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  • Dec 8, 2017, 12:12 PM
    Story Writer
    Shaver NOT working!!
    My Nova lady shaver, which I use for shaving my pubes, or pubic area, does not work properly. It developed some snag earlier too, and I sent it to the firm, which mended it, repaired it and returned.

    But, now, again, it does not work. When I open its head, and turn it on, it starts working, but without head, one can't shave, as its head is used to shave, and has blade and all. But, when I adjust the head, and turn it on, it does not start!

    I want to buy a new 'shaver' also. I can afford a precious shaver, rather than buying one, which does not work. Kindly suggest and good company, which makes durable shavers.

    How can I remove the hair which get tangled in the blade(s) of shaver, if these are these hair which cause trouble?

    Panasonic, Philips, Braun and Nova are quite famous.
  • Dec 8, 2017, 02:36 PM
    Hi SW, I can't believe we are having this issue again. Maybe it would help if you combed the hairs first with a fine barbers comb,and clip it close before you use your shaver, and get a better one than you have been using.

    Have you been following the clean after every use instruction from previous posts?
  • Dec 8, 2017, 03:12 PM
    I always had great success with a depilatory. NEET is one. YIKES why would you shave ! And why do you NOT know more about this then you appear to. Google satisfactory alternatives for this. Women do not have to come on this site asking this question, over and over.
  • Dec 8, 2017, 09:00 PM
    Tweezers can get the tangled hairs out of the shaver (just not when its running)... also works on paper shredders too. ( awful analogy I know).
  • Dec 9, 2017, 02:36 PM
    Buy any shaver, the trick, if you insist on shaving your pubic region, is to trim first. The hairs are too long and curly in that area, and easily get stuck in a shaver, therefore jamming it. This is not a shaver issue, it's a user issue.
  • Dec 13, 2017, 12:16 PM
    Story Writer
    Thanks Alty, Smoothy, Talaniman and Tickle for your precious inputs. But, my questions are still unanswered. I repeat these -

    1. How to rectify the shaver, as it does not work when its head is adjusted? (As it runs when the head is removed)

    2. How to remove the hair stuck in the shaver?

    3. Which is the good quality shaver which does not get faulty too early?
  • Dec 13, 2017, 04:36 PM
    1. Is it because there is a little room for adjustment when the head is installed and its binding up? A lot of clippers are like that.
    2. Tweezers are to grab and pull out the stuck hairs from the Shaver, tweezers can be used for a LOT of things..
    3. Brands will differ from country to country, and I don't remember which you were in.
  • Dec 13, 2017, 10:59 PM
    1. Call the manufacturer.
    2. Tweezers.
    3. Any shaver if you use it properly, which you are not.
  • Dec 14, 2017, 04:29 AM
    The great thing about this site is you can always review previous posts to refresh your memory.
  • Dec 14, 2017, 07:19 PM
    I totally agree with Alty. If you want a good shave down below, then you have to trim with a good pair of scissors first. That way you get down to the nitty gritty and rid of the curly whurrlies. Therefore eliminating your problem; after you solve the cleaning issue fixed. Tweezers, yes, good idea.

    I always trimmed first then used a depilatory like Nair. No way was I ever going to use what you are using ! Anyway, my way worked even for a 'landing strip' :)

  • Dec 20, 2017, 09:19 AM
    Story Writer
    I am sincerely thankful to all of you for kind inputs and replies. But...

    I do trim down there, before I shave. But, still, if some hair are/is tangled in the head of the shaver, how can I remove it? The shaver is working, but when I adjust the head on it, i.e. the part of the device, which shaves, it stops working. I am in a fix, as to how to repair or mend it so that I could shave my down there.

    And, I prefer shaver to wax, veet or the like!
  • Dec 20, 2017, 09:52 AM
    How often do you shave? Do you clean the head after EVERY use? How much did you pay for this shaver and where did you get it? Is this shaver used anywhere else on your body like arms, legs, or underarms? Can you go to a store that sells these shavers and maybe see what else you could upgrade too? Maybe they can give you some tips on how to keep it working.

    You can also Google "how to clean the heads of..." and insert you model in. Or simply use a lady hever in the url box. I know I have sent you a few already.

    Also does this shaver have removable batteries, or does it need to be charged?
  • Dec 20, 2017, 02:52 PM
    Tweezers! You take the tweezers, find the hair, grasp the hair with the tweezers, and remove the hair with the tweezer. This has been suggested a few times already, have you actually tried tweezers?
  • Dec 20, 2017, 03:14 PM
    Heck, I keep several kinds and sizes of Tweezers around the house for various reasons.. very useful tools. Well beyond what you initially might think. I often get tiny metal shards in my skin with all the metal work I do as a hobby.
  • Dec 22, 2017, 11:04 PM
    I shall advise you to go to a store and buy it from the shop, rather than buying it from online, and also shall suggest to ask the shop-keeper, how to mend it, even as I fear, there is not much trend of such devices, due to which you may not be coming across someone, who can 'cure' your device. Moreover, there is a sort of hesitation in women going to some shopkeeper or mechanic to ask for repairing a shaver, which is used for removal of body hair, armpit hair or the pubic hair. Is not it?

    Still, the suggestions by Alty, Smoothy and especially Talaniman can be quite helpful. Waiting for your reaction!

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