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  • Aug 27, 2012, 06:02 AM
    How to save my pups for fading away
    My pitbull had 6 puppies her labor last for hours the first set of 3 was born 7:30 a.m then 2 hours later the 4th one then 4 hours later the other to the third day one die now 3 days later one more just die they refuse to eat then body went to stiff up on me I have four left what can I do to save the rest I only have 4 now
  • Aug 27, 2012, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by Cynthiap12 View Post
    My pitbull had 6 puppies her labor last for hours the first set of 3 was born 7:30 a.m then 2 hours later the 4th one then 4 hours later the other 2 the third day one die now 3 days later one more just die they refuse to eat then body went to stiff up on me I have four left what can I do to save the rest I only have 4 now

    Has a Veterinarian seen the mother and the puppies?
  • Aug 27, 2012, 10:16 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Has a Veterinarian seen the mother and the puppies?

    No I haven't took her to the vet I took the puppies from her day 3 cause I felt as if she was being a little rough and careless with them I'm thinking at this point I should probably take the puppies to the vet because they r doing well and I want them to stay that way this is very traumatizing
  • Aug 27, 2012, 10:18 AM

    Originally Posted by Cynthiap12 View Post
    No I haven't took her to the vet I took the puppies from her day 3 cause I felt as if she was being a little rough and careless with them I'm thinkin at this point I should probably take the puppies to the vet because they r doin well and I want them to stay that way this is very traumatizing

    So that I have this right - you took all of the puppies away from her and then the pups began to die?

    How are you feeding them?
  • Aug 27, 2012, 12:41 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    So that I have this right - you took all of the puppies away from her and then the pups began to die?

    How are you feeding them?

    Yes I did but I took them away day 3 I went to pet smart and also did some research that says the mother should feed them the first to days because that's when she is carrying all of the antibiotics that's good for the puppy's and I have been feeding them milk replacer
  • Aug 27, 2012, 12:43 PM
    What was she doing that you took her pups away? I'm guessing your feeding process is not working very well.
  • Aug 27, 2012, 09:12 PM
    How often are you feeding them?
    How much are you feeding them each time?
    How much do they weigh?
    Do you have them in a room that maintains a constant temperature of 76F?
    Are they feeding well? (no milk coming from nose etc)
    Are you making sure they urinate and defecate (manual stimulation)?

    There are a lot of factors to consider here.
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:10 AM

    Originally Posted by shazamataz View Post
    How often are you feeding them?
    How much are you feeding them each time?
    How much do they weigh?
    Do you have them in a room that maintains a constant temperature of 76F?
    Are they feeding well? (no milk coming from nose etc)
    Are you making sure they urinate and defecate (manual stimulation)?

    There are a lot of factors to consider here.

    Well I gave her bck the puppies last night because I do see that there's a lot to do and don't do when there that small I was feeding them 4 times a day they were eating 1 to 2 ounces each feeding they.all was 3 to 4 pounds when I was feeding them I did notice since you said milk coming from nose that was happening I thought maybe there just eating to fast I put them in a box with warm towels in my wash room but I did as of last night give them bck to there mother cause it's a lot trying to care for newborn puppies that's 9 days old I mean when do they get out of the sick zone
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    What was she doing that you took her pups away? I'm guessing your feeding process is not working very well.

    Well is was stepping on them and sitting on them like she didn't know they were there but I talk to someone and they told me if she step on them it won't kill them that was my concern but as of last night I did give them bck to her cause this is hard it's a lot of do's and dont's when there newborns
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:15 AM

    Originally Posted by Cynthiap12 View Post
    Well I gave her bck the puppies last nite because I do see that there's a lot to do and don't do when there that small I was feeding them 4 times a day they was eating 1 to 2 ounces each feeding they.all was 3 to 4 pounds when I was feeding them I did notice since u said milk comin from nose that was happening I thought maybe there just eating to fast I put them in a box with warm towels in my wash room but I did as of last nite give them bck to there mother cause it's a lot trying to care for newborn puppies that's 9 days old I mean when do they get out of the sick zone

    I think you are in this "breeding dogs" business far beyond your ability and knowledge - that's harsh, but it's true, and we are talking about living creatures here.

    You CAN'T take the puppies away, keep them away, bring them back, think about taking them away again.

    You need some guidance and instruction. Call a Vet. Research on the Internet.

    I have no idea what you mean by the "sick zone," and, quite frankly, I don't know if you know, either. They are fragile creatures.

    I trust this is your dog's first and last litter?

    You appear to be very young - where are your parents in this scenario?
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:38 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    I think you are in this "breeding dogs" business far beyond your ability and knowledge - that's harsh, but it's true, and we are talking about living creatures here.

    You CAN'T take the puppies away, keep them away, bring them back, think about taking them away again.

    You need some guidance and instruction. Call a Vet. Research on the Internet.

