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  • Jul 6, 2005, 08:01 PM
    Sister Sister

    I have this problem with my older sister.She's 16 and I'm 11 going on 12.I'm her step-sister(we have different moms)and this is her first time visiting here in 4 years so she doesn't know anybody.Lately we've been arguing about different stuff cause that's what sister's do but I mainly have a problem about our friends.I'm really the type of person who gets jealous easily and I'm one of those people who likes attetion but not a lot of it,and well I've been feeling like she's been taking my friends.I have AIM on my computer and ever since she discovered it she's been talking to different people and I found out that one day she was talking to my friend who she only "knows" just cause she talked to him for like maybe 20 minutes.I don't like that because it's my friend and she needs to hang out with people her own age as long as she's here.But I see her making friends with some of my friends at church who are her age also and I don't like that either.I'm REALLY not trynna be selfish but to me that's how I think I'm acting or maybe it's just own cousin even told me that she spent the night at my house that week just because my sister was there.I know I'm still going to have my old friends when she leaves but I still want them while she's here.One of her friends back at home is being very self destructive and my sister is taking the pain out on me.She was happy with everyone else but she was being very mean to me and she told me why but she still hasn't stopped.Earlier tonight I tried giving her a hug bt she didn't want it maybe 10 seconds later my brother did and she accpeted it.I cried in my room for maybe 10 minutes Everyone's been spoilin her while she was here. My mom said it was because her mom doesn't buy her nice stuff like the parents down here do and she doesn't have all these tv's and computers in her room and stuff.How could my own sister treat me this way? I NEED HELP
    Ps.PLEASE don't tell anyone I'm under age.all I want is help for this one problem.I go in my room and cry a lot.I haven't cried this much in 1 month in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!! :( :( :(
  • Jul 7, 2005, 09:20 AM
    You do not need to fear the presence of your sister, if you stop competing with her. When you compete with anyone outside of yourself, you have subtly admitted that they in some way better than you are. Many people are drawn to the new, the here and now... understand that. Know that you are able to share your friends, your stuff. Jealousy is self-destructive.
  • Mar 8, 2007, 03:23 AM
    Welcome to sister sister... world
    Well your sister is eally trying to cover so much probably in the short time that she will be with you. However that is not an excuse for her actions or not having some of the gadgets you have.
    For now its hard on you and she might be as well jealous of what you have, your friends, and that you can't fight back by been jealous, you do it by showing a willingness to share, to give without justification. It's hard to fight with love, but give it a try, as you said even when she is gone your true friends will remain to be so...
  • Apr 29, 2007, 02:19 AM
    I agree with both of you! Its typical sister world lol I'm going through stuff with my older sis too. Hate her sometimes... but when your 16... lol your starting the I'm the coolest... better then u.. Ew I dun want to play with you your a kid stage lol I went through both lol

    Just ignore her leave her be. She may be healous or she may just like seeing you get upset... I know I do with my sis lol so do what my sis does... ignore the provoking... don't show her she's upsetting u cause she's only getting what she's wanting
    Good luck
    [email protected]

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