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  • Jul 29, 2008, 11:59 AM
    Leaving my marriage
    My wife and I are having some problems and to me she doesn't care enough about me or the family to work things out. She spends most of her time on the computer and the cell phone. She recently found a friend on myspace and was hiding it from me and when I confronted her about it she tries to say that I am wrong because it is a child hood friend. My thing is that you cheated before and the hiding in the bathroom on the phone and talking all night long is not a friend. She barely pays attention to me or the kids and refuses to stop what she is doing. She is taking a so called vacation at the end of the month when the kids go back to school which I think is unfair to the family. I am thinking about leaving because she will not help with the finances of the family and spends her money on herself. I think that the kids should come first and at this critical time of the year you should be spending money on school supplies and clothes instead of plane tickets to vegas and clothes for your trip. She says she is not happy but if you are leaving you don't care enough to work on the relationship. When she doesn't get her way she gets depressed and wants to shop which takes away from the bills or the kids.I may let her go and just have some divorce papers waiting on her when she comes back. I can't work on this reltionship alone. I take the kids to school and pick them up. I wash the kids clothes and do most of the out of the house activities with them while during those times she is asleep. She is trying to string me along until she has her little vacation but am I being fair to the family by thinking of leaving and taking the kids.
  • Jul 29, 2008, 12:31 PM
    I don't think you are unfair, but I would tell you to talk to her about the issues first, tell her before she leaves on vacation how you feel.
  • Jul 29, 2008, 12:36 PM
    One side of a relationship can not solve the problem,
  • Jul 29, 2008, 12:38 PM
    Have you talked to her about going to counseling together?

    You're trying to solve the problems, and she wants to run away so y'all need to both figure something out.

    Fr_Chuck is right, one side can't solve it.

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