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  • Jul 27, 2019, 10:58 PM
    The harm trump is doing
    got to be some vested interests at play here, Trump is going to place a tariff on French wine because the French dare to tax US tech giants who don't play the tax game well, we all have had enough of multi-nationals, most of them US who hide their income in tax havens. I have news for Trump it won't be long for other jurisdictions will follow suit and there will be nowhere to hide. Trump must know that eventually raising tariffs on your allies is an unfriendly act and there won't just be a trade war with China the rest of the world will react. This may be the last hurrah, Really I don't care, Australian wine will gain greater market share

    So come on all you Trump supporters tell me what a great job your President is doing
  • Jul 28, 2019, 08:47 AM
    He is doing a great job making his rich friends richer along with him and his family, and the poor people poorer, allies into enemies and loves all our enemies.
  • Jul 28, 2019, 09:55 AM
    I oppose tarriffs ;ESPECIALLY on French wine. Sorry Clete Aussie wine is swill by comparison. The only way Trump loses a 2nd term is impeachment (aint happening ) and /or a severe downturn in the economy . He is playing with fire with these silly tariffs
  • Jul 28, 2019, 03:38 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I oppose tarriffs ;ESPECIALLY on French wine. Sorry Clete Aussie wine is swill by comparison. The only way Trump loses a 2nd term is impeachment (aint happening ) and /or a severe downturn in the economy . He is playing with fire with these silly tariffs

    In all honesty Tom we sell you the swill and keep the good stuff for ourselves, some of it doesn't even get out of the district it is grown in. If our wine is swill what is that crap you produce in California. Remember the electorate is fickle and elections turn on getting your voters to the polls
  • Jul 28, 2019, 03:43 PM
    Tariffs drive up prices and ruins markets, but of course the dufus lies and says he is making money off them and giving it to farmers as a subsidy. What a whopper that is, and I don't mean Burger King!


  • Jul 28, 2019, 04:01 PM

    If our wine is swill what is that crap you produce in California.
    Don't know ,never touch it . I drink French wine or local NY State wine.
  • Jul 28, 2019, 09:15 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post

    Don't know ,never touch it . I drink French wine or local NY State wine.

    Yes they sell cheap french wine here too, vin ordinaire
  • Jul 31, 2019, 08:35 AM
    mock it if you want to . the most common table wine from France is superior to the best Napa valley can produce ;and it beats the hell out of wines from Barossa and Clare Valley . They all taste like a glass full of wood chips in comparison .
  • Jul 31, 2019, 03:48 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    mock it if you want to . the most common table wine from France is superior to the best Napa valley can produce ;and it beats the hell out of wines from Barossa and Clare Valley . They all taste like a glass full of wood chips in comparison .

    Well Tom I can say to you that I am not in favour of Clare Valley Reisling, and I understand how french vin ordinaire would be superior to California but there are other districts you may not have heard of where they produce cold country wines. Mudgee for example, or even the Hunter valley. If all you know of Australian wines is South Australia it is not representative but I do like a nice gewertztraminer
  • Aug 1, 2019, 09:33 AM
    Maybe that's whats wrong with the non drinking dufus! He can't find a suitable chablis that goes with a happy meal, or a bucket of KFC.
  • Aug 1, 2019, 01:27 PM
    I've had hunter valley wines . Will look up Mudgee . I'm always willing to try a new one ..
    gewertztraminer ? I drink Alsace
    brands not sure if they are technically French or German .... depending on the year I guess. Where is that ugh yellow tail from ?

    chablis not really big on white wines . I usually buy a modestly priced table Bordeaux blanc from Rothchild vinyards . If you like Rose I recommend a Tavel . I drink a wide variety of French reds . I don't make commentary on people who don't drink . I've seen what alchoholism can do to some people ....and it is not a matter of quantity or frequency .To some with alchoholism being exposed to bourbon based barbeque sauce is enough to set them off.
  • Aug 1, 2019, 01:54 PM
    Like I'm going to pass a chance to blast the dufus!
  • Aug 1, 2019, 02:11 PM
    As long as people, prefer to buy imported items, all types, the economy of the US hurts. We saw the entire clothing industry close and leave America for Mexico, China, and now Vietnam.

    The issue is that Americas do not want to pay the price for the America items, and prefer the Walmart imported good price. Many US wines are in imported bottles not US made bottles. I only buy local wines and have done so for years to help local businesses. The buy local campaign.

