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  • Apr 25, 2007, 08:02 AM
    Could ghosts jump from house to house?
    Hello, I am looking to purchase a lot and build a new house. I "googled" the name of the road where the lot is to and 10 web links came up for that road being one of the most haunted places in CT. It reads that there is a "white lady" that is in one of the houses on the road. She is not a mean ghost except when people fight she shows her rage. She has knocked down dressers with TV's on them and turns excerise equipment on and off.

    My question is does anybody know if ghosts can jump from house to house? I don't want to invest money in this property and then find out I have a ghost living with me. Even if she is friendly. I just don't want to take my chances.

    Thank you
  • Apr 25, 2007, 08:25 AM
    Considering there's absolutely no evidence they exist, I feel pretty safe in saying NO, they CAN'T "jump from house to house". Sheesh. Get a grip on reality.

    And don't answer with any anecdotal crap about ghosts: the James Randi Educational Foundation has a standing offer of ONE MILLION DOLLARS to anybody who can show true repeatable "psi" abilities. Although a real ghost wouldn't be an "ability" as such, being able to bring somebody to the place where a ghost "lives" would be pretty damn close, and being able to talk to one would DEFINITELY qualify. And yes, there are LOTS of TV shows that make silly claims about ghosts - news flash, they sell advertising, they'd tell you the moon was made of green cheese if you'd watch.

    The universe is a wonderful and amazing place, and there are LOTS of things about it we don't understand - but we don't need to be inventing boogeymen and things that go bump in the night. Not least of which because those things don't EXPLAIN anything.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 08:40 AM
    No need to be so rude!! If you don't believe in the Paranormal, why join a site like this? You seem to have pretty strong feelings on the subject that's for sure. There are some of us out there that wonder about spirit existence through our own experiences. I do agree with you however, that spirits do not "house hop" but that is not to say that if ACHIC builds in the same area that DIFFERENT spirits may invade his home. I don't think I would let this thought decide where I was going to build my home or where I was going to live. I'm sure that there is plenty of hype out there about this being an active area for spirits for advertisement purposes... making it not necessarily totally true. But... it doesn't mean that NOTHING is going on there. ACHIC... if you have had no paranormal experiences in the past, I think you would be safe in building your home wherever you want. CarCrashExpert... you need to show a little respect.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 09:02 AM
    The automatic assumption seems to be that ALL points of view automatically deserve respect. That's not the case. Do YOU respect the point of view of, e.g. suicide bombers? I don't. We no longer have the luxury of assuming that people are completely free to believe whatever weird stuff they want.

    "This site" entails a lot more real science than paranormal crap, which is why I joined it. I saw the question, I felt the need to inject a little reality. And yes, I DO have strong feelings on the subject - the world would be a better place if people paid more attention to reality, and less to silliness. I have children and intend to do my part in helping stamp out bad science and woolly thinking. I'm not pulling any punches any more.

    More power to you if you wonder - so do I. In fact, when I look at the night sky, I marvel. And it makes me immensely sad to think that we each have only one lifetime to wonder, and question, and enjoy it all. All the more reason not to waste it on foolishness.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:11 PM
    Of course you are entitled to your opinion. However, that doesn't automatically make you right. I would rather children be taught to have an open mind and not judge than to be coached in believing what "I" believe. But that's your call. All I am saying... is... have a little respect for other peoples opinion whether you agree or not. What you think is silliness or bad science could be a reality to some degree. You can hardly compare this to the thoughts of a suicide bomber... I think you know that. Such "fooliness" as you call it has made the world what it is today. Such as the discover of electricity, the telephone, all the high tech surgery just to mention a few. So, don't be so quick to brushing the paranormal off as foolish and idiotic.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:20 PM
    You're assuming he is "quick" to brush it aside.

    Isn't it possible to have looked and not believed there's evidence that substantiates the claim?

    An open mind can have beliefs and can made judgements.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:23 PM

    Originally Posted by carcrashexpert
    Considering there's absolutely no evidence they exist, I feel pretty safe in saying NO, they CAN'T "jump from house to house". Sheesh. Get a grip on reality.

