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  • Feb 1, 2006, 02:40 PM
    I still love my high school sweetheart
    The man I love is married and he says he is going to leave his wife for me. He says he still loves me and wants me back as his wife. I don't know what to think I love him still as well. Alls we do is talk about how much we love one another and how much we miss one another. I have a feeling that it isn't real and that he isn't going to leave his wife. But everything we talk he makes me feel differnet about it. I do love him and want to be his wife but I don't want to be one of those people that fall for a married man that doesn't leave his wife. The man is my high school sweetheart we were to gether for 5 years then he went to the USA and got married. What do you think?
  • Feb 1, 2006, 02:52 PM
    This guy is married this means he is off limits. How would you feel if you where married to this guy and he was acting like this behind your back?

    O.K you may have about a 3% maybe 4% chance that he will leave his wife, but if this guy can treat his wife like this, what would he treat you like.

    I don't think what you feel is true love its infatuation for this dude and your still living your high school days in your mind. I think you need to go out and find yourself a nice guy with no strings.
  • Feb 1, 2006, 06:39 PM
    Tigersixz, get a clue, most married men do not leave their wives for their mistress. This man has no intention of leaving his wife for you, but I think you realized that already. Even if he did get a divorce and marry you, how long would it take till you were looking over your shoulder waiting for the next mistress to show up? I suggest that you move on with your life and find a man that's not attached.
  • Feb 1, 2006, 06:45 PM
    I would totally agree with the above posts; however, you DO have history together. That may... I emphasize MAY... have some bearing here.

    However, you should not even be discussing this... or anything else.. with this guy UNTIL he is divorced. If he is serious, then he will take control of the situation and do what he has to do. Why hasn't he done so already? It seems that you two have been discussing this for sometime and yet, he is still with his wife? What's up with that?

    Cut him off... he's married and that's all there is to it.

    If he contacts you again, as an unmarried man, then you cam consider following through with the relationship.
  • Feb 1, 2006, 07:08 PM
    Let me see, he says he is "going" to leave his wife, why has he not left, better yet, why did he even go home when he was with you last.

    Some men love the best of both worlds, He may care for you, but if he was planning on leaving his wife he would have,

    Next a married man who has an affair and does leave his wife, will cheat on the new love in a few years, sometimes with the ex he left.

    You best bet is to just give him his walking papers, tell him you are not gong to be second best. If he really, really wants you he will then leave his wife, my bet he will have a dozen reasons he can't "right now"
  • Feb 1, 2006, 07:15 PM
    Thank you to all that have written and have me lots to think about. :) I just need to hear from others to make share I was going to do the right thing kick him to the curb. I am 25 still young and now I know what to do thanks again :)
  • Feb 2, 2006, 09:32 AM
    tigersixz it sounds like you have already made your mind up. I wish you luck with this and kicking him to the curb sounds the right thing to do.

    As you said yourself your young and have a whole life out there just starting. Please come back and talk with us all anytime you want to get things off your chest.
  • Feb 2, 2006, 09:39 AM
    Hi, Tiger,
    You have received some very good answers.
    Yes, at 25, you are still young, with your whole life ahead of you.
    At 64, I feel young, but have been married now for 28 yrs, to a wonderful lady.
    You will eventually find the man just right for you; caring, wonderful, respectful, and wants only to be with you; all the time.
    As others said, a married man is not he.
    I do wish you the very, very best of luck, and if you can, start meeting some single men. Talking with others is the best way to try getting over someone you really like. Best of luck.
  • Apr 19, 2008, 01:32 PM
    This is a very sticky situation you've got yourself in..
    I think everything happens for a reason and I believe in fate.. so if it is really meant to be, the two of you will be together in the end.. im sorry if this wasn't that helpful but take one day at a time and listen to your heart.
    Goodluck with everything
  • Apr 19, 2008, 01:44 PM
    De Maria

    Originally Posted by tigersixz
    The man I love is married and he says he is going to leave his wife for me. He says he still loves me and wants me back as his wife. I don't know what to think I love him still as well. Alls we do is talk about how much we love one another and how much we miss one another. I have a feeling that it isn't real and that he isn't going to leave his wife. But everything we talk he makes me feel differnet about it. I do love him and want to be his wife but I don't want to be one of those people that fall for a married man that dosn't leave his wife. The man is my high school sweetheart we were to gether for 5 years then he went to the USA and got married. What do you think?

    Are you Christian? If so, you're main concern should be your immortal soul. If you have an affair with a married man, that is adultery.

    Hebrews 13 4 Marriage honourable in all, and the bed undefiled. For fornicators and adulterers God will judge.


    De Maria
  • Apr 18, 2011, 02:44 PM
    Never leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one that he/she loves. That is more than likely what is going through his mind and to be honest with you if not then he has serious issues

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