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  • May 12, 2009, 01:48 PM
    Opiods additions
    I have had to back operations two leg operations and have been on percocet and lortab for years. I am tired of taking them and trying to get off them myself . How long will I feel better. I have been on them for about sixteen years and been to pain management. Please help me
  • May 12, 2009, 01:50 PM

    I have had two back operations and two leg operations. I have been on opiods for about sixteen years.
    I am trying to get off them myself. How long will it be before I can tell if I can do it by myself
  • May 14, 2009, 12:31 AM

    I feel your pain I truly do. I have 5 shoulder surgeries and I am still in agonizing pain. My doc also gives me butt loads of oxys and oxycodone... Its taking my life from me.. We are aggressively working on shoulder replacement so I can cut down.. The only way to go with out the is to taper down slowly on your own.. Talk to your doc first he can help just be honest and let him do his job to get you sober... Don't do it yourself you go insane go to your doc...
    PLease otherwise your body will convolse. Be good to thoughts are with
  • May 14, 2009, 12:54 AM

    Yes, you should probably be talking with your physician. Opiates are hard narcotics. He may want to monitor you and your reactions to the withdrawal. Be careful as with any drug withdrawal. Not everyone can go "cold turkey" and most drugs you want to slowly go off or taper off unless there is a severe case as an allergic reaction. Good luck to you and hang in there. Seek out a support group if necessary.
  • May 15, 2009, 11:19 AM
    I'm going to be short and to the point (this post) I got to pick up my 7 year old from school, I've been there, and gone through the "try it yourself detox". Didn't work for me. I'm taking Suboxone. Look it up and see what you think. It has it's own analgesic effects, and along with 800 mg Motrin I'm Hydro and Oxy free. I still have pain that I'll deal with and tough out Thanks to the Suboxone, I have my life back. My wife can trust me to take care of my kids again. She's in Moscow right now, she's a stewardess with Delta, and knows I'm not spaced anymore. Two a day and there's no cravings or withdrawals. I'm truly amazed, and thankful. Ask your doctor.GOD bless you and good luck. I'll check back.
  • May 15, 2009, 10:04 PM

    Hiya JM. I am really glad to hear you are doing better. I did look up Suboxon opiods additions

    Forgive me. I cannot delete my post. I was trying to post an explanation of Suboxon along with a couple of questions. I'm sorry about that. I was just confused about the explanation. It sounded as if this drug was just as addictive and that you needed to take great precaution. Well I misread it and it was too late to delete it. Or at least I do not know how yet. My apologies and thanks again for your input. I am not addictied. They give me a headache. But I know several people that are. I will tell them about Suboxon. I'm just afraid because whenever you hear about a new drug, (I am not sure if it is new or how new) it's almost as if you are the guinea pig. But I will pass this info along. I trust what you have said and I sincerely am glad that you are well!
  • May 16, 2009, 07:46 AM
    It's (Suboxone) been around since 2000 and is really not "new". Yes, it scares me too somewhat, that it has it's own dependences, but I'm not taking 17 or 18 a day like I was with the Oxycotin, (or crushing them up ). All I know is that they're working for me, and 60 last me a month, as prescribed.Good luck to all, and GOD bless.

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