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  • Feb 19, 2005, 05:07 AM
    Dachshund won't eat
    I have a 15 year old mini dashund that was recently diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in one lung. To limit her coughing she was put on codine. She has progressively lost her desire to eat. Other wise she seems OK. We've given her steak, liverworst, peanut butter,. Each time we think we find something to keep her nurished, she won't eat it again. We've stopped the codine but she still won't eat. She drinks water OK. Is there anything I can give her to enhance her appetite? I just want her to be comfortable in her last days with us.
  • Feb 19, 2005, 06:04 AM
    Maybe in this case, it is best not to fuss about her eating. Continue to leave good things available if she wants to eat. Maybe even add cheese, the stinkier the better. If her body is shutting down due to the cancer, she may not feel like eating. The cancer could be growing and crowding her stomach.

    I always hate to hear it when somebody is losing a dog they have loved for years.

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