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  • Mar 23, 2005, 07:23 AM
    Help my puppy LOVES to eat poop!!
    :eek: Help! My brand new 12 week Chihuahua puppy is perfect in everyway except for his nasty habbit of eating his poop!! He even likes to eat other poop from other dogs and even deer poop that he found!! To stop him I clap really loud and say NO! He scampers away right after but then bolts right back to it! Gggrrrrr, so I immeditately pick him up and point him in another direction and he seems to forget about it if its not in his immediate vision. Does anyone else have this problem?? How do I eliminate this nasty habbit or will he just grow out of it. I really don't like to yell at him at all!
  • Mar 23, 2005, 08:14 AM
    There are several approaches to this. I usually get by cleaning it up before the dog gets to it. You can add things to the food that make their own unappetizing. Try pineapple juice, canned pumpkin, or a commercial product such as Deter or Forbid.

    They often, but not always grow out of it. I have an 11 year old Lab that will clean up after deer and rabbits when we go for a walk in the woods I don't watch her. Try teaching the command, ''Leave it!''.
  • Mar 23, 2005, 08:30 AM
    Thank you labman!
    Thanks labman for the advice! I will try some of those solutions... pineapple juice? That sounds like it will make it taste better! Haha My puppy does that 2 in the woods... eat deer poop! I am going to keep trying to reenforce the old command of Leave It before trying to actually altering his food. Thanks again labman!! :)
  • Dec 27, 2007, 08:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Shelley
    :eek: Help! My brand new 12 week Chihuahua puppy is perfect in everyway except for his nasty habbit of eating his poop!!! He even likes to eat other poop from other dogs and even deer poop that he found!!!! To stop him I clap really loud and say NO! He scampers away right after but then bolts right back to it! Gggrrrrr, so I immeditately pick him up and point him in another direction and he seems to forget about it if its not in his immediate vision. Does anyone else have this problem????? How do I eliminate this nasty habbit or will he just grow out of it. I really dont like to yell at him at all!

    I know this problem was 2 years ago for you... how did every thing go, I have a new pup with the same problem!
  • Dec 27, 2007, 09:01 PM
    Shelly hasn't been heard from in over 2 years. The only difference now is my Lab is 14.

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