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  • Jul 30, 2018, 09:43 AM
    Message To Trump Supporters
    Remember that wall Trump swore he would make Mexico pay for? Well, like most Trump promises, it was a LIE!

    He is now demanding that YOU, the American taxpayer, pay for his wall. If you refuse, he threatens to SHUT DOWN the government!
  • Jul 30, 2018, 03:00 PM
    You really don't know where rhetoric ends and reality begins, do you?
  • Jul 30, 2018, 04:15 PM
    REALITY-Trump is a lying cheating Dufus who thinks he can bully his way to get what he wants and has screwed everyone he has ever dealt with. That's why he has had so many lawsuits and just keeps getting more of them.

    RHETORIC-The promises he makes to the desperate and gullible that he makes a big show of in his drama queen style to bedazzle the foolish into worshipping his orange a$$ while he gets over and blames it on someone else.

    By gosh Clete you're right... no difference between the reality and rhetoric of the DUFUS!
  • Jul 30, 2018, 04:40 PM
    some of us recognized his rhetoric as BS and that is why we did not vote for him .
  • Jul 30, 2018, 05:02 PM
    His reality is BS too! See, you can't tell the difference because there is none!
  • Jul 31, 2018, 04:14 AM
    Actually he has been more effective than I imagined .
  • Jul 31, 2018, 05:07 AM
    Define effective; incredible diplomacy? Tax cuts for the rich? Tariffs up the whazoo? Oh yes, he appointed a conservative to the Supreme Court, we couldn't have seen that coming, but what happened to that BIG wall Mexico was going to pay for?

    You know Tom imagination is something he lacks
  • Jul 31, 2018, 05:14 AM

    By gosh Clete you're right... no difference between the reality and rhetoric of the DUFUS!

    You actually think I'm right Tal, now there is an advance. If I can be right about one thing I can be right about another. Look you know I'm no fan of Trump, I didn't drink the koolade like some, but the alternative, you offered no choice but HOBSON'S and when you do that, well you know it better than I do
  • Jul 31, 2018, 06:00 AM
    I've acknowledged our agreements before so don't act surprised. We were not in a take it or leave it situation but watched a coup of a major political party by a lying cheating Dufus after said party spent years catering to its fringes and stoking fear and hate. Now the tail wags the dog, and repubs are pretty helpless to do anything but fall in line and do as they are told.


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Actually he has been more effective than I imagined .

    Sure if you like bankruptcy, high drama, lying, cheating, and STEALING right in front of your face everyday.
  • Jul 31, 2018, 07:09 AM

    Sure if you like bankruptcy, high drama, lying, cheating, and STEALING right in front of your face everyday.

    It's the American way what are you complaining about
  • Jul 31, 2018, 07:23 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    It's the American way what are you complaining about

    No it's not. The ineptness and incompetence of our government traces directly back to the power and influence of our FAT, RICH, GREEDY OHLIGARCHS.
  • Jul 31, 2018, 10:57 AM
    BREAKING REAL NEWS, not fake like the Dufus!
    NK is still making ICBM's even after The Dufus said the threat is over.

    Facebook has caught Russia still meddling. Now what should the Dufus do? His own peeps have told him the red alert is flashing.

    This one is still hot off the presses so stay tuned.
  • Aug 1, 2018, 11:58 PM
    NK didn't say it would dismantle all of its facilities and no doubt they expected those pesky sanctions to be relaxed. Perhaps they needed to complete these to move them or maybe they have sold the technology to a neighbour. Many possibilities here but they have entered China's greater prosperity plan so all things become possible. The US should make them an offer to take them off their hands.

    Yes Facebook has found some dud accounts and no doubt there are many more. During the IS crisis there were many Facebook sites touting opinion but not one convinced me to take up arms or to do anything else. The power of Facebook exists only among the deluded. Twitter is obviously the place to be, Trump thinks so, so let's hear how many of those accounts have been taken down
  • Aug 2, 2018, 05:23 AM
    Why don't the Aussies make an offer Kim can't refuse and get off the fence. Just sayin'. You spend a lot of time telling us what we should be doing but can point to no role that YOU could step up and play.

    Just for your information, the Russians have been causing problems across the social media and not just on Facebook. They make fake accounts faster than they can be found and taken down. Are there other actors in this drama as well that have yet to be defined? Probably.
  • Aug 2, 2018, 06:45 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Why don't the Aussies make an offer Kim can't refuse and get off the fence. Just sayin'. You spend a lot of time telling us what we should be doing but can point to no role that YOU could step up and play.

    Just for your information, the Russians have been causing problems across the social media and not just on Facebook. They make fake accounts faster than they can be found and taken down. Are there other actors in this drama as well that have yet to be defined? Probably.