    I have no idea what you mean by the "sick zone," and, quite frankly, I don't know if you know, either. They are fragile creatures.

    I trust this is your dog's first and last litter?

    You appear to be very young - where are your parents in this scenario?

    First off I'm not some child I'm a grown adult that have no knowledge of my dog having puppies this is her first and no it won't be her last and if I was in a breeding business then I would have all the knowledge of what to do and don't know and wouldn't b on this site asking normal people for advise that can only tell me what they know and I never took the puppies away completely from her she still was seeing them so if it makes me seem young because I'm concern then something is wrong and another thing what I mean by the sick zone when puppies are first born they are fragile and in a lot of cases a lot of them past away
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:41 AM
    Please get the mother dog spayed when she has weaned her pups. That would be a kindness to her and she will be much, much healthier.

    Why are you breeding her?
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:44 AM

    Originally Posted by Cynthiap12 View Post
    First off I'm not some child I'm a grown adult that have no knowledge of my dog having puppies this is her first and no it won't be her last and if I was in a breeding business then I would have all the knowledge of wat to do and don't no and wouldn't b on this site asking normal people for advise that can only tell me wat they knw and I never took the puppies away completely from her she still was seeing them so if it makes me seem young because I'm concern then something is wrong and another thing wat I mean by the sick zone when puppies are first born they are fragile and in a lot of cases a lot of them past away

    You are "allowing" your dog to mate and have puppies and intend to repeat the process.

    You are breeding the dog.

    Just so I'm clear - you think allowing the mother to see the puppies but not nurse them is not taking them away from her?
  • Aug 28, 2012, 06:49 AM
    Has she accepted the puppies and is she nursing them?
  • Aug 28, 2012, 07:24 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    You are "allowing" your dog to mate and have puppies and intend to repeat the process.

    You are breeding the dog.

    Just so I'm clear - you think allowing the mother to see the puppies but not nurse them is not taking them away from her?

    Are you on drugs are is it that I said I have a pitbull that gets to you cause breeding is when you don't allow your dog to rest once she goes in heat you let her mate again and again my dog is 3 years old I could have been let her breed if that was the case and she was feeding them and so was I just didn't let her stay with them all day and night and it seems like your only concern is breeding so maybe you should only answer question pertaining to that cause I ask what can I do to save my pups you still can't give me an answer you are just as clueless please don't respond to notthing I put up cause this is not about breeding
  • Aug 28, 2012, 07:27 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Please get the mother dog spayed when she has weaned her pups. That would be a kindness to her and she will be much, much healthier.

    Why are you breeding her?

    I wanted my dog to have puppies so that I can have one like her well same bloodline my dog is 3 years old this is not a breeding situation something that's going to keep happening and I didn't know it was a sin to let her have puppies
  • Aug 28, 2012, 07:30 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Has she accepted the puppies and is she nursing them?

    Yes she is nursing them and she do accept them
  • Aug 28, 2012, 07:32 AM
    So you will get her spayed when the pups are weaned?
  • Aug 28, 2012, 07:33 AM
    If you don't want to listen to the experts that know their stuff then take your dog to a vet with the pups. I am sure the vet will say the same thing that has been said here.
    BTW YOU are the one that said this won't be her last litter. Do you realize how many dogs daily are put to sleep in a shelter? Do you realize a lot of the dogs in the shelters are papered dogs? I am sick and tired of hearing daily of dogs especially pits having more and more litters. Those poor dogs are the ones most likely to be abused and used for fighting.

    To save your pups you SHOULD have had vet care during the pregnancy so the vet could have told you what to expect and what you needed on hand.
    You SHOULD have taken the pups and mom to the vet when they were first born for a check up and then asked any questions to the expert that could see the dogs.
    You SHOULD have called your vet at the first sign of concern instead of taking the dogs from the mom(yes her seeing them is not enough).
  • Aug 28, 2012, 07:36 AM

    Originally Posted by Cynthiap12 View Post
    Are u on drugs r is it that I said I have a pitbull that gets to u cause breeding is when u don't allow your dog to rest once she goes in heat u let her mate again and again my dog is 3 years old I could have been let her breed if that was the case and she was feeding them and so was I just didn't let her stay with them all day and night and it seems like your only concern is breeding so maybe you should only answer question pertaining to that cause I ask wat can I do to save my pups u still can't give me an answer u r just as clueless pls don't respond to notthing I put up cause this is not about breeding

    Why don't we revisit who is on drugs here? Judy is a very respected member of this site and would never attempt anything of the sort that you have.

    Have your puppies and the mother been to the vet yet? PetSmart isn't a veterinarian. I didn't think so.

    You took 3 (or so) day old puppies away from their mother thinking that you could do a better job, but found out how hard it is. You hand fed them 4 times a day. That's once every 8 hours and would be starving them to death. You wonder why they pups are "fading away."

    What is happening here would be considered animal abuse/neglect should your SPCA become involved.

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