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  • Feb 7, 2006, 07:52 PM
    How to slimmer my arms
    My arms are getting fat and loose. Anything I can do to make them slimmer but I don't want to widen my shoulder.
  • Feb 7, 2006, 09:21 PM
    Thank you for posting your question on the Ask Me Help Desk!

    Although the question does not exactly fit the gymnastics category, my response to this question will assume that you are a gymnast and have access to some equipment.

    It sounds as though you are in need of a more stringent conditioning program. Here are a few exercises that can help the arms (and some other areas) develop muscle strength and endurance.

    1. Frisbee walks -- there are four positions to work
    a. head first, tummy down - using an upside down frisbee, place your feet into the frisbee with toes pointed and assume a hollow body push-up position with the head in. While maintaining the hollow, use your arms to walk forward, 1 lap around the floor, allowing your feet to drag behind you in the frisbee. (the frisbee is not required but I like to use it because it prevents the rug burn on the top of the foot otherwise)

    b. feet first, tummy down - assume the same position indicated in part "a" but use the arms to push yourself backwards for 1 lap.

    c. head first, tummy up - with feet in the frisbee, assume an arched body position with the arms supporting you behind your back. Use your arms to pull yourself backwards for 1 lap around the floor.

    d. feet first, tummy up - assume the same position indicated in part "c" but use the arms to push yourself forward for 1 lap.

    2. Wall walks - kick to handstand against a wall and use your arms to shuffle sideways. Make sure to go both directions

    3. Pullovers - with assistance as needed, perform about 15 pullovers on the high bar each day.

    4. Handstand pushups - with a spotter who can hold your legs do 3 sets of 10 by going down and touching your forehead and pushing back up.

    There are several more exercises that you could do but these will get you started.

    Good luck!
  • Dec 18, 2010, 07:49 PM
    Hhmm... By the wording of your question, I am NOT going to assume that you are a gymnast. Otherwise you would probably not be so concerned with your shoulders growing wider - and you probably wouldn't describe your arms as "flabby". :P
    To slim your arms, it is important to really look at what the arm is made of... muscles, water, skin layers, and really soft fat. So apart from a massive workout routine, I would suggest this:

    1. Lower your sodium intake to reduce any possible swelling you have under your arms from water retention.
    2. Start doing daily triceps exercise to tone the muscle and help burn off the fat in the back and underside of the arm. (straighten your arm and motion like you are reaching for something behind you... any exercise that causes the muscle in the back of your arm to flex should be fine.)
    3. Use a skin-firming lotion on your arms each night.
    4. Consider using a daily-use gradual self tanner... tan arms look thinner. Neutrogena's daily skin firming self-tanning lotion works really well, and has the skin firming ingredients in it as well.
    5. Lower overall body weight. If you are getting flabby in any other places besides the arms, it might be best to focus on lowering overall weight than to focus on one specific body part.
    Hope this helps. :)

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