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  • Jul 17, 2010, 07:13 PM
    What is the proper seating for the family of the deceased at the funeral?
    What is the proper seating for the family of the deceased at the funeral? For instance, is it appropriate for the widow to have her family seated before the mother, brother & sister of the deceased?
  • Jul 17, 2010, 07:22 PM

    I don't remember following any etiquette at any funerals in my family. We all piled into the church with the family sitting in front. Before the service, people were welcome to walk up to the casket for one last look. Will check for Web sites that might say if there's a procedure to be followed.

    ***ADDED*** I can't find any seating etiquette. The main thing that is mentioned is that all cell phones, etc. should be turned off. This isn't a wedding where seating of the bride's and groom's mothers and families is important. When relatives come into the church or funeral home, they head for the casket at the front, spend a moment in prayer or reflection, and then sit down. The bereaved spouse would sit closest to the casket and the rest next to or behind that person and on the other side of the aisle.

    If there's a certain procedure for that church body or region of the country, the minister or funeral director will know.
  • Jul 17, 2010, 07:49 PM

    If the funeral is at the funeral home, the manager there will help with all the seating.

    Normally widow and any children, then the other family. Mom and dad would normally be on front with widow.
  • Jul 19, 2010, 08:36 PM
    Normally the close family members either enter the church first if the casket is already in place, or immediately follow the casket into the church. Close family are typically seated in the front few pews of the church, with the closest family such as the widow and children of the deceased in the front pew. Siblings, parents or other close relatives might also be seated in front, depending on the family.

    What's important is that the close family be offered a seat in the front of the church, particularly parents, widows, children and siblings of the deceased. If they chose to sit elsewhere, that's fine. It is not always practical for all the close relatives to sit up front. For example, my grandmother left 8 children, 20 grand children and 30 great grandchildren, plus spouses - with about 70 close family members, we didn't even try to get all of us in the front of the church. Rather, her children and their spouses sat in the front and her grown grandchildren and our spouses and children sat wherever we wished in the rest of the church. We seated her best friend in the front pew in a place of honor, as a family member.

    As for who sits down first, I would not worry about it. If the family will not be entering the church first, they can certainly reserve enough pews in front to accommodate the family and then not worry about who sits when. Then be sure those family members know that they are invited to sit in the reserved pews.
  • Oct 20, 2012, 07:30 AM
    At the Funeral Service,
    Does the Family sit on the left side or the right side of the church, and Friends on the other side?
    I'm not talking about the "First Few Rolls of People/Relatives.
    Like at a wedding... Left or Right side.

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