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  • Nov 21, 2008, 07:35 PM
    Im depressed, my Best friend won't talk to me anymore.
    Threads merged

    I'm so confused... my friend and I have been friends for almost 2 years and we think of each other as bestfriends, well until now. This year he barely even talks to me. I call him and he never picks up and when he does, he says " Dude im busy can i call u back later" and he never does. And when he goes to school, he just talks to all of his friends except me. He's been doing this to me for almost an exact 3 months, I'm so angry and depressed at the same time. I think he doesn't care about me anymore. He calls me his best friend... but I'm just not sure of that anymore... im not sure what to do anymore...
  • Nov 21, 2008, 08:17 PM

    Have you talked to him about this? Maybe he doesn't even know you feel this way. Perhaps he has been busy and distracted and doesn't realize he's been neglecting you. Or maybe something is on his mind and he's been avoiding talking to you about it.

    But in any case you'll never know until you talk to him about it yourself.
  • Dec 11, 2008, 07:55 PM
    I don't know what to do. Can you assist me.
    Threads merged

    My Best friend hasn't been answering his phone lately, or replying to my texts for about 3 months. Probably, out of those three months, he picked up ten times. Just imagine having a so called "BEST" friend pick up his phone at a ratio of 10 days to 3 months, if you've been through this... I feel your pain... :(:(, anyway, I can't find a way to tell him how I feel, because I'm to scared of what the outcome may be. Will he change and take a turn for the better... but, what happens if he doesn't like what I tell him, and decides to end our friendship... I don't know what to do, I'm stuck between two different roads, what should I do... :confused:
  • Dec 11, 2008, 10:09 PM

    Originally Posted by Clueless13 View Post
    My BESTfriend hasn't been answering his phone lately, or replying to my texts for about 3 months. Probably, out of those three months, he picked up ten times. Just imagine having a so called "BEST" friend pick up his phone at a ratio of 10 days to 3 months, if you've been through this... I feel your pain...:(:(, anyway, I can't find a way to tell him how I feel, because I'm to scared of what the outcome may be. Will he change and take a turn for the better...but, what happens if he doesn't like what I tell him, and decides to end our friendship...I don't know what to do, I'm stuck between two different roads, what should I do... :confused:

    I really wouldn't worry about it. Some people aren't in to texting and talking on the phone too much, so it's not like his lack of audio/text contact is necessarily a bad sign. Perhaps you're being too needy? Best friends need space too, sometimes. I've been with my girlfriend for a year and a half, and we never talk on the phone, and she doesn't have a cell-phone so we don't text. This doesn't mean I don't love her, and you should think of your relationship with your best friend in the same way. Give it a rest and wait for him to call you.

    If you feel so strongly about it, tell him. If he's really your best friend, he'll understand. If not, you might need to consider finding a best friend with best friend qualities, which is always patience and understanding. (:
  • Dec 11, 2008, 10:21 PM
    I think you should ask him straight out if he is angry with you about something. If not, then he is probably not a phone person. Is he being a good friend other than that?
  • Dec 12, 2008, 02:05 PM

    You should find out what is going on. Have you tried going to his house and asking what's wrong? Asking if you've hurt him some way? Ask him if he's mad at you? Tell him that you miss talking with him and want to go back to the way you used to be?

    That would be the first step - if he's your best friend, maybe he just wants you to ask...
  • Dec 16, 2008, 06:54 PM
    My friend is such an idiot
    Threads merged

    Im really angry and confused right:mad:, my Best friend is such an *** and he doesn't treat me with any respect anymore. You know what, he calls me his best friend, but guess what, when I call him and probably send him about 3 texts in a day, he tells me " Shut Up!", but I bet that when his girlfriend calls or would text him, I bet he would talk to her for more than three hours. I'm about this close to telling him that I don't want to be his friend anymore, and guess what, when that girlfriend dumps his ***, he'll be one less of a GOOD friend and a girlfriend:mad:, and when he gets depressed, he'll have no one to talk to, because I'm the only friend he has that will actually take his feelings seriously, other people would just mess with him... but now, I don't know what to do, what should I do?:confused::(
  • Dec 16, 2008, 07:07 PM

    How long have you been friends with him for one and if he does not have time for you move on dude there are plenty more people to have as friends ou there so do not put up with the mistreatment
  • Dec 16, 2008, 07:08 PM
    How old are the two of you?
  • Dec 16, 2008, 07:09 PM

    You just answered yourself. If your friend treats you like an he ISN'T a friend. & it may be hard to stay away from him and end it... and I doubt you will because barely anyone can do it... but let's see. He's probably not going to end up with this girl if he's a teen... & they'll end up breaking up and he won't have you to comfort him or w/e.
  • Dec 16, 2008, 09:14 PM

