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  • Nov 4, 2007, 07:59 AM
    Last week I had my hair stripped from black, which I've had for about 6months. It cost £45 and took 3hours, my hair eventually came out ginger, but the hairdresser refused to do anymore as it would ruin my hair. I put a semi-permenant brown on it 2days after, and it went reddy brown. Today I dyed it dark brown lessen the red, and oh joy, it has gone black.

    I rang up my hairdresser and she said the best thing to do was to leave it, so I decided to try and lighten it at home.

    First used some normal olive oil heated for 30 seconds in the microwave on wet hair and cover in a shower cap, left this for 15minutes. I then mixed baking powder with some normal dishwasher to make a foam and put that on top for 10minutes. I then washed it all out twice with a anti dandruff shampoo and used a lot of condition.

    My hair feels a bit dry... but the shade is about 2 times lighter.
  • Nov 7, 2007, 11:36 AM

    Originally Posted by hearyoume
    Today I dyed my hair "dark brown" and it came out too dark. I don't want to strip or bleach my hair, I just want to make the color fade a little faster. I've read about several ways to do this and I wanted to know if anyone knew the best method or if any of these really work. Here are the suggestions I have found:

    1. Wash it with Prell shampoo
    2. Wash it with a dandruff shampoo that has tar in it
    3. Wash it with shampoo mixed with baking soda
    4. Wash it with Dawn dish detergent
    5. Wash it with Tide

    If anyone can elaborate on these (i.e. tell me how frequently I would have to wash my hair with any of these) or give me other suggestions that would be great. I would especially like to know of any method that is less damaging to my hair.


    I used liquid tide,baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixed together and it lighten my hair a lot.I had used a med ash blonde and it turned out a fairly dark brown so I was pretty upset !
  • Nov 8, 2007, 08:16 PM
    Okay, I died my hair Monday night..
    My hair was kind of a mix of blonde,brown, and a little black..
    Well it got to looking pretty nasty so I decided to go dye it
    Brown back to my natural color..
    It ended up with a red ashy tint at the top..

    I have two questions..

    1) will perell fade the red tint out?. and show through the brown that was under there before I dyed it :confused:
    2)will my highlights that I bleeched out show threw soon?( iwant them to it looks cool)
    Please respond asap.
  • Nov 10, 2007, 03:25 AM
    Agree! Prell shampoo is genious but the problem is that it damages your hair. What you also need after every wash is some hair nutrients will restore the strength of your hair!
  • Nov 12, 2007, 11:54 PM

    Originally Posted by ariana8716
    Okay, I died my hair Monday night..
    my hair was kinda a mix of blonde,brown, and a little black..
    well it got to looking pretty nasty so i decided to go dye it
    brown back to my natural color..
    it ended up with a red ashy tint at the top..

    i have two questions..

    1) will perell fade the red tint out?.. and show through the brown that was under there before i dyed it :confused:
    2)will my highlights that i bleeched out show threw soon?( iwant them to it looks cool)
    please respond asap.


    I doubt the prell will take out the red. Usually red is the color your hair turns when pigment is removed, so there isn't any brown 'under' the red. If you remove red you get orange. When you dye it some of the color is 'lifted' out and then some is deposited from the dye. It sounds like it didn't deposit evenly. This could be due to the condition of your hair.

    The lighter parts of your hair will probably be lighter and fade faster than the other parts, but they aren't likely to go all the way back to blonde without bleach.

    If you used a semi-permanent color it might fade faster. But like I said probably the red will get redder. What type of dye did you use?

    To get all your hair to match when you have highlights and new growth all mixed up together can be tricky. If you can you will probably get the best results at a salon.

  • Nov 26, 2007, 10:49 AM
    I have the same problem, my hair went all patchy when I had it dyed and I had to dye it black to put it right, but I want to go a light gingery brown but can not find anyone to bleach my hair for me. The only way is to grow it out or somehow make it fade.
    I've dyed my hair a very dark chocolate brown in the past and used a cheap 2 in 1 anti dandruff shampoo, that made my hair fade to my natural hair colour, almost.
    Head and shoulders is also know to make hair dye fade.
    I have a bright red fringe and using my cheap shampoo has faded it to a pinkey orangey colour, and that was after one week.
  • Nov 28, 2007, 05:45 PM
    I have relaxed and colored (Natural Soft Black) hair. I have been coloring my med- to dark brown hair Natural Soft Black with Permanent hair color for the past two years. I'm a bit of a caramel complexion and the black was making me look too dark, so I wanted to go natural again and get some highlights.

    Well needless to say, I have been doing some research on the safest way to achieving that, even with a bit of experience under my belt. I have read through numerous posts and checked several different websites. I was all set to give Dawn, T-Gel shampoo (anti-dandruff, tar-based), and Prell a try; actually, I bought all of these today. Started reading some more on this sight and I saw a few post that recommended Color Oops. I was very reluctant to try this or anything else being that I have relaxed hair and know for a fact that black hair color is the hardest to lighten, being that it has to go through seven different phases to reach the lightest blonde; including that pumpkin orange phase.

    Anyhow, I tried Color Oops Extra Strength (recommended for dark hair and hair that has been colored for longer than 48-hours; regular for light hair and under 48-hours) and it worked perfectly. No uneven tones or damage; however, a little dry after washing twice with Prell. Then I shampooed with Crème of Nature and conditioned my hair. I highly recommend this product; which can be found at Walgreens for $10 to $13.

    How it works...
    "Color Oops takes you back to your lightest shade. It can return your hair to its natural color if the artificial hair color applied is darker than your natural color. If your post-process hair color is lighter than your natural color, your natural color has been chemically removed and can not be restored. Color Oops will remove the artificial pigment from your hair; however, your hair will ultimately be the chemically lightened color. To go back to your natural color, it will be necessary to apply a hair colorant comparable to your own natural shade and tone."

    Sorry for the long post, however, I hope this helps. Also, this site has been extremely helpful to me. Thanks.
  • Nov 28, 2007, 08:37 PM
    If you have any hair coloring questions, please click on the "Ask about Beauty & Skin Care" button and post your questions.

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