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  • Dec 10, 2008, 12:45 PM
    Can I leave my 11 week old puppy at home alone? If son, how many hours max?
    Recently I got my puppy. I usually take him with him everywhere I go, even work.
    Since I was told I can bring puppy to work at more. I am worryied that he is too ypung to stay home alone. I need help and want to find out how old a puppy can stay home alone, and how many hours max a day? Long hours sepration can creat a diseas. Please help. Thanks.
  • Dec 10, 2008, 06:30 PM

    Well, they say 8-10 hours is the max but not for puppies. They are too young so I would guess no more that 4? I would just call a local vet and ask the receptionist. They would best be able to give you an accurate answer. Of course, being with your new puppy as much as you can is the best solution!
    Here is a link I found:
    About Dogs - Your New Puppy - Puppy Care
    Good luck!
  • Dec 10, 2008, 11:06 PM

    He is only 11 weeks old! He should not be left alone for more than a half hr. He's still a tiny baby! Where do you leave him? Is he in a kennel, or left to roam free? He should definitely not be left alone for extended periods at his age.

    I assume that you meant that you CAN'T take him to work with you anymore. You really should have thought of this before getting a puppy. Do you have friends or neighbours that could watch him? He really can't be left alone for a long time right now. Please find someone to look after him. Do you have a doggie daycare where you live? I know this can be expensive, but dogs are very expensive, and that is why people need to do their research 'before' bringing a puppy home.

    If left alone, it could cause separation anxiety problems that are hard to fix. Also, it may be hard for the new puppy to become attached to you, if he has to sit alone all day.

    This little pup is counting on you to take care of him. Please do everything you can do, so he is not alone for long, while you are working.
  • Dec 12, 2008, 11:19 AM
    We have 19 puppies since 1991. Many of them we left 4-5 hours starting at 7 weeks old with very few problems. We did use a crate, likely essential.
  • Dec 12, 2008, 01:13 PM

    I agree with labman. About 4-5 hrs max - hopefully you have a lunch hour and can get home for a potty break and some playtime. If that's not possible, call some friends or local pet sitters and see about getting someone else to stop by midday. By six months my dog could easily make it all day, however I still had a friend or family member come by when possible for the next 3 months, but couldn't continue to pay a sitter to do it.
    I crated until 1 year, but provide lots of exercise in the evening. Good luck with your new pup - enjoy!

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