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  • Feb 1, 2013, 01:31 PM
    I work at honda through adecco temp service and today I was carted out by medical service and they ended up calling a squad because of my heart rate so I go to the hospital and the doc gave me a work excuse for I called my superviser at adecco and told her and she told me that my assignment was termaneted and turn my uniforms in to the office because I have no sick time.. all this happened at 11am I get off at 230 pm... is this legal for them to do
  • Feb 1, 2013, 01:34 PM
    When you work for a temp service, you are expendable.

    I worked at a place that started hiring temps to keep the accident rate down... at least the reportable accident rate anyway.. One temp sliced the crap out of his hand on the table saw. He was released.
  • Feb 1, 2013, 01:42 PM
    Even if I had to sign a 2 year contract to work at honda?
  • Feb 1, 2013, 02:03 PM
    You have a contract with the temp agency, right? Short term employment contracts usually involve working only for one agency for a specified period. They do not guarantee employment nor do they guarantee benefits.

    Without knowing the terms of the contract it is difficult to know.
  • Feb 1, 2013, 02:59 PM
    If you feel your contract will hold up in Court retain an attorney and sue the temp agency for breach of contract. You can't go after Honda, just the temp agency.

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