    My god man, you sound like a freaking chick, "when his gf dumps him I'm not gonna be nice to him wawawawah", OK so he did break the sacred rule, bros before hos, but, but my god, quit complaining, aren't guys supposed ta treat their friends like crap, hell, I've known my best friend since the first grade, I call text him telling him that I want to slide my tube stick into his sister( full metal jacket reference) and he replies telling me to go f**ck myself, and when he does break up with his girlfriend, don't give him no grief, he's your bro for christes sakes, you got to be there for him, and while your at it, grow some man jacks
  • Dec 16, 2008, 09:21 PM

    Ask yourself this, as mad as you are, when it gets down to it, if he needs someone to talk to I bet you are still there for him. That's what friends are for. Everybody gets like that when they got a girlfriend or boyfriend, it usually doesn't last forever. Hes just concentrated on giving his time to her to make sure she stays with him :) But No matter how he talks or acts, In your heart you know you'll still be there for each other. It'll be OK just give him some more time :)
  • Dec 17, 2008, 07:28 PM

    Originally Posted by AManWithNoName View Post
    My god man, you sound like a freaking chick, "when his gf dumps him I'm not gonna be nice to him wawawawah", ok so he did break the sacred rule, bros before hos, but, but my god, quit complaining, aren't guys supposed ta treat their freinds like crap, hell, I've known my best freind since the first grade, I call text him telling him that I wana slide my tube stick into his sister( full metal jacket reference) and he replies tellin me to go f**ck my self, and when he does break up with his gf, don't give him no greif, he's your bro for christes sakes, you gotta be there for him, and while your at it, grow some man jacks

    Dude even though you're kind of right, the few thigs you've just said is both messed up and disturbing, and dude I'm only 4teen
  • Dec 17, 2008, 07:33 PM

    Originally Posted by skittles001 View Post
    Ask yourself this, as mad as you are, when it gets down to it, if he needs someone to talk to I bet you are still there for him. Thats what friends are for. Everybody gets like that when they got a girlfriend or boyfriend, it usually doesn't last forever. Hes just concentrated on giving his time to her to make sure she stays with him :) But No matter how he talks or acts, In your heart you know you'll still be there for each other. It'll be ok just give him some more time :)

    Thanks you're right ill give him more time and you're kind of right about the other thing to, even though at times I don't want to help him out, I still anyway, I'm that kind of person that always has a kind heart no matter what, even during the tuff times, it's that thing that make my friendships last for a while!:D
  • Dec 17, 2008, 07:41 PM

    Originally Posted by Clueless13 View Post
    Dude even though youre kinda right, the few thigs youve just said is both messed up and disturbing, and dude im only 4teen

    I'm fifteen, and how is it disturbing, your friends aren't going to treat you the way you want them to, they're not perfect, hell, I've made out with one of my friends girlfreinds behind his back, I'm not proud, but when he found out, we fought, we are still friends
  • Dec 17, 2008, 07:46 PM

    This guy... amanwithnoname.. is interesting... lol

    & I thought you were a girl... because girls would normally say this lol sorry.

    Find a better friend, or just ignore it. Life's like this.
  • Dec 21, 2008, 12:37 PM

    Originally Posted by marriaget View Post
    this interesting.... lol

    How's that
  • Apr 15, 2009, 01:04 PM
    What should I think?
    Threads merged

    At times I wonder if this friend is actually a true friend, because he is always doing something that can easily change my mind... hey, I want to ask, do you guys think that these are signs of a true friend that u would probably be friends with till the day u die?

    • He is always coming to me when he is depressed, asking for reassurance.
    • He is concerned whether i go to heaven or not based on my actions.
    • He is always trying to get me on the right path when I do something wrong...
    • He is always trying to get me to go to church with him every friday
    • We are always talking to eachother about extremely personal things...
    • At times we think about college together, and think about maybe being roommates in the future.
    • Always praying for eachother
    • we can easily touch eachother (no homo!) without feeling uncomfortable because we can trust eachother.
    So what do u think?
  • Apr 15, 2009, 03:02 PM

    Well to tell you the truth I would love to have a friend like that you seem to have a connection! So if I was you I would hold on to that,it could be a BIG mistke in my opinion, but you no him better than I do so do what you think is rite!
  • Apr 15, 2009, 03:23 PM

    I must say that when I read beginning of your thread I was thinking the opposite of what you wrote.

    He sounds like a good friend and not clear on the touching part but yes you might be friends to the end.

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