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  • Dec 23, 2011, 12:52 PM
    Harassment by parole officers
    I have a porole agent coming to my home at 4 am 5am don't matter what time looking for a family member of mine I have cooperate with them what I know and allow them to search my home twice and they still continue to come and threat me with all sorts of accusation when all I want to do is for me and my kids to be left alone how can I protect myself form their harresment.
  • Dec 23, 2011, 12:57 PM

    Originally Posted by Eva1234 View Post
    all I want to do is for me and my kids to be left alone how can I protect my self form their harresment.?

    Hello E:

    When they're at the door, don't answer it. And don't talk to them. They can't come in.

  • Dec 23, 2011, 02:24 PM
    I will say the reason they are coming by is someone has told them, the person they want comes there.

    So my question, does that family member come there some time ? Does that family member sleep there sometimes ( or did they before)
    Do you know where that family member is.
    Is your address the address the person on parole used and is this where they are suppose to be living at.
  • Dec 23, 2011, 07:03 PM
    Be truthful,Respect full and make shur you answer everything that they ask, unless it's unnecessary for them to ask that pacific question, change the subject on why they think you know what's going on. Then ask them to go ask someone eals because you don't know.
  • Dec 24, 2011, 12:30 PM
    You need to find out just what address the person on parole gave. If this person does not live with you then you need to explain in person to the parole officer just what is going on and to take your address off that person's residency address.

    And yes, they can come in as the person on parole already gave their written permission to enter their living quarters and if you don't let them in, you may be charged with obstructing the PO from doing his job.
  • Dec 24, 2011, 12:37 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello E:

    When they're at the door, don't answer it. And don't talk to them. They can't come in.


    This is so wrong. If you don't allow them in, they can and will come back with the local police and literally kick down your door and search for the person. The person has already signed a consent to search when they were put on parole. And if this is a violent person who is considered a high risk person the SWAT team could show up with the parole officer and really trash your home. Closet doors will come down, bathroom doors kicked in, etc. Caring is a real option with any SWAT team. And if you have a dog, your dog could be shot dead as a perceived threat to them. It has been done before in many different states so please cooperate with them at your peril. And if you have been aiding or abetting your family member, stop doing it. And you must prove that these accusations are false as well. They may just have someone watching your home and observing this individual's comings and goings.
  • Dec 24, 2011, 12:53 PM
    Twinkle is correct, if your address is the listed address as to where they live, ( where they put down to be on parole) the parole officer is allowed to enter that address any time of the day and any time they want and search anything they want.
  • Dec 25, 2011, 09:10 AM

    Originally Posted by twinkiedooter View Post
    This is so wrong. If you don't allow them in, they can and will come back with the local police and literally kick down your door and search for the person. The person has already signed a consent to search when they were put on parole.

    Hello E:

    YOU have Constitutional rights... You have them EVEN if somebody OTHER than yourself signs a consent to search YOUR house. NOBODY can sign your rights away - NOBODY.

    That's not to say that the cops agree. You MAY need an attorney to guard your rights.

    I stand by my advice.

  • Dec 25, 2011, 04:41 PM
    AK lawyer

    Originally Posted by Eva1234 View Post
    I have a porole agent coming to my home at 4 am 5am don't matter what time looking for a family member of mine I have cooperate with them what I know and allow them to search my home twice and they still continue to come and threat me with all sorts of accusation when all I want to do is for me and my kids to be left alone how can I protect my self form their harresment.?

    Assuming you did not give them some sort of blanket permission to search as a condition of parole for your family member;
    • You do not have to cooperate with them.
    • You do not have to let them in or to search your home.
    But do not tell them false information. If you were to do that, you could be charged with a crime.
  • Mar 2, 2012, 05:16 AM
    I'm not sure where you live, but in Otero Couty, CO they're so corrupt that the police don't do any thing. I feel like just killing the whole state of Colorado government and getting a new one. The Colorado Dept. of Corrections seems to be based on Satanism in south east Colorado. I'm not on parole any longer, but they are way out of legal disciplinary ways. The parole seems to have control of everything. The dirty looking for people to fill it's prison cells. I proved that they have a system that sets people up for the crimes influence. You could read the names invoved like rhymes to find out what was put in for the crime. It's the persons responsibility to resist the crime, but they do set it up! They're dirty *******s!

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