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  • Dec 3, 2005, 10:23 PM
    Frequent infections and flus
    I get a LOT of colds, flus, and various infections... typically 1-2 a month, and they tend to hang on for a long time. I've also had pneumonia several times. I take all the necessary precautions... dress warmly, exercise, vitamins, wash my hands, flu and pneumonia vaccine, etc... but I still get sick. I've also had all kinds of tests: for HIV, HepC, TB, mono, etc... but my bloodwork is negative other than I have a lower than average CD4 count. When I asked the doctor why it's so low, he said he doesn't know, just my bad luck I guess. I'm not really satisfied with that answer, and I'm sick of getting sick all the time! I'm 26 and have a fairly good life now, but as a child I lived in quite poor conditions and was malnourished. Could this have anything to do with my inability to fight infections? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 12:54 AM
    Sorry to hear about your problem and can well understand your frustrations. Are you a smoker? Did you ever get tested for any allergies? Did your doctor also tell you that once you've had pneumonia, it leaves scars for over 7 years and during this time you will be prone to get a lot of colds and even pneumonia again if you don't take good care not to? Some people with history of pneumonia can get colds when in the slightest draft, or get chilled after sweating at night. If you do have night-sweats, then you should tell the doctor, as this is not normal either. I would try and keep a list of illnesses, family medical history, and medications to include the vitamins and minerals you take, and every time you visit the doctor have that list ready so that they have a better picture of what to rule out. Do remember though, that this time of the year is flu season, and the flu 'bugs' adapt and are different each year, so each of us need to be careful. Too bad there is no cure for the common cold yet, with all the modern technology and medication today, they should have already come up with something, but no luck for those of us who are victims of it. Wishing you good health and luck, and suggest you get the answers you want if your current doctor does not satisfy you, see another one.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 04:19 AM
    I am so glad to hear that at 26, you are now doing better. Sounds like you are on your way to being healthy.
    Whenever any Doctor says "I don't know", then it's time to schedule an appointment with another doctor, hopefully a specialist.
    I don't know, either, what the low CD4 count means; never heard of it.
    Did they ever test you for blood cell count? Or is that what CD4 is...
    A lower red blood cell count can result in lower immunity to certain things; resulting in more colds, flu, etc. Being malnourished can affect needed vitamins and minerals, which help to fight off diseases.
    I do wish you the best, and hopefully, you will be OK now.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 06:37 AM
    Always keep following your doctors recommendations.

    But if you have not investigated homopathic medicine you may wish to look into it. Both in the naturalpathic and homopathic areas they work on cleansing the body and buidling up our own defenses.

    They should not replace your doctor (there are several states that do licence these doctors) but most states they work as herbist or nutritionalists.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 07:41 AM
    Thanks everyone for your advice!

    Chery, no, I am not a smoker, and yes, I've been tested for allergies but apparently don't have any. I do have night sweats though, several times a week. And I didn't know about pneumonia scarring your lungs for so long.

    Fredg, the CD4 count is also called T-cell count, and it's a lower number of blood cells that fight infection - I think they're white blood cells rather than red. In people with HIV and AIDS, the CD4 count is unusually low. That's why I was I tested for HIV, but like I said, the results were negative. I have made an appointment to see an immunologist, but there is a long waiting list for specialists... so I still have a couple of months to think / worry about what's wrong!

    Fr. Chuck, I've never seen a homeopathic doctor, although I have considered it. The main problem with that for me is, in the country I live in, medical doctors' fees are covered by the government, but homeopathic doctors aren't. So I would have to pay a lot of money to see one.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 04:25 PM

    Originally Posted by orange
    Thanks everyone for your advice!

    Chery, no, I am not a smoker, and yes, I've been tested for allergies but apparently don't have any. I do have night sweats though, several times a week. And I didn't know about pneumonia scarring your lungs for so long.

    Fredg, the CD4 count is also called T-cell count, and it's a lower number of blood cells that fight infection - I think they're white blood cells rather than red. In people with HIV and AIDS, the CD4 count is unusually low. That's why I was I tested for HIV, but like I said, the results were negative. I have made an appointment to see an immunologist, but there is a long waiting list for specialists... so I still have a couple of months to think / worry about what's wrong!

    Fr. Chuck, I've never seen a homeopathic doctor, although I have considered it. The main problem with that for me is, in the country I live in, medical doctors' fees are covered by the government, but homeopathic doctors aren't. So I would have to pay a lot of money to see one.

    I have an uncle who is a homeopathic physician and it's true that in most countries medical insurance does not include visits to them, although, they have been proven to be able to help patients with chronic problems by getting to the initial 'root' of the ailments and then treating it better than most others. Homeopaths go to the same medical schools as MDs, but don't get the recognition they deserve.
    He was the first to discover my carcinoma and I am letting him recommend the regimen of medications I take, and don't get chemo or surgery. My tumor has encapsulated itself and has not grown for over a year and I can live with that. Sometimes it is worth at least one visit to get diagnosed, and then go from there. It's your body and your choice. No matter what, though, I wish you all the best.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 05:29 PM
    I would recommand getting a flu shot. I didn't at first, and got the flue every year for like 3 straight years. I got my flu shot last year and didn't get the flu. I again got my flu shot this year.

    My point, get the flu shot.. it will help massivlly to prevent you from getting the flu.
  • Dec 4, 2005, 08:04 PM
    Thanks, but I've been getting the flu shot yearly for 6 years now. I've also had the pneumonia, hepatitis and chicken pox vaccines.

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