    And don't answer with any anecdotal crap about ghosts: the James Randi Educational Foundation has a standing offer of ONE MILLION DOLLARS to anybody who can show true repeatable "psi" abilities. Although a real ghost wouldn't be an "ability" as such, being able to bring somebody to the place where a ghost "lives" would be pretty damn close, and being able to talk to one would DEFINITELY qualify. And yes, there are LOTS of TV shows that make silly claims about ghosts - news flash, they sell advertising, they'd tell you the moon was made of green cheese if you'd watch.

    The universe is a wonderful and amazing place, and there are LOTS of things about it we don't understand - but we don't need to be inventing boogeymen and things that go bump in the night. Not least of which because those things don't EXPLAIN anything.

    I hope you come across one and it scares you witless, there is no way you can just oust them like that, I have met sceptics but never like you, ghosts do exist believe me and one day you will know for yourself. Take care love and peace anne x
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:27 PM

    Originally Posted by iscorpio
    I hope you come across one and it scares you witless, there is no way you can just oust them like that, i have met sceptics but never like you, ghosts do exist believe me and one day you will know for yourself. Take care love and peace anne x

    Wow. Next time I wish someone something awful ill just wish love and peace at the end and it makes the vitriol all better. Hugs and kisses.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:33 PM

    Originally Posted by kp2171
    wow. next time i wish someone something awful ill just wish love and peace at the end and i makes the vitrol all better. hugs and kisses.

    Thank you and hugs, kisses to you too, I wish no malice to anyone it is just that people who so vehemently disbelieve can only be convinced by evidence, is such a shame because if everyone kept a open mind then it would be amazing the things that can be learnt. Take care ,love and peace anne x
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:41 PM
    Again, "open mind" means open to your beliefs? Circular, faulty reasoning.

    Personally, I've been in a house that I thought felt "evil"... icked me out. Would never live there.

    But I'm not going to go around labeling others as closed minded just because they believe or don't believe.

    I think its arrogant to label someone as closed minded because they don't believe what you do.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:45 PM
    On the contrary, I don't see how you can believe in something without evidence.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:50 PM

    Originally Posted by xxbreezy
    Of course you are entitled to your opinion. However, that doesn't automatically make you right. I would rather children be taught to have an open mind and not judge than to be coached in believing what "I" believe. But thats your call. All I am a little respect for other peoples opinion whether you agree or not. What you think is silliness or bad science could be a reality to some degree. You can hardly compare this to the thoughts of a suicide bomber.....I think you know that. Such "fooliness" as you call it has made the world what it is today. Such as the discover of electricity, the telephone, all the high tech surgery just to mention a few. So, don't be so quick to brushing the paranormal off as foolish and idiotic.

    There are some opinions for which I feel no respect. I gave you one example; I can come up with many more. In general, they're opinions that are either a) unfounded, b) poorly examined, or c) opinions which denigrate or dehumanize. I utterly reject, for example, the attitude of bigots, racists, and misogynists. I don't need to evaluate those opinions for value; they're useless, I call 'em as such, and I make no apologies.

    I similarly don't need to evaluate claims of the lost continent of Atlantis, crystal healing, perpetual motion machines, or ghosts. There exists not one shred of evidence for any of them.

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Admittedly, belief in ghosts is not as reprehensible as the examples I've given, but it is unfounded by any evidence, let alone extraordinary evidence.

    I, as a skeptic, have an open mind - show me the proof and I will believe. Conversely, the vast majority of "true believers" in anything will tell you nothing can shake their faith. Who's got the closed mind here?

    Belief in the paranormal didn't lead to any scientific discoveries. Belief didn't lead to any scientific discoveries. If you believe, you don't question the reasons for things, and you don't discover e.g. electricity. Scientific discovery happens when people look for logical explanations for interesting phenomena.

    All of that being said, can I say that ghosts are impossible? Well... no, not really. What I can say is, they're so very very improbable that it would take some very compelling evidence for me to accept them. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a real "live" ghost - it would give me comfort about death I don't currently have. But wanting to be comforted is not a good enough reason to believe.

    Peace, love, hugs and kisses, puppy dogs tails, and so on... :p
  • Apr 25, 2007, 12:51 PM

    Originally Posted by Capuchin
    On the contrary, I don't see how you can believe in something without evidence.

