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  • Jun 9, 2008, 01:46 PM
    If you can go there and meet her that would be best, it really sounds like a scam where she just wants you to pay for her visas and passports and to get her into the US and then she will disappear.

    In fact she might even get you to pay for her visa and passport and not even go get the passport, just take the money and disappear.

    You just never know these days but if you can go there and meet her maybe you will feel she is genuinely into you... tough call... but in all cases don't send her money, as the last poster said it sets a precedent that she can get money from you and you might get taken advantage of.
  • Jun 9, 2008, 02:10 PM

    Originally Posted by Lowtax4eva
    If you can go there and meet her that would be best, it really sounds like a scam where she just wants you to pay for her visas and passports and to get her into the US and then she will disapear.

    In fact she might even get you to pay for her visa and passport and not even go get the passport, just take the money and disapear.

    You just never know these days but if you can go there and meet her maybe you will feel she is genuinely into you... tough call... but in all cases dont send her money, as the last poster said it sets a precedent that she can get money from you and you might get taken advantage of.

    I understand the doubts because fraud really happens here but I just want to clear that, HERE, guys the must be the one to pay for immigration expenses (if ever)! Even in the date & wedding, guys are responsible for MOST of the expenses. It's the way of showing how to be a gentleman. It's a culture thing.
    Do you know ALL KNOW that the minimum wage here is P375/a day (or $8.33 /a day, not p/h?

    I saw a news when police raided a internet sex den. They were asked how much these girls are earning they said P 15,000/a month ($333)! Most of the payments wired goes to the operator of the shop and these poor people just enjoy the gifts sent to them by cust like reallywondering.
  • Jul 28, 2008, 10:01 PM
    Hi there. I am in somewhat of a similar situation. I met (well, got in touch with anyway!) my girl through a sex webcam site, After a year of phone calls, probably 2 hours a day, and her being offline for a few months, I thought I would go and finally see her.

    Well, I've just come back from two months with her! Everything is fantastic! As for the webcam thing... I know she won't do it forever and doesn't really bother me too much right now. We chat via msn video every day, even while she is working. Though I try to not watch her shows live on msn when I can!

    What she does online is just a show. All fake. Anyone who thinks it's real needs to have their head examined.

    I'm moving to be with her really soon. And yes, I've done a *lot* of thinking about it.

  • Jul 29, 2008, 08:00 AM
    Sounds like she wants a green card and free ticket to america.
  • Jul 31, 2008, 04:21 AM
    You are a young Boy,
    And may be you do not know exactly which is the real situation in Philippines, right, she needs help because of the life necessity.
    But many helps (e.g. history of lost phones) are only excuse to get money, easy money.
    I had a friendship and after a relationship with a girl like her, same situation, but the end it has been not happy for us both, she continues her work right now, notwithstanding because the occasion I offered to her to stop the work.
    So Anyway be cautious, before taking decision to go in PH (Angeles City there are a plenty of these girls), make the proposal to stop the work and see which will be her reaction, your trip will depend of the reaction, be cautious before, that is better to before be scared, Best wishes, mmiky.
  • Aug 2, 2008, 01:17 AM
    Hey. If you have some time to read a pretty long and detailed story about a bad experience with a philippine girl someone met on a dating site, take a look at this link:

    Hospital Scams - Philippines

    Some things about this story show the guy was obviously not to smart... I mean looking at the pictures of this nice young girl with this graying old man should be red flags enough!

    Anyway, it seems (at least from his perspective) that they went to great lengths just to try and scam him. The main thing to take from this is people are saying to visit her first before you decide... well this guy spent 10 days with her and it was all in the scam plan.

    Main advice from me is if you do visit, do not have sex. If she inituates sex early on it's a bad sign. As long as you don't get a disease and a scam pregnancy like this guy then it's much easier to walk away from the situation if you find it is just a scam.

    Good luck and I wish you the best, just be careful. Spending money on her is one thing... you can always earn it back, so I wouldn't worry about that too much (unless you are making yourself broke). But be wary of getting mixed in with a organized crime with a prostitute... could get you a VD like this guy or worse, killed by her pimp.
  • Aug 19, 2008, 07:50 AM
    I have been married to a Philippine Woman for 3 years now. And we have MANY Philippine/American couples as friends. We all agree that you need to RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM THIS ONE!! First the GOOD GIRLS there would NEVER EVER work a sex site. And they would never ask for money from someone they do not know!
  • Aug 20, 2008, 01:58 PM
    Sorry mate I think your being had... cheap holiday etc.etc

    So innocent,. she 's on a sexsite... come on don't fall for it
  • Aug 20, 2008, 02:35 PM
    Just look at the answers on this reallywondering. How many think it's a good, safe idea? You must have some suspicions or you wouldn't be here. Ask her to show you the cracked phone over webcam. Bet there'll be an excuse. Just because somebody tells you things doesn't mean you know them. Do you really trust her? Why do you think she's allowed to chat with you for hours at work? Because it is likely she will get more gifts or money from you. Try asking her for a private show from a different computer...
  • Aug 20, 2008, 02:44 PM
    Say a friends computer that she wouldn't have the ID of (If you haven't told your friends and family about her alarm bells should be ringing you are having major doubts) see if her reaction is any different then. The sex company she works for wants to make money you know, why would they keep a model on who wasn't making them any money unless they plan on retreving money from you further down the track. Your call..
  • Aug 31, 2008, 09:23 AM

    Originally Posted by reallywondering
    I'm really needing some thoughts, input, advice... anything on this decision I'm trying to make.

