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  • Dec 12, 2006, 09:39 PM
    Release of Child Support Lien
    I received a release of lien in June 2005. However, it was never recorded in the county courthouse. State of Colorado has now levied my bank account. They say they have a valid lien, but refuse to explain the release that I have. Frankly, they are very indignant and will not attempt to explain anything. They've hung up on me many times.

    They previously had liens in two counties in California. I live in one county and own property in the other. I have no property anywhere else. Anyway, I checked the records in both counties, and they do not have any lien against me, other than the liens that were released last year.

    My question: Is it too late to record the General Release of Child Support Judgment lien that is dated June 2005? I have the original signed and notarized releases. Should I go down to the courthouse and record them now?

    A second question: The levy notice that the bank received is a computer-generated form on plain paper and does not bear a signature. Is this a legal form of levy? Is the bank obligated to abide by it without a signature?
  • Aug 29, 2009, 01:04 PM
    How get a lien for child support off your bank account
  • Aug 30, 2009, 10:23 AM

    Are you pating to the system in California or the one in Colorado ? That's going to make a big difference in your answer that you receive. Also what agency were you dealing with as far as the bank account is concerned ?

    As far as your documents supporting a bank account levey there is no way to tell without seeing the original document. It may only be a preliminary document with suporting documents to follow.

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