    We have spoken to Kim, but unlike you we don't threaten him. We stood by your side in the Korean conflict and would like to see it laid to rest. I don't think Kim is a threat to anyone but himself, he just likes waving big sticks around, a little like someone else we know.

    When Trump has rational discussions there seems to be progress, when he has a brain fart and tweets there is only regression

    You know long ago it was our diplomacy that opened China and given a chance we may be able to do the same for Kim, but, of course your blustering bully would have to get out of the way. I don't see any chance of that, so we will just see what happens
  • Aug 2, 2018, 07:42 AM
    Darn if that doesn't sound reasonable and FACTUAL. I'm simply SPEECHLESSINTX-(In honor of our fallen friend who is gone but never forgotten} Every time the Dufus opens his mouth or takes a picture we get lies and false hopes that are disasters.

    His actions and style serve no one but himself. Sure he gets 'em talking, but all he wants is another victory lap for doing nothing but talking, and illicits nothing for his most ardent loyal supporters but footing the bill for his ignorance.
  • Aug 2, 2018, 03:40 PM

    Every time the Dufus opens his mouth or takes a picture we get lies and false hopes that are disasters.

    What are you hoping for? A big wall? A tax break? Free medicine? Don't worry, you have a bigger military
  • Aug 2, 2018, 06:16 PM

    Define effective; incredible diplomacy? Tax cuts for the rich? Tariffs up the whazoo? Oh yes, he appointed a conservative to the Supreme Court, we couldn't have seen that coming, but what happened to that BIG wall Mexico was going to pay for?

    You know Tom imagination is something he lacks

    /I don't want him to have imagination .That is where he gets in trouble. While everyone whined about this or that outrage of the day he :
    got a tax cut passed that led to 2 qtr of 3% + GDP growth(
    4.1 percent rate during the second quarter of this year.)
    ,consumer confidence higher than it's been in 17 years ;led to the Dow showing 70 gains in a year rising 5,000 pts .
    He cut 67 Obama era regulations that have saved businesses $81 billion in regulatory costs . The FCC has ended it's ridiculous net-neutrality rules . The number of people collecting unemployment benefits has dropped to a 44 year low
    Yes he got Goresuch in SCOTUS but he has also made many more youthful constitutionalist jurist appointments (75 nominated 30 serving)to lower courts also. Kavanaugh will be confirmed also . They will be making a huge impact on decisions the courts make going forward.

    Yes he has threatened and carried out tariffs . He has also made bilateral trade agreements with a few countries ;and right or wrong ;his threats of tariffs have brought our trade "partners" to the table.
    2 pipelines that the emperor stalled are under construction .He is taking us out of the phony Paris Climate accords . He's given the green light for schools to explore school choice programs . The Obamacare unconstitutional individual mandate has been repealed . Overhauling the VA …. sanctions against the thug in Venezuela .He's working with Central American nations to crackdown on MS-13 .Finally recognized Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel and has taken steps to repair the damage to US Israeli relations that the emperor did. We are no longer committed to a '2 state solution' or peace plans ,or road maps to the Palestinian question . We now have harsher sanctions on the NORKS and that is why un-Kim went to the table. He is dismantling the phony deal the emperor made with the 12ers in Tehran.
    All the noise about immigration policy has overshadowed the fact that illegal border crossings is declining rapidly ;now at the lowest level in the 21st century before a brick has been placed in the wall . I think an expansive border wall is a pipe dream .But I am in favor of barriers where practical and this enforcement of immigration laws .
  • Aug 2, 2018, 07:21 PM
    Some progress Tom and yes he has an anti leftist policy stance but has he done more than improving the lot of the big end of town
  • Aug 2, 2018, 08:03 PM
    You are blind if you think all he has done is enriched the left . Anyone in America that can pass a drug test can have a job. You are speaking the same lefty pabulum class warfare bs that the socialists are doing . 91 percent of those who earn between $50,000 and $85,000 received a tax cut this year . That is by anyone's definition a "middle class" tax cut .It is the "middle class " that is seeing the largest reduction in taxes up to 56% for some. Yeah in dollars the rich who pay the lions share of the taxes also benefit ….But as a percentage far less than the middle class tax payer . It is actually a more progressive tax than it was in the emperor's reign . Yes the wealthier pay a larger share of the total taxes than before the change . Two of the biggest provisions specifically help the 'middle class ' ,the raise in the standard deduction ,and the child care tax credit . The unemployment rates for both Americans without a high school education ,and Americans with a high school education only is down big time . Enrollment in social services is down ;not because eligibility has changed ,but because fewer Americans need them . So anyone who says this only benefitting the rich is lying to you .

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