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  • May 30, 2003, 08:32 AM
    Connect remote computer through dial-up

    Dear experts

    How to connect 2 remote computers through modem and telephone line? Tell me the details procedure ? If it is not possible with modem then what is other way to connect ?

    Pl guide,?

  • Jul 17, 2003, 03:57 PM
    Connect remote computer through dial-up

    It isn't possible to network 2 computers with dial-up service. In order to do this, you will need to have broadband DSL or cable service.

    You will need a DSL modem and a router, or a cable connection and a router, to network your PCs.

    If you go the less expensive route, around $50/month for 656k speed, and choose broadband DSL, a number (MSN, in fact; they also serve as your ISP - Internet Service Provider) will provide you with a modem at no cost. You would only need to purchase a router. They vary in price, but I purchased a Microsoft Wired Base Station (router), at Best Buy, for $30.00. If your Connection provider charges for their modem, it's usually only $5.00/month. Their service is approximately $35/month with an additional $25/month for an ISP

    A Cable internet connection can run as high as $70/month and I just don't know if it includes an ISP. If not, it would be an additional $25/month.

    I hope this was helpful to you.

  • Jul 11, 2004, 06:12 AM
    Connect remote computer through dial-up
    heliotrope what you said is correct how ever I think it IS quite simpel to connect 2 PC's together via any kind of internet connection (odviusl the speed will be slow but it would work), Im asuming your using windows XP/2000 (it's the same for both) althow it's complicated I'm going to say it any way. What I think you want is to set up a VPN (Virutal Privet Network) it's sort of simpel once you get the hang of it, well XP makes it seem simpel but never mind that, well first you will have to decide which of the 2 PC's will be the Host (i suggest the computer that has the fastest innternet connecion be the host or if there the same the most stabel) once you selected the computer this is to be the host, you must then set up a user acount for there person that is to logon, now if your using XP Home this is anoying, but on XP Pro you have to go in to the computer management console and then into local users and groups then users then go Action>new user, then set it up and once that's done I surges you make it a invisabel acound (so it doesn't appaer on the login screen) to do this go to the properties of the user that wants to be invisabel (Right Click>Properties) and then under "Member Of" Tab and delete the current group it's assighned to, and like magic it no longer appears on the login screen. Now that you have the user set up it's time to set up the host. In XP go to the network connections and then clikc "Creat New Connection" then select "Set up advanced connection" Next> "Accept Incoming Connections" Next> (it'll do some thinking now) then you want to DEselect the Direct Parallel Connection (as if you are using a pralel printer it may interfire with it) Next> select "Allow virtual privet connection" Next> now it's time to select the user you just set up simply check the box next to the user you just set up Next> leave this menu alone Next> then Finish (time for some more thinking) and it's done the host is ready for the user to connect remotly. Now for the client to connect to connect to a VPN can be a little tricky, to make it easyer I suggest that the host sighn up to and get a simpel free no-ip and they make sure they are always running the no-ip DNS updater. Ok, now to connect to it s simpel once you have no ip (it's not if you dont) to connect click on "New network connecions" and select "Connect to the network at my workplace" Next> select "Virtual Privat Networking connection" Next> for "Company Name" just put any thing you want it doesn't matter Next> now this is the part that no-ip is usfull for exampel if you don't use no-ip you will have to use a chat program like ICQ or MSN Messenger to get the person on the host to tell the client his IP other wise aslong as the host's no-ip is working you don't have to worry about it so for now I'll just use a exampel no-ip (with NO http's ftp's or slashes) next> then Finish> now it will ask you for your user name and password, for the user name it's the name of the user you set up (for exampel Alex) and then the password you set for that user and then OK and it should connect and, OMG it's amazing you have set up a working VPN so that you share files over the internt securly (using 128bit ecyption) and using windows file sharing.

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