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  • Sep 7, 2008, 09:52 AM
    Bad luck
    I really need some advice/help,my life is a living nightmare it's like I have the worst luck ever and it's not getting better just worst,I can't seem to do nothing right and not one good thing I can say about my life,now I have always believed in witch doctors,psychics,spells,etc (however you want to look at it)so I was wondering if somebody put a bad luck spell on me and if so ,how do I free myself so I can have the life God wants me to?Free and happy!
  • Sep 7, 2008, 10:29 AM
    You make your own luck. I don't believe that the events around you decide your luck for you. Work harder at getting what you want, and making your life the way you want it to be.
  • Sep 8, 2008, 09:41 PM

    Originally Posted by quinny252
    I really need some advice/help,my life is a living nightmare it's like i have the worst luck ever and it's not getting better just worst,i can't seem to do nothing right and not one good thing i can say about my life,now i have always believed in witch doctors,psychics,spells,etc (however you want to look at it)so i was wondering if somebody put a bad luck spell on me and if so ,how do i free myself so i can have the life God wants me to?Free and happy!

    Your destiny belongs to you, no seer, witch doctor or shaman can free you to be close to the creator the choice is yours:)
  • Sep 13, 2008, 12:54 PM
    I always struggle to answer this kind of question. Some people do just seem to have an inordinate amount of difficulties arise in their lives, through no fault of their own. One of my closest friends is like that, and it was always very frustrating. Frustrating for her, of course, and frustrating for me that for all the little tricks I know for transforming energies, she still seemed to be a magnet for all manner of problems in work, romance, health... Well, I am pleased to say things have gotten much better for her lately. So perhaps for you too this is a passing phase.

    However, here are a few things to look at: As you look over recent events, can you see that your own choices, attitudes, and expectations may have subtly guided you? Also, be careful how you speak about this, to others and to yourself. The universe tends to respond to people's claims about themselves. Try saying to yourself every day when you get up, "I lead a charmed life!" Watch your tongue, and don't let yourself say things like, "I have lousy luck, I'm cursed, why do bad things always happen to me?"

    You might want to try something like siddha yoga. It's whole premise is that the things you thought you needed to be happy aren't really the things you need to be happy. All you need to be happy is your mind, a quiet meditation cave, and the mantra, "Om Namah Shivaya," which is a celebration of the God there in your deepest heart all along, that no amount of bad luck can displace. Of course, that's only one cultural path. You might find a different one that suits you better.

    My mantra, somewhat Taoist themed, is "Offer no resistance." I keep saying that to myself, over and over, when things get difficult. It seems nuts at first--bad things are happening, and I shouldn't oppose them? Things I care about might get lost, and I shouldn't try to hold on to them? It takes practice, but if you stick with that long enough, it takes you to an interesting place in the universe.

    May the Goddess bless you with Her transforming power.

  • Sep 26, 2008, 04:48 AM

    Try smugging to get rid of the unwanted. Get some white sage burn in a small cande holder , carry it to all four corners of your house or apt. using a feather, wave the smoke away from you chanting, all that is bad is gone all that is good will come my way. Do this at every window and entrance. Do this once a day for seven days. You will see small good then a great change. Then you must repeat, this at least once a week.
  • Sep 26, 2008, 08:30 AM

    If you believe in it, then yes they can, and you cause your own bad luck.

    If you want God to have anything to do with it, you stop worrying about witchcraft and spells, since a person who has given his heart to God can not be effected by any spell ever.
    You stop going to fotune tellers, and start working for God.

    If you want a job, do you send out at least 10 resumes a day, do you also then call at least 10 of those places a day and follow up. After an interview do you call the next day and thank them, followed by a thank you emal also. Are you also net working, calling people you know in other positions asking them who is hiring.
  • Sep 30, 2008, 07:56 PM
    I thought you were a real psychic on liveperson?
  • Sep 30, 2008, 07:59 PM
    This thread has been closed due to the misrepresentation of the OP. Another thread claims that the OP is a psychic.

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