    I have met this 20 year old girl from the Philippines and we really like each other. She says love, but I say we need to meet first. She agrees we need to meet. A good idea?

    I'm a 26 year old from the US and we met on a sexcam site. Pretty embarrassing, but I joined and then saw her online that day and was just taken away by her beauty. On these sites you buy credits to take the girls into private shows where they do what you want.

    Well I bought credits and took her into a private show and we just continued to chat. I came back the next day to talk more. For a few hours again. She gave me her yahoo messenger name after that.

    Now we talk online every day. Sometimes quite a few hours at once. This is all while she is at work. No computer at home. We both have webcams and use them all the time to see each other. We have exchanged phone numbers, address and she tried to call me the other day. Expensive for her to call or txt, but I tried to call her back, which is what she asked, but my phone doesn't do international.

    Ok, sorry this is wordy, I know. Since we met, her bday came, so i sent money for a cell phone, plus some extra. Then she bought two phones!? What ever. Now one is cracked and she gave to her sister, And the other is lost from something that happened on her birthday. Ill spare the details.

    well, she really want another phone. This is kind of sounding like a scam to me. Anyways, She tells me about her medical problems and the high cost of meds, but never ask for money for that. She only wants a cheap 60 phone.

    Think this is a legit thing? And, Ive met online on webcam, someone who is supposedly her best friend from 5 years old, also her older sister Ive met on webcam. Ive chatted to another friend w/o a cam.

    This girl has told me stuff about how poor the family is. When she was young her house did not have a door she told me. She really hasnt asked for much and has told me soo much about herself. She says she is a virgin and is waiting for marriage. Possibly not the best thing to say to get a 26 year old to come visit you.

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to go meet this girl real soon. We joke about marraige and stuff like that. I really like her and she seems to love me. I'm thinking I'm going to take a month off and go rent an apartment in Angeles City. 20 minutes from her home. She says she will be at my side the whole time and wants to stay at the apartment. I think this apartment will be like luxury to her. We have plans to do many different things while I'm there. If i visit.

    On the cam site, many times, I see her come in the next day in the same clothes as the day before and then she is changed after she gets there. Like she uses clothes provided by her job. She seems real legit to me. Am I being blinded by what seems to me could be love?

    Also, While she is at work she hardly gets any customers, she basically ignores them while chatting to me. I try to get her to work harder and maybe show off her body some. She just keeps her clothes on while the other girls at the very least get down to panties and bra. U know?

    Whats everyone feelings on this? A good idea to meet her? She seems amazing.

    BTW, I choose the Marriage catagory because I've seen a Q on the Philippines here already and I really would like to marry this girl if she is what she says she is.

    Just curious what happened and also what's her name sound like the girl I'm talking to
  • Sep 3, 2008, 02:22 PM




    Before travelling to meet her, you should hire one of the reputable private detective agencies that will watch her for a few days and report back any suspicious activities--that is if you really are stuck on this woman. Best to know beforehand and prevent unnecessary heartache and expense. There are agencies that specialize in these matters.

    However, with that said, since you met her on a sex cam girl site, chances are she's a bar-girl (prostitute) doing additional work at the cam site. Beware, these girls have dozen's of guys on the hook and just because you meet her in person, does not mean that she is not meeting many other boyfriends too. This is where the detective agency can do what you cannot. The scammers and thieves will be able to run circles around you in their sleep, however savvy you may think you are--they are better!

    Here's a few links to check out. There are a host of sites you can Google as well. Use common sense when reading the information on any website and check the source of the information to expose conflicts of interests, bias, etc.

    Filipina for you

    Romance Scam - Scamlist • Index page

    "Love and Romance Filipino Style"

    Good Luck, and BE CAREFUL! You can get more than a broken heart for mistakes, especially when dealing (even unwittingly) with the lower elements in society.
  • Sep 13, 2008, 06:05 AM
    Comment on mariecruz's post
    The poster is a troll - in league with all the suspicious bloggers proclaiming it a hoax - they are all connected.
  • Sep 13, 2008, 09:54 AM
    Comment on ellumbra's post
    Now guys, do you actually believe the statement of 1 schizo guy against more than a dozen people? Do the math people.
  • Sep 14, 2008, 11:23 AM
    How old are you again? 26? Don't ever send money because it will be the true measure of her love to you(or if she really does love you). Don't trust her because people you meet on those sexcam sites are trained to fulfill your fantasies and nothing else. If you want a real relationship ask a friend to hook you up with someone or go out and really approach someone who speaks your language and you can really understand.

    Just grow and be mature enough to accept that people you meet on sexcam sites are just there to give you temporary pleasure and nothing else. Just remember going to a sleazy place makes you meet sleazy people.

    But if you are really enamored by her then go ahead meet her, but be sure to inform your family and friends where you are going or better yet go there with a friend just to make sure you don't do something stupid. And be sure to heed ellumbra's advice because he avoided being duped.
  • Sep 15, 2008, 09:04 AM
    Comment on ellumbra's post
    Absolute paranoia! Data could mean several things like RSS subscriptions, Google alerts, etc.
  • Sep 15, 2008, 11:33 PM
    Comment on ellumbra's post
    Stop hijacking this thread ellumbra. Link to your blog has already been posted so shut the up and stop making the people here stupid. They can read and interpret those themselves.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 05:07 PM
    This thread is FOR now close...

    ... UNTIL reallywondering will answer back
  • Sep 16, 2008, 05:26 PM
    Thread closed, old thread to start with, poster who has had all of their posts deleted was hijacking thread.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 05:28 PM
    Comment on Fr_Chuck's post
    Well thanks for the cooperation - it could have been moved to a separate thread.

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