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  • May 7, 2018, 04:14 PM
    Loss Pervention system records
    I have an important question...

    Will I be denied a job at an LP firm if I was approached by an LP for shop lifting under $80 of merchandise from 2+ years ago? I'm young and was going through a phase. They accused me of stealing 6 months prior but I refused to take credit for it. However, I did steal up for $80 of merchandise I fully admitted to ( I took them recently at the time)

    I walked out with something $60 at a late shift. It was an accident and I walked out wearing it. I was surrounded by employees and no one said a thing. (The next day was the day I was approached by management and an LP). The other item was a $10+ coupon I found on a counter. It was there for hours so I took it. (That was on the same day of the day they approached me)

    They insisted I took more items 6 months prior but I denied it and I didn't sign the paper they had with them because of that. I also didn't fight being fired because of the Items I admitted to.. I felt they had enough to fire me from those two items. It was a petty mistake and now I'm looking for work. I have an interview soon.

    Will they find that mishap from two years ago even though I wasn't fined and I didn't sign the papers I gave them?

    Should I come clean during the interview?

    Should I proceed with the interview without saying anything and risk future discovery?

    I'm a hard worker and I have not done anything like this since.. I'm a student and I'm focused on growing my career.
  • May 7, 2018, 05:12 PM
    Most likely they will not but.

    You do not want to take the job without them knowing, anyone that knows about it, can use it to black mail you. So if you want the job, be honest or you will be at risk.
  • May 7, 2018, 06:40 PM
    I think you play it straight and honest in case they do check your record.
  • May 8, 2018, 04:30 AM
    You have to play it straight. If this comes out down the road and it always could.. they can still fire you for it for failing to disclose it. In fact anything you lie about on your application is grounds for firing no matter how long it takes to uncover. There actually HAVE been people fired for lying on applications well over 20 years after they were hired. Take ownership for your actions. Saying you was "Going through a phase" isn't taking full ownership. It was a choice you made. Now you can only live with it and make better choices. Be honest, and you never have to worry about when anyone will find out.
  • May 8, 2018, 01:12 PM
    "I'm young and was going through a phase." WAY too soon to say that.
    "They accused me of stealing 6 months prior but I refused to take credit for it." Means nothing.
    "I walked out with something $60 at a late shift. It was an accident.." That NEVER is believed.
    "I was surrounded by employees and no one said a thing." Means nothing.
    "The other item was a $10+ coupon I found on a counter. It was there for hours so I took it." May sound small, but your response was weak. You are supposed to ask if you can have it.
    "Will they find that mishap from two years ago even though I wasn't fined and I didn't sign the papers I gave them?" If it's the same company, the odds are higher.

    I think your best bet is to go to the interview, tell the truth, plead that you have matured, and DO NOT USE ONE SINGLE EXCUSE. Do not say mistake or accident. Those are death knells.

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