inflammation down... good luck!
  • Nov 22, 2012, 06:08 PM
    Having had progressive back problems since the age of 17 (now 68) and initial neck surgery when I was 27, and subsequent lumbar surgery at the age of 52, and multiple occurrences of sciatica in between, my opinion would support the others above who have stated the same. At times, the pain I had from sciatica was so severe that I could barely take baby-steps with the pain going from my buttocks down my leg reaching to my lower ankle, thus leading to surgery on yet another herniated disk. PLEASE! See a Doctor.. . and I mean a SPECIALIST in either orthopeadics or neurology. I have had surgery from both. Oh, BTW, I don't know your age, but please understand - young or older - ones age has nothing to do with this. I was in an auto accident when I was 17 and my family doctor and others prescribed every imagineable therapy and treatment available; HOWEVER, because I was so young, they felt I only had muscle and ligament damage and it would progessively repair itself. MRI's had not yet been invented, however had they take a mileogram the real damage would have been seen and could have been repaired. Also as a result of waiting 10-years for the proper test, arthritis already progressed at age 27 and took off like lightning. Over what should have been some of the best years of my life, I have been, and still remain, in progressively constant pain. I now have #'s 3-4-5-6 & 7 Cervical Disks, 1 Thoracic, and #'s 1-2-3-4 & 5 Lumbar Disks which are "bone-on-bone" and because they are consecutive cannot be surgically repaired because I would become immobile.

    So, my friend, PLEASE take care of what I'm almost certain is sciatica. Call a Specialist or have your primary doctor do so.

    Also, the only thing that initially gave me temporary relief from the pain from sciatica was COMPLETE bed rest.

    Please, let me know how you progress, and in the meantime, take good care of your health!
  • Nov 22, 2012, 09:58 PM
    Eugenio_7, since this thread was started over 4 years ago, I'm sure the problem has been addressed by now. But thank you for your input.

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