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  • Jul 30, 2007, 07:50 PM
    Lump behind shoulder blade
    My dog is a german shepard mix, he's almost 10. He developed about a month ago a hard solid lump behind his shoulder blade. It doesn't hurt him or effect his mobility at all. It doesn't move or change in size. The fur around it appears fine. He's going to the vet in Sept for his checkup but just wondering if I should take him in sooner or if it's nothing major. Cause I really don't know. Tahnks!
  • Jul 30, 2007, 08:15 PM
    Did he have shots there? Could be a reaction. I would keep a close eye on it, and if you notice any changes, call the vet.
  • Jul 31, 2007, 07:36 AM
    I would take him in earlier for his check-up,because of his age and size.Many large breed dogs are prone to cancer,and simple bloodwork may pick up a problem before it can spread.If it is nothing but perhaps an insect bite,you can rest knowing he is healthy.Bloodwork is usually about $30.00,and can also alert you of other hidden problems that can occur in older dogs ,such as kidney or liver disease.Please let us know the outcome of your dog's visit to the vet.:)
  • Aug 4, 2007, 11:35 AM

    Originally Posted by micwilliamsjm
    My dog is a german shepard mix, he's almost 10. He developed about a month ago a hard solid lump behind his shoulder blade. It doesn't hurt him or effect his mobility at all. It doesn't move or change in size. The fur around it appears fine. He's going to the vet in Sept for his checkup but just wondering if i should take him in sooner or if it's nothing major. Cause I really dont know. Tahnks!!

    Well we went to the vet yesterday and the lump needs to be surgically removed. So, that appointment is for 08/17 and I'm terrified. Wish us luck! Thanks for your answers.
  • Aug 4, 2007, 12:22 PM
    I am sorry to read that mic. Let's just hope it is a benign tumor. We wish you the best of luck. Please let us know how he is doing if you remember.
  • Aug 4, 2007, 03:45 PM
    I am glad you went early.More than likely everything will be fine.Many dogs get all sorts of weird growths when they get older.My chihuahua had a growth removed over 5 years ago,and it looked very suspious.He has been fine,and is doing quite well to be 15 years old.I wish you well.:)
  • Aug 19, 2007, 05:48 PM

    Originally Posted by micwilliamsjm
    My dog is a german shepard mix, he's almost 10. He developed about a month ago a hard solid lump behind his shoulder blade. It doesn't hurt him or effect his mobility at all. It doesn't move or change in size. The fur around it appears fine. He's going to the vet in Sept for his checkup but just wondering if i should take him in sooner or if it's nothing major. Cause I really dont know. Tahnks!!

    Well I took Mickey in Friday for his surgery to have this lump removed. I dropped him off at 8:30 and the vet called me at 1:30 to tell me that they have just given him a full body massage and couldn't find his lump. The vet has felt it twice already and it's not one you can find when he's lying down. They did his bloodwork and that all came back excellent, so they just told him chances are it's a fatty tumor and just to watch it for now. Hopefully they are right and that's all it is, cause they didn't do the surgery. Thanks for the help and the warm wishes from all of you and if anything changes I'll keep yous up to date.
  • Aug 19, 2007, 06:37 PM
    Thanks for the update. As the vet said, keep an eye on things and get back with him if you see any changes. My Lab Aster had a fatty tumor in 2004 when she returned to my care. After a change in it, I had it removed. Another one quickly formed. I had it removed, and another one formed. She has a couple now I am watching. Each case is different. Your vet knows what is best for your dog.
  • Aug 20, 2007, 05:23 AM
    Thank you for the update mic. Many times we are left here wondering what happened. If this is any consolation, I think your vet made the right call on this. The only tumors that I am aware of that can "disappear" like that are fatty tumors. They are a nuisance and worrisome, but benign. I have never heard of a fatty tumor turning cancerous, but as the vet said, just keep an eye on it.
  • Oct 27, 2008, 03:00 PM
    Jacksons Mom

    Originally Posted by micwilliamsjm View Post
    My dog is a german shepard mix, he's almost 10. He developed about a month ago a hard solid lump behind his shoulder blade. It doesn't hurt him or effect his mobility at all. It doesn't move or change in size. The fur around it appears fine. He's going to the vet in Sept for his checkup but just wondering if i should take him in sooner or if it's nothing major. Cause I really dont know. Tahnks!!

    Hi. Just happen to come across your post. I have an 11 yr old female sheppard mix. She recently started to limp around. I took her to the vet. They did an x-ray. They want her back for more x-rays. The vet things that it is an Osteosarcoma. Which if it is. She will need surgery to remove tumor. Then possibly surgery to amputate her front the left leg. Won't know until Wednesday when I take her in again for more x-rays. Keeping our fingers crossed. Don't leave your pup go without getting it checking out.
    Good Luck, Jackson's Mom
  • Oct 27, 2008, 04:56 PM
    Hi Jacksons mom. I took Mick to the vet and we scheduled a surgery for the lump behind his shoulder blade and after they got him all prepped for the surgery the lump kept disappering on him. So, since last year I have been keeping watch of it for changes and such. There doesn't seem to be any changes and his walking hasn't been affected by it. I have the vet check it out every time he's there and he seems to think it's nothing to worry about for the time being... good luck with your baby and thanks for the input! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
  • Jun 27, 2010, 05:51 PM
    Best of luck I hope it all goes well> and everyone who visits this page is/has obviously gone through that same sense of nervousness and aniety because we all wanted answers!
  • Jun 27, 2010, 05:51 PM
    Best of luck I hope it all goes well> and everyone who visits this page is/has obviously gone through that same sense of nervousness and aniety because we all wanted answers!
  • Jun 27, 2010, 05:52 PM
    Best of luck I hope it all goes well> and everyone who visits this page is/has obviously gone through that same sense of nervousness and aniety because we all wanted answers!

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