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  • Dec 2, 2013, 09:10 AM
    Tips on making new friends? Care to share?
    I'm a girl and I'm shy and suck at making new friends.. I usually wait for people to make a move or to get close to me so we can start a conversation like.. sitting beside me or smtg. I tried to make friends one time with a girlfrom tuition..

    I gathered up the courage to ask her her name and where she went to school but she gave me a certain look that seemed to say 'get away from me'. She answered with a cold tone so I just didn't talk anymore after her friends showed up.

    I tried it with other people too but they seemed awkward and had a certain look like 'why are you talking to me/us' and they seemed like they didn't want to be my friend so yeah.. most of my friends are because they made the first move.. the most would be one or two of the friends were made because I made the first move.. what are you supposed to do? What are you supposed to say/ask? Help?
  • Dec 2, 2013, 11:46 PM
    Hey, I'm assuming by this that you're a teenager, I myself am a teen, so I think you hearing advice from someone your age or around that may help you out a little better than it would getting advice from someone older, I don't know you or really anything about you other than you're a shy girl (theirs nothing wrong with being shy) I myself use to be a really shy girl, but my advice for you is to try socialising with a group of people that have the same intrests as you, for example if your really into music then talk to kids who share an interest in music, just ask them like what songs like by that certain band, if you yourself know that band to and it'll start up a conversation but don't pretend to be interested in something your not just to make a friend cause then you'll be pretending to be a person your not a that's a waste of the person you really are, but the same goes for any interest group not just music, if your interested in a sport try out for the team, being on a sports team is always a great way to meet new friends since you'll be seeing each other all the time and you'll have a topic to talk about which would be your sport your playing, the conversation you have about sports will lead to a conversation about you getting to know each other since your already talking, but just don't let them see that your nervous to talk to them cause then they'll think your weird and probably avoid you, I know it can be pretty nerve racking approaching people but the more you do it then the easier it gets, just remember not everyone you aproach will like you and that's okay but that doesn't mean to give up on trying to talk to people, good luck!
  • Dec 8, 2013, 07:52 AM
    My best advice would be to join a group or club that you have an interest in, that way it will be easier to start up a conversation with someone. I've had anxiety issues in the past and when I moved to a new town, it was very hard meeting people. I joined a yoga class, an art class and a few others that I was interested in, and it just went from there! Depending on what you like, try it that way. EG in the art group "Wow, that's a great painting! What do you think I should add to mine?"
  • Dec 8, 2013, 12:34 PM
    You make friend over time generally, but casual acquaintances can be fun while you are doing your thing, and exploring your world.

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