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  • Mar 24, 2009, 10:12 PM
    How to get rid of PEST! Its everywhere!
    Hello! So I have there's little bugs all over my house! I've been reading online and there called silverfish and pill bugs and sow bugs and rolie pollies so I don't know I call em' EWWW! Now I don't care if there doing damage or not these things are gross and I was raised to fear them so I'm kind of afraid of them. If I see one I freak out! Now that its spring and my basement is flodding a bit I've gotten tonnes of them! If there in my basement I don't care its unfinished and gross anyway but when where upstairs uhh uhhh! I've found them in my bathroom enterance way on the walls in the kitchen on my kitchen counter in the living room one going into my bedroom! There are so many and I'm sick of them! Today I must have killed more then 10 just since I got off work at 5. and that's way to many for me. Is there anything I can do to prevent them from coming upstairs I'm assuming that's where there coming from. And I used to call them sewer bugs do they really live in the sewers are they dirty? I'm open to anything but please be cost efective I'm super poor and on a tight budget! Thanks guys
  • Mar 25, 2009, 02:45 AM
    Sowbugs and pillbugs are in your house because of the moisture problem. The bugs are a nuisance but the moisture problem could pose a danger to both the structure and to you. It will allow fungi (molds and mildew) to grow which can cause allergies and in rare cases toxic vapor, as well as wood rot. Moist wood is also attractive to other insects such as termites or carpenter ants. A leaky basement is not going to be cheap to fix but it will be the most effective thing you can do.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 09:28 AM

    You have to kill them where they live - as they multiply they will migrate from one place to another. You can't expect them to live in your basement and not come upstairs.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 09:49 AM

    See this link for all kinds of info on how to get rid of them:

    Firebrats and Firebrat Control

    You are going to have to fix the moisture problem in your basement like Catsmine said, left alone this will cause many more problems than some bugs.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:14 AM

    Yep, get rid of themoisture problem

    Silverfish Control Kill Get Rid of Silverfish
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:27 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    You have to kill them where they live - as they multiply they will migrate from one place to another. You can't expect them to live in your basement and not come upstairs.

    I can't rep you but for some reason your answer just cracked me up ,the not coming upstairs part :p
  • Mar 31, 2009, 08:34 PM

    Lol :P I bought a powder spray today I put it in the cracks etc. and the bugs die so I might just do the stairs and a bit in the basement the moisture is just bad now from the weather truth be told I might be on your news were having flooding! But I'm sure other years aren't that bad and how do I find the source of them?
  • Apr 1, 2009, 04:36 PM
    The bugs indicate that the moisture is an ongoing issue in your basement. They lay their eggs in soil or organic debris, so they're either coming in the same way the water does or there's something such as paper or cardboard or potting soil that stays damp down there. Killing them off on the stairs might keep them out of the living area, and it definitely is cheaper than waterproofing, but moisture can cause other problems including wood rot, termites, carpenter ants, mold, mildew, etc. It's your choice.
  • Apr 1, 2009, 04:45 PM

    My basement isn't finished and my house was built in 1928 I have a bit of water when it melts and it goes right down the hole drain thing I have in the basement, I'm not worried its all cement down there but I'm just grossed out by the bugs everyone who comes to my house says I'm over reactiing all houses have them and I don't have that many there just icky! But ill try the powder , and if I ever get money I might try a de humidifyer or caulk some cracks

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