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  • Aug 14, 2015, 11:29 AM
    Chihuahua pees all day
    My little Tyson pees constantly, he is approximately 8 weeks old and weighs 1.5 pounds. We have head him about 1 week and he has been checked out with a Vet that says he is fine, but he didn't start peeing a lot until the doctor gave me soft food and vitamins for his to take. What should I do>
  • Aug 14, 2015, 12:25 PM
    Try taking him off the vitamins. How is it you have a dog so young. He should not be away from his mother yet. Was he weaned properly ? He is so young that there is no sense trying to train him yet. Do you have doggy pads for him ?

    More information about the little fellow would be appreciated so our dog experts can help you with recommendations so we can all help him !
  • Aug 14, 2015, 04:53 PM
    A 1.5lb puppy has a bladder the size of a dime. How about more frequent potty breaks. Monitor water intake. Maybe the puppy is drinking too much water. Never deny a puppy water, but limit how much water is drank each time, maybe smaller amounts.

    Potty training is more than just mental training, it's also training the muscles of the bladder to become stronger. Smaller dogs need to go out a lot more than medium or large dogs.

    And 7/8wks is a good age that this puppy left mom. It should be more than weaned at this point... besides, being weaned properly wouldn't cause the dog to pee more.

    Also, are you feeding canned food or softened food? If yes, than that is adding liquid to the diet causing the dog to have to pee more often. Tiny breeds still have teeth, they can chew hard food.

    Worse case scenario, the dog might have a UTI. If the dog is a female, they are more prone to UTIs than males. So if monitoring water intake, decreasing softened/canned food from diet and adding a strict (for you more so than the pup) potty schedule, I'd recommend the puppy be screened for bladder infection. Bladder infection can cause dogs and puppies to have to urinate often. Typically, it is very small amounts of urine, possibly drops, all the time.

    Good luck!

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