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  • Oct 11, 2005, 10:00 AM
    6 Week Old Puppy has Fleas!!
    Are 2 older dogs had fleas, so got 2 flea collars for them.

    Now are puppy is getting fleas and she is only 6 weeks old, what's the best treatment for a puppy so young?

    Also what's best for the older dogs?
  • Oct 11, 2005, 10:17 AM
    Chery This site makes for good reading on taking care of all of your fourlegged family members. You can also check with your vet. If you have carpets in the house, you will have to treat them too. You could also go to a pharmacist and ask for advice. Good Luck.
  • Oct 11, 2005, 10:30 AM
    There are a number of modern, effective creams, drops, pills, and shots, Advantage, Program, Biospot, etc. This is the second year I have have had good results with Revolution. It is major expensive, but the few drops it takes does not leave a messy streak down the dogs back until almost time for the next dose. It also does heartworm. My old Aster has flea allergies from back before the good stuff was in common use. She gets a walk in the woods most day, a swim in the river most weeks, and visits with other dogs. No sign of a flea problem the last 2 years on Revolution.

    Puppies are different. You can go to the pet supply and read the labels for products recommended for puppies. Some sprays suggest spraying a towel, and rolling the puppy in it. Puppies need regular visits to the vet for shots. If the over the counter stuff hasn't done the job by the next visit, ask the vet for a more effective product.

    Once you have a flea infestation, it usually takes a drastic program, treating the dogs, other pets, the house, the yard and even any car if the dogs spend much time riding.
  • Oct 11, 2005, 11:50 AM
    How about putting the puppy into a little tub with warm water and puppy shampoo. I'll bet that if you hold the puppy in the water for 5-10 minutes, making sure he can breathe, the fleas would drown. It's not the total solution, just immediate relief for the puppy. In the olden days, I used to flea-comb them off and drop the fleas into detergent water and they went straight down and drowned. The over-the-counter flea collars never worked for me. (Or my pups LOL).
  • May 14, 2007, 06:31 AM
    My mimi Dashound had her 6 puppies, all of the are coated with fleas. There are fleas bites on the floor, wall, where she leans against. We also has a boxer that is with fleas/blood bites from the fleas. We're going to bomb the house for the fleas, but what can we do ourselves without going to the vet which we really don't have the money. Does spraying the stuff on the towels help the puppies
  • May 14, 2007, 07:51 AM
    As I said in my original post, you can go to a pet supply or even Wal-Mart and browse through the products looking for ones safe for new born puppies.

    Your post has enraged me. I think it is inexcusable to breed puppies you don't have the money to give the medical care they need. If you can't afford proper care for a dog including spay/neuther, do without. What if the taxpayers can't afford to gather up all the excess dogs and slaughter them in what is often less than humane ways?

    Having a pet is a serious responsibility requiring time and money. Breeding dogs requires far more. For some idea of what you should have done before even selecting the dog, see Should I Breed My Dog? Even if you planned to give her the care you are obligated to, and had a financial reverse, you could have at least avoided letting her get pregnant.
  • Jun 26, 2007, 05:09 PM
    I am a VERY responsible breeder and my pups have fleas. My vet (whom I visit regularly) told me NOT to give the pups ANYTHING.. rather treat mom with drop and benedry, spray down the area with clorox and water mixture (after moving the pups and mom). Put the whelping be back after the clorox mixture dries and do the best you can!

    Here in my town, you pay 35.00 just to WALK IN THE VETS DOOR! People who are responsible and loving pet owners/breeders don't ALWAYS have the money to run to a vet. A GOOD vet will give advice on the phone and you can get advice from other NOT SO RICH owners.

    Try the clorox mixture... be sure to let it dry very well... AND rub some Avon Skin SO Soft on your hands, rub it down the puppie's backs and you'll be surprised how those fleas will disappear.

    My litter is worth almost 4000.00 and rest assured, I take very good care of them without running to the vet to pay 5 or 6 hundred dollars for my litter.
  • Jun 26, 2007, 05:10 PM
    BTW.. sorry for the typos but labman just really made me IRATE...
  • Jun 27, 2007, 07:38 PM
    There is a tension here between being civil, and speaking out against irresponsibility. I am not pleased with where this thread is going. I must accept some of the blame. It is hard deleting posts I agree with completely, I think best in this case.

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