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  • Dec 14, 2011, 08:43 AM
    Personal accident claim
    I have had a personal accident claim which is being dealt with on a 100% payment of claim basis.

    I have been made an offer via a solicitor recommended by a national helpline, and want to be assured that I am receiving as stated 100& of my claim. I have asked for evidence of this but have been informed that the negotiations with the insurance company have been verbal & not via any written communication, which I find hard to axcept given that the insurance company is aviva, who I do not believe would not issue a formal offer. Having researched other similar claims to mine I am not convinced that I am being offered the full amount. How can I check this?
  • Dec 14, 2011, 09:49 AM
    Aviva is gaining momentum in the US BUT you refer to a "solicitor."

    Where are you, what country?

    Someone who is recommended (and they pay for the advertising and/or share their fee) by a national helpline has to follow the same canons of ethics as every other Attorney. They can't settle you short - which means settle for less than your claim is worth. It's not unusual for "negotiations" leading up to a settlement to be all verbal. The company won't issue a formal offer until they know if they are offering approximately what your Attorney is asking.

    Where are you researching similar claims? That info is not available in my State (NY) and no two claims are ever the same.

    You settle for an amount that satisfies you. I might walk off with $100,000. You might not settle for less than $150,000. Some of it depends on how willing you are to go to trial and how quickly you want the matter settled.

    There is no "list" of what a certain injury is "worth."

    (I'm a liability investigator and deal with claims fairly often.)
  • Dec 14, 2011, 06:37 PM
    Don't you have your own attorney handling this case for you? If the settlement amount is a large one I would definitely recommend you confer with an attorney of your choice to see if this offer is valid and is suitable for your case. Not knowing your particular claim information it would be impossible for us to determine if you are getting a fair shake or not. Only an attorney familiar with your type of claim would be able to tell you.
  • Dec 15, 2011, 11:41 PM
    Here is a list of different items that should be compensated if you have a personal injury claim.

    Lawsuit Settlement Offers

    You should know that these items will be different for each person. If they apply to you, make sure you review the amount of compensation for each item with your attorney.

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