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  • Jun 24, 2006, 11:11 PM
    Son didn't graduate high school what to do?
    :( Hello my son dropped out of school at the end of his senior year. He thought he was doing the right thing We live in Ky. He got a job in Fl. Making 25 an hour. This is good for a 18 year old boy so he thought. The company got in trouble now he has no job or diploma. He now has no job. This breaks my heart! I want him to finish hie education. I am not sure how many credits he needs. My question is can he finish his credits? Or get his GED? I know it looks better if he has a diploma.( for jobs) there are many sites on schools that will let him finish his diploma. This is what he wants. A few people say to steer clear of this. Any suggestions on diploma or GED?
    Thank You
    (worried momma)
  • Jun 24, 2006, 11:22 PM
    How old is he now?

    I know where I live, if you drop out, you can go back to your old high school to finish you diploma until you are 21.

    Then you have to go to a special continuing education class...

    Check with his former high school and see what his options are.

    Or he can check in Florida at a local high school there.
  • Jun 24, 2006, 11:30 PM
    My son would have graduated this year in May. His school doesn't have a plan where he can return and finish his credits. Thanks for your quick reply! Any other suggestions?
  • Jun 25, 2006, 06:50 AM
    I would look over this site...

    A GED is recognized by others as the equivalency of a high school diploma for hiring or further education purposes. That he comes now with some "life" experience can be valuable too, depending on how he frames it.

    Focus on turning this into an asset and opportunity and you'll both be better off.

    I hope that helps and thanks for posting.
  • Jun 25, 2006, 07:46 AM
    I, too, thank you for asking a question here, and Welcome to the site.
    I lived in FL, was born and raised in the Panhandle area, now live in VA, at 64 yrs old.
    It's Great that he wants his GED. Most companies, except for contractors, willl not even give an interview without a high school diploma, or GED, in my local area, extending of which I am aware for about 150 miles radius!
    Do you have an Adult Education center anywhere near you? Or, even contacting Social Services (if you have one) in your local area can put you on to a GED class nearby.
    Our local area, through the VA Employment Commission, has ties with Adult Education, offering the GED.
    Best wishes to you, and I do hope he will check it out, in your local area.
    PS; Forgot to ask; where does your son live? If he is with you in KY, check out your local employment office or commission. They will have info on the GED and how to obtain one.
  • Jun 25, 2006, 08:30 AM
    My son is home with his family. This is a good thing. I would really be worried. And yes we do have an adult education program where we live.I will check in on it Monday. I never imagined it being so hard raising teenage boys!! I have 5 children. 2 teenage boys. My worries really began when they became teenagers. The little ones are a breeze.The only problems I have is who get's to sit in the front seat of the car and who get to go to friend first. Thank you so much for the info.
    God Bless You
  • Jun 25, 2006, 11:52 AM
    The more education you have the better your job opportunities will be!
  • Jun 25, 2006, 01:07 PM
    Actually your school would have to let him come back next year and complete his education, if they refused, you could sue them, merely go out and enroll him if he is willing to go back next year.

    If not there is nothing wrong with a GED ( except it is hard)
    I will be honest, people who get a GED in many ways have proven they are smarter than people just graduating, since too many high schools have lower standards. ( Sorry grads, but I have seen too many that can't do basic math, can't balance a check book, can't fill out a job application properly.

    And while 25 a hour is OK pay it is not the rich money ( esp in some parts of FL) In Chicago or New York you couldnot live very well on that amount

    The corrrections dept from Chiacago used to do that, they would go to southern Ill where pay was 6 bucks a hour maybe, and offer what sounded like high pay, but after they moved up there, the cost of living got them.

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