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  • Jan 6, 2007, 06:40 AM
    Problems with jack russell
    Hi everyone very new to this but I have a few problems with my jack russell she is 4 I would like to ask you all if you don't mind. I have not took her to the vet yet because I don't actually know if it's all normal and me being paranoid. I have looked on the net but it is very hard to find things so I thought I'd come here.

    1.shivering - she keeps shivering when she hears a noise, when someone's about making noises or even just sitting down doing nothing she will just shiver. Does anyone know if this is right or not?

    2.Cover - She really enjoys laying on a cover but recently she keeps going under it I wouldn't mind it but she puts her whole self under and I worry she won't be able to breath. She really pulls at it though and puts it on here.

    3.Laying on us all - She keeps laying really close to us even if I'm just sitting on the sofa she will lay really close to me.

    4.Active - She has become less active than she used to be all she does now is lay around everywhere if I opened the back door before she used to go running out there but now she looks out there and shivers.

    That's most of what's wrong but I thought I would say recently we think we may have foxes at the back of the garden we are not sure but since we found out I have been watching her out there very carefully even installed a light to make sure I can see her a lot of friends say this could be why she's shivering but they are not sure. I just thought I would ask you lot because you seem to know a lot of this topic and I am quite overprotective with her so I thought I'm better off asking before going to the vet.

    Looking forward to all replys

    Thanks in advance :)
  • Jan 6, 2007, 05:52 PM
    You might look at this recent thread, Since the problem is worse recently, I think you should visit the vet. I would also make sure her shots are up to date. Who knows what the foxes could be carrying.

    If fright is the problem, the confidence building I suggested in might help.

    Reduced activity could either be the cause or effect of over weight. Compare her to Adjust her chow as needed.
  • Jan 7, 2007, 11:54 AM
    Maggie -

    As someone who is permitted to live with a jack (Kidding - I adopted him from a shelter a couple of years ago and he's active in earthdog and agility) - I chuckled at your questions.

    Connor is of the distinct impression that winter was designed just to bother him. Remember, they have very very little coat. Connor is a tunnel rat (likes to go under the covers) and cuddles close when he thinks he's cold.

    That said, some jacks are prone to being more high strung and anxious than Connor is and so confidence can be a problem.

    I would make a vet visit to rule out anything that may be causing a fever (which would make her feel colder) for starters.

    Please let us know how you make out

  • Jan 8, 2007, 01:57 AM
    animal advocate

    Originally Posted by maggie131210
    Hi everyone very new to this but i have a few problems with my jack russell she is 4 i would like to ask you all if you don't mind. I have not took her to the vet yet because i don't actually know if it's all normal and me being paranoid. I have looked on the net but it is very hard to find things so i thought i'd come here.

    1.shivering - she keeps shivering when she hears a noise, when someones about making noises or even just sitting down doing nothing she will just shiver. Does anyone know if this is right or not?

    2.Cover - She really enjoys laying on a cover but recently she keeps going under it i wouldn't mind it but she puts her whole self under and i worry she won't be able to breath. She really pulls at it though and puts it on here.

    3.Laying on us all - She keeps laying really close to us even if i'm just sitting on the sofa she will lay really close to me.

    4.Active - She has become less active than she used to be all she does now is lay around everywhere if i opened the back door before she used to go running out there but now she looks out there and shivers.

    Thats most of whats wrong but i thought i would say recently we think we may have foxes at the back of the garden we are not sure but since we found out i have been watching her out there very carefully even installed a light to make sure i can see her alot of friends say this could be why shes shivering but they are not sure. I just thought i would ask you lot because you seem to know alot of this topic and i am quite overprotective with her so i thought i'm better off asking before going to the vet.

    Looking forward to all replys

    Thanks in advance :)

    I would definitely have her see the vet. She could have a hypothyroid condition. Sometimes the only symptom you will see is sensitivity to cold. Also shivering can be a symptom of pain and of course fear.

    Let us know what you find out.

    Hope this helps.


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