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  • Jan 23, 2011, 07:08 PM
    My dog hasn't been eating, throwing up, yelping, struggling to get up stairs.. HELP!!
    My dog is named star.
    She is a rat terrier mix.
    She is very over-weight. We got her over-weight. We got her when she was about 9- 9 1/2 years old. She is now 11-13 years old. I do not know for sure. We saved her from her owner because they wanted to put her to sleep. We had to pay for all this dental work and her teeth are just as bad as they were again. I need help. She can't go upstairs, she has to stretch and go very slowly to go upstairs. She can go down. She still barks. She can't get up on couches anymore or beds. Even really low ones. I will have to pick her up. And she can't even reach her paws up. And she kind of yelps a little bit. She hasn't been eating these past few days. And she ate today and she through it up like 4 hours later. I need help! I am sure she is going to the bathroom everyday and just an average amount. She shakes more often when she is even laying down. And usually it is when she is standing up cause of her body weight. But, when she lays down, she is now shaking.. her tongue kind of hangs out of her mouth. And I'm just really scared..
    She is my best friend. Please help me.
    I need answers! What should I do? The vet is so much money, and I just need some answers.. PLEase help.. :"(
  • Jan 25, 2011, 09:49 PM
    You sound young...

    Your dog more then likely has arthritis or some type of osteo condition. You need to get her looked at.

    Her weight will make her achy bones WORSE. Get her on a diet ASAP!

    First step to a diet is cut out all human food. Get her on a good diet. What you are feeding matters! If you are feeding any type of grocery brand dog food, then that is the #1 reason she is overweight.

    Old dogs get aches and pains just like people do. She needs medical attention now!

    Another factor to keep in mind.. Owners give up dogs for a reason. You may be walked into a huge medical expense. You are going to have to make choices if her condition is bad.

    Please take your pooch to a vet for some help. In the mean time, get her on a good food specifically for weight loss... Natural Balance lamb and rice is a good place to start.

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