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  • Jul 29, 2010, 06:18 PM
    Semen analysis?
    Could anyone please check my hubby's semen analysis? Our GP says it's OK, but we are worried that the normal forms are not good enough for me to fall pregnant.
    Rapidly progressive 48%
    Slowly progressive 2%
    Non progressive 1%
    Non motile 49%
    Normal forms 20%
    If this is not good enough, what should we do?
    Many many many thanks in advance!!
  • Jul 29, 2010, 09:01 PM

    There should a number also, to tell you how many million sperm there is. And when was the last time he had sex, to know how old the sperm is, because that makes difference on the count. He should go see a urologist, and you should see a gynecologist. There is allot of things that make a difference. The old saying comes to mind it takes two, so you both should see your doctors.It took me 10 years to have a baby so start now so that doesn't happen to you. Good Luck!
  • Jul 29, 2010, 11:08 PM

    The sperm count of a healthy male is 50 million
    The motility of a fertile male most likely to be fertile when more than 63% of the sperm had movement and he is least likely to conceive if the motility is less than 32% motility is more important than count is what the doctor told us. Hopes this helps!
  • Jul 29, 2010, 11:14 PM

    It may take awhile to get pregnant is everything OK on your end? And the next step would be like arteficial insemiation ( IUI ) they get his good sperm and insert a small tube up through your uterus and realease the sperm you obviously would be ovulating the day of this procedure. It's a cheaper way to start and it's good for couples with low sperm or motility count compared to IVF.
  • Jul 30, 2010, 05:22 AM

    First off, we need some more information... like mentioned, the actual count is a big thing to know. How long have you been trying to conceive, or are you just starting and just getting the normal tests done? Have you been having trouble getting pregnant (if you've been trying)? A bit more information will help us with your question "what should we do?"

    In reference to the semen analysis...

    A semen analysis measures the amount of semen a man produces and determines the number and quality of sperm in the semen sample. Results of a semen analysis are usually available within a day. Normal values may vary from lab to lab.

    Semen analysis Semen volume
    Normal: 2-6 milliliters (mL) (0.002-0.006 L, SI units) per ejaculation

    Abnormal An abnormally low or high semen volume is present, which may sometimes cause fertility problems.

    Liquefaction time
    Normal: 20-30 minutes after collection

    Abnormal: An abnormally long liquefaction time is present, which may indicate an infection.

    Sperm count
    Normal: 40 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more

    0 sperm per milliliter if the man has had a vasectomy

    Abnormal: A very low sperm count is present, which may indicate infertility. But a low sperm count does not always mean that a man cannot father a child. Men with sperm counts below 1 million have fathered children.

    Sperm shape (morphology)
    Normal: More than 70% of the sperm have normal shape and structure.

    Abnormal: Sperm can be abnormal in several ways, such as having two heads or two tails, a short tail, a tiny head (pinhead), or a round (rather than oval) head. Abnormal sperm may be unable to move normally or to penetrate an egg. Some abnormal sperm are usually found in every normal semen sample. But a high percentage of abnormal sperm may make it more difficult for a man to father a child.

    Sperm movement (motility)
    Normal: More than 60% of the sperm show normal forward movement.

    Abnormal: Sperm must be able to move forward (or "swim") through cervical mucus to reach an egg. A high percentage of sperm that cannot swim properly may impair a man's ability to father a child.

    Semen pH
    Normal: Semen pH of 7.2-8.0

    Abnormal: An abnormally high or low semen pH can kill sperm or affect their ability to move or to penetrate an egg.

    White blood cells
    Normal: No white blood cells or bacteria are detected.

    Abnormal: Bacteria or a large number of white blood cells are present, which may indicate an infection.
  • Jul 30, 2010, 10:07 PM

    Can you see how many things there can be to look it. There are ways to get the sperm count up. Anyway you both need a doctor to look at you to find out these things. Good Luck!
  • Aug 2, 2010, 03:42 AM

    Thank you very much for these helpful answers!!
    Semen Collected at 6:40am
    Examined at 9:00am
    Volume: 4ML
    Sperm Concentration:31 x 10^6/ML
    That's all the information on the sheet. We've been trying for 5 months already. We went to GP did blood tests and sperm count. I (the wife) haven't taken any further checks. My period is very regular (28 days). I never got pregnant before. Didn't know getting pregnant can be this hard. I feel really upset when I get my period every month - very disappointed...
  • Aug 2, 2010, 09:45 PM

    I understand exactly how you feel. Like I said it took 10 years for us. My son is 21 now so everything I went through happened before that. I tried after that for at least 6 years with no luck. You should be going to a gynecologist don't waste anymore time. He can get you meds. If you need them. He will tell your husband who to go to also. I don't remember if I told you there is a book out try to find it. It was from the Dr.Oz show. The title is "failure to conceive" I read one way back when, it will help you know what and why they are doing the things to you, and what they are looking for. Relax some of this stuff is simple, even if the sprem count is low there is things they do to help. Good luck.

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