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  • May 15, 2004, 07:32 PM
    Maple tree dying?
    I planted a maple in December and this spring it began to bloom. The top 6 inches on 5 separate branches of the tree are dead. The leafs on the very low branches are small and the leafs at the top near the dead part of the tree are 3 times the size of the leafs on the lower branches. Can you tell me what is going on with my tree. What can I do? Can I trim the dead part off the tree. I have been told that trimming the top of young trees is a bad thing. Thanks Brandy :)
  • May 15, 2004, 08:48 PM
    Re: maple tree dying?
    That sounds like a disease whose name I forget. The first thing I would do is go back where I bought it and ask them. An ethical place would replace it if they sold you at diseased tree. However that might not be the problem. Unless they suggest otherwise, I would cut off all the dead parts and dispose of them, either in the trash or burning if doing so is legal in your area.

    It has been a dry spring here after a fairly harsh winter. If you have had the same, it could be too much stress on a transplanted tree. I am more of a dog expert than a tree expert. In almost all medical questions on dogs, I say take the dog to a vet. Somebody that knows trees and the conditions in your area might have a much better idea of the problem if they saw the tree.
  • Jun 24, 2009, 06:36 PM
    First problem is that you planted a tree in December, a tree needs time to get established before a harsh winter... another issue might be that the roots are still bound by burlap or wire... make sure the roots are free from any obstructions. If the roots are clear it is most likely just winter stress... don't cut of branches until either they become brittle and are clearly dead or they don't produce new leaves next spring... you could always just return the tree to the nursery because most places have a 2 year guarantee... if not give it time and see how it does. Hope this helped

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