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  • Jul 15, 2010, 05:26 PM
    How do I know when my dog is getting better from parvo?
    My dog was diagnoised with parvo a few days ago. We took him to an animal clinic and told us he needed IV fluids. Then we took him to GVS (georgia vetrinary clinic) they gave him some shots and IV fluids. Then we took him to another animal clinic where they gave him some more fluds. Then they gave us some shots to put on him and also fluids. He seems to be improving very well sense yesterday when we took him to that clinic. I hope he gets better because I love him. The doctor said he would probably do well on the treatment s ense he is a big dog. He is basset hound. She also said that puppies really don't take the treatment really well. I hope he gets better. I just want to know if he might be able to make it sense he is doing very well. Plus the doctor said he would probably do well which made me feel better. I just want to here from other peoples point of view, but I do feel more better.(07-14-10) thank you.
  • Jul 15, 2010, 06:10 PM

    Why are you taking him to so many clinics?

    If you think he is doing better, and your vet thinks he is doing better, than I guess I would guess he is getting better.

    Puppies can survive Parvo with the proper treatment and care. Make sure your house is completely disinfected with bleach, make sure all feces is cleaned up, you may even want to think about bleaching urine and feces spots on your yard, as parvo can live in favorable conditions for a very long time.

    Make sure all his bedding, toys, water and food dishes are thrown out and new ones are bought. It's very un likely that he will contract the disease again, but there is a possibility. So take every precaution you can.

    Good luck!

    And we love pictures! :)
  • Jul 15, 2010, 06:57 PM

    My friends pup had Parvo, the vet said there was no way he was going to make it. 2 years later and he is still here, as long as your dog got IV's on time, and is reacting well to the treatment I think everything will go fine, but yes like Bella said, throw out EVERYTHING he used to have and replace it.

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