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  • Jan 24, 2008, 02:40 PM
    Torn Paw Pad! What to do?
    I think that Annie (Black lab 1 yr) tore her pad today at the dog park It doesn't look to bad. What should I do?

    Can dogs get blisters?


    P.S. when I put pressure on the spot directly she doesn't whine, or bite at me or anything.
  • Jan 24, 2008, 02:56 PM
    I would leave it to heal itself, dogs paws normally heal very quick and they dontook too bad- they look a little like burns.
    Leave them be unless the dog has trouble walking. If so, a trip to the vet and some cream should do the trick.
  • Jan 24, 2008, 04:40 PM
    Lindsay, it does look like she tore it a bit. If that larger tear has left a good chunk of the pad hanging, you may want to get her in to the vet tomorrow before the weekend. She may need an antibiotic shot and a stitch or two. If the torn area isn't hanging, fully wet a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and dab it on all the affected areas, two to three times a day for the next 5 to 7 days. This will keep it from getting infected and help heal the area. Keep an eye on it. If it doesn't appear to be healing or if it starts appears to be red and/or swollen, get her in to the vet.
  • Jan 24, 2008, 10:21 PM
    There is no chunks hanging, but are the other weird darker dots blisters that could tear easily? Does any one know?
  • Jan 25, 2008, 06:51 AM
    Lindsay, from the picture, it doesn't look like a blister. Are those dark dots raised bumps? If not, they are not blisters. She probably scraped herself in those areas but didn't tear the pad. You are going to have to keep her from running around for a couple of weeks to avoid any more tearing and give her a chance to heal. You can treat those the same as the larger torn area with the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Jan 25, 2008, 02:24 PM
    I have 2 very active dogs who have both done what seems to be the same thing many times. Usually from skidding to a stop on something like pavement when going after a ball.

    I leave off play for a week or 2 except mild play on a soft grassy surface. As my dogs are sport dogs (flyball) they also get little cuts and scratches on their paws ( they are not very careful when going after a ball).
    I have found that if it is a small wound, not deep I clean it thoroughly and use liquid bandage or new skin. After all bandaides don't stay on :) This helps to keep it clean so I don't have to worry about it getting dirty and infected; as keeping my dogs from playing is simply not possible.

    Warning: do not do this if it is deep - go to the vet immediately for stitches if it is deep.


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