    It would take time to adjust but America needs to get rid of most of the imports of all items, and bring industry back to America. A trip around any small southern town will find several factories closed, and many falling in, since no one wanted the business.
  • Aug 1, 2019, 04:03 PM
    to each his own . a trade deficit means Americans have more freedom and consumer choice . For MY $$$$ ;French wines are a better value and quality . The only countries you should have trade wars with are your enemies . Having pissy tit-for tat tariffs with friendly nations harms economies . The President is stuck in 19th century mercantile thinking . Let me make it easy for him. The US is WINNING when it has a trade deficit with another country .
  • Aug 1, 2019, 04:11 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I've had hunter valley wines . Will look up Mudgee . I'm always willing to try a new one ..
    gewertztraminer ? I drink Alsace
    brands not sure if they are technically French or German .... depending on the year I guess. Where is that ugh yellow tail from ?

    chablis not really big on white wines . I usually buy a modestly priced table Bordeaux blanc from Rothchild vinyards . If you like Rose I recommend a Tavel . I drink a wide variety of French reds . I don't make commentary on people who don't drink . I've seen what alchoholism can do to some people ....and it is not a matter of quantity or frequency .To some with alchoholism being exposed to bourbon based barbeque sauce is enough to set them off.

    Yenda near Griffith, Italian wine not my drop

    I no longer drink much wine, reds cause my gout to flare and our market is flooded with sauvignon blanc from NZ
  • Aug 1, 2019, 04:23 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    to each his own . a trade deficit means Americans have more freedom and consumer choice . For MY $$$$ ;French wines are a better value and quality . The only countries you should have trade wars with are your enemies . Having pissy tit-for tat tariffs with friendly nations harms economies . The President is stuck in 19th century mercantile thinking . Let me make it easy for him. The US is WINNING when it has a trade deficit with another country .

    Louder he didn't hear you.
  • Aug 1, 2019, 05:37 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    As long as people, prefer to buy imported items, all types, the economy of the US hurts. We saw the entire clothing industry close and leave America for Mexico, China, and now Vietnam.

    The issue is that Americas do not want to pay the price for the America items, and prefer the Walmart imported good price. Many US wines are in imported bottles not US made bottles. I only buy local wines and have done so for years to help local businesses. The buy local campaign.

    It would take time to adjust but America needs to get rid of most of the imports of all items, and bring industry back to America. A trip around any small southern town will find several factories closed, and many falling in, since no one wanted the business.

    Chuck this is not good thinking, your nation doesn't need to be self sufficient in everything expecting others to buy from you goods which they cannot afford. Seriously do you think your people want to do the menial tasks for low wages. Your nation is not the only one who saw industries close. This is the economic cycle

    Cars, etc are made in Mexico because it is a lower cost country exploited by your companies and there is a market. The same applies to industries in Asia. I know you have been in China. I expect it taught you the capacity of asians to get things done. Personally I am happy that my clothes no longer cost extortionate amounts
    So buy local produce but don't distain good quality from other places
  • Aug 2, 2019, 09:21 AM
    Ever notice that the trade deficit always shrinks when America is in recession ? A growing trade surplus can be a symptom of economic weakness.

    I have a little less issue with certain tariffs on China . They are a predatory nation that practices unfair trade ;intellectual property theft etc . . That being said .........the Chinese sell more to the US than we buy from them . That creates a trade imbalance meaning more money goes to China . But what good is US dollars to China ? They don't hoard them . They reinvest them . And where do they do that ? Yup right here in the USA . They invest in companies . They also invest in US treasuries which they are getting at insanely low interest rates btw
  • Aug 2, 2019, 12:39 PM
    We agree with those trade deficits. Not really a bad thing, but the Chinese are thirsty for some things we do well like energy, and technology, and engage in some pretty dirty illegal practices. Something has to be done but are tariffs the answer? Not by themselves but make 'em pay in the pocket...heavily through the law. I know, expensive and could take years, but I have to tell you that's the cost of doing business with the Chinese, and what you don't agree to share they will take for sure. Doesn't matter it seems if you go there, and as you pointed, out they come here with our dollars. The Chinese are also the MAIN reason we pulled out of the missile treaty with Russia, who was cheating any way, but we were handcuffed by it, and the Chinese were NOT. That playing field is leveled which means an arms race coming for sure.
  • Aug 2, 2019, 01:45 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The US is WINNING when it has a trade deficit with another country .

    Trump is incapable of understanding this basic economic fact. That's not surprising since he is intellectually challenged in many areas.

    But what about his advisors? Is there no one among all that "talent" who can explain the facts of economic life to the dufus?

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