    Thank you, you beat me to it!
  • Apr 25, 2007, 01:00 PM

    Originally Posted by kp2171
    again, "open mind" means open to your beliefs? circular, faulty reasoning.

    Exactly right.


    Originally Posted by kp2171
    personally, ive been in a house that i thought felt "evil"... icked me out. would never live there.

    Me too, but that doesn't constitute rigorous proof.


    Originally Posted by kp2171
    but im not going to go around labeling others as closed minded just because they believe or dont believe.

    i think its arrogant to label someone as closed minded because they dont believe what you do.

    Again, quite right. However, if someone tells you that their mind cannot be changed, or their conduct is such that it's clear nothing is making an impression, then they are by definition closed minded. And sometimes, people are just plain wrong. The truth need not lie somewhere in the middle - it's possible for the opinion of some one, or even some great many, to be just flat-out wrong. And when they refuse to look at the evidence, then they're closed minded.

    Like I said, I'm not - show me the evidence and I'll believe. It's amazingly easy to convince a skeptic - one example will do. (As long as it's rigorous, of course.) It's actually logically impossible to prove something doesn't exist, so I have the harder job here... ;)
  • Apr 25, 2007, 01:03 PM
    An open mind is open to all things. This discussion has gotten well off the beaten path. Everyone has a right to believe what they want to believe and not be judged. That was my only point.
  • Apr 25, 2007, 01:29 PM

    Originally Posted by xxbreezy
    An open mind is open to all things. This discussion has gotten well off the beaten path. Everyone has a right to believe what they want to believe and not be judged. That was my only point.

    And I vehemently disagree with two of your points.

    1) You should not be expected to maintain an open mind towards things that have been shown, time and time again, to be wrong. We as a society seem to have developed an unwillingness to make decisions. Maintain an open mind, sure - but once something's been proven, you don't need to continue to maintain that openness (barring new information, of course).

    2) I categorically disagree with everyone having the right to believe whatever they want. I've given good examples of things that people ought not to be allowed to believe. Should someone be allowed to express the belief that the Holocaust never happened? That women are created inferior to men by God? That God wants them to kill all the unbelievers? Clearly not. So it now becomes an issue of, where do you set the line between those beliefs which are permissible and those which are not? And that is also anathema in today's society - the idea that there should be some constraints. Fact is, there have to be, or we're going to have a whole bunch of mushroom clouds and/or anthrax to deal with.

    And while belief in the "woo woo" supernatural isn't quite as bad as all of that, it opens the door to all that crap. Prove it and I'll believe it. Easy. Expound your "right" to believe contrary to every observable piece of evidence and I'll give you the short shrift you deserve.

    And that is my point.
  • May 23, 2007, 04:06 PM
    Naw, I highly doubt that. I think you'll b fine. Do what you need to do without worry. Wishing you tha best -Spidey
  • May 23, 2007, 04:13 PM
    Wow, this has turned into an argument with carcrashexpert. WAY off topic. ACHIC, if you can see spirits, I'm betting that, if they exist, you'll probably run into them wherever you go. So don't worry about it too much--take each problem as it presents itself, don't worry about something you can't do anything about anyway.
  • May 29, 2007, 10:45 PM
    Ghosts can not jump from house to house but... a ghost may already be on your property. No one ever knows if they are getting a haunted property until they are in it. Unless you are one of those who actually want to buy a haunted house,lol. I really do not think there is need to worry in your case, and it is better to hope for good spirits than bad, because I believe every place has a remnant of what was the hope is for something good to have been there.
  • Jun 13, 2007, 07:44 PM
    Hello everyone. I wish that you respect this person's request for help, instead of bickering.

    ACHIC, I feel that it would be extremely unlikely that the ghost would jump from house to house, but it all depends on what it is attatched to. Ghosts will always stay close to what grounds them to this world. More than likely it isn't every house on that street, so I feel that you will be fine. On another note, the type of activity said to happen when she is around fighting appears to be more poltergiest activity, which you definitely don't have to worry about flowing from house to house. Of course I have only read two examples of what "she" is said to do, so I could be wrong. I hope this was helpful, and good luck with your house buying!

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