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  • Jul 28, 2010, 06:21 PM
    How to flirt with girls in middle school
    I need a girlfriend in middle school
  • Jul 28, 2010, 06:39 PM


    How old are you? Why do you need a girlfriend in middle school?

    I have some gentle advice for you. Concentrate on developing who you are and don't worry about getting a girlfriend yet.

    Instead, try to spend your time learning how to be comfortable with girls. Do not waste your time targeting a specific girl. Learn how to talk and listen to girls in general.

    You will get no where by pushing "girlfriend" status or "going steady" on a relationships at this point in your life.

    Good relationships with girls will to you if you are gentle about it.

    Take your time, learn to appreciate the way girls think and talk. They are so very different from guys.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 06:45 PM
    Thanks for the advice all my friends have girlfriends and it is kind of embarissing not to ever had a girlfriend also left out I'm almost 13

  • Jul 28, 2010, 07:51 PM

    Originally Posted by alexandersteele View Post
    thanks for the advice all my friends have girlfriends and it is kind of embarissing not to ever had a girlfriend also left out im almost 13


    It will be even more embarrassing when you focus on girls and your grades suffer. You are too young to have a girlfriend. Concentrate on learning and not what people think about you not having a girlfriend.

    There will be lots of time for girlfriends when you reach High School.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 07:57 PM

    Originally Posted by alexandersteele View Post
    all my friends have girlfriends

    When I was your age my mother would always tell me this...

    "If all your friends jumped off a bridge would you to?"

    You are too young right now. You need to concentrate on your studies, not girls.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 08:15 PM
    Hey man if you're anything like I was you're probably to shy look like haha and have no self asteem if not I don't see what the problem could be apart from if you're abit to hasty or trying to hard and what I mean by that is over thinking the topic and being anxious and sort of unknowing to what or how they mite react ill tell you what I done to be with the beautifull gorgeous darling girl I'm with now if there is ONE for you and you have a daily chance of contact with her than my advice from my previous venture of gaining the love of the girl I loved is to just show her you're interested in her but don't show her you LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE her haha she will enjoy the uncertainty of you're interest more than if she just knows you like LIKE LIKE her and sort of open you're self to her with you're deepest empethy and understanding but one good thing to know is to not let her know you like her until you know she likes you but one major issue of mine man hahahahaha find a style that's youres haha that took me about a month haha but if you're anything like I was hahaha itl make a huge difference man and you'll even gain confidence from it man and self confidence which leads on to more trust me man I'm only 17 but this is only a fraction of what you need to do and trust me you'll find you're way like I did I've been with her for 11 months now and I still love her just as much as I did when I first met her and I'm sure you'll find you're one and love her the same way man good luck and be respectfull
  • Jul 28, 2010, 08:18 PM
    And be confident and self trusting hahaha but I didn't know 13 man just wait for college when you will fall in deep love bro haha later man good luck
  • Jul 28, 2010, 08:21 PM

    Originally Posted by alexandersteele View Post
    thanks for the advice all my friends have girlfriends and it is kind of embarissing not to ever had a girlfriend also left out im almost 13


    While you're not too young for a girlfriend, you still shouldn't just hook up with a random girl you don't even know or like.

    Start with some female friends.. . Get used to female company and put the word out that you're good to hang out with. Then you can just hang out with your female friend and her friends, and see if you like any of them.

    Don't wait until high school to form your friendships and associations - it's easier to do it now so you'll already have those connections as soon as you start high school. Having a lot of friends around makes the change from middle to high school a lot easier, too.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 08:23 PM

    Originally Posted by NCKC89 View Post
    and be confident and self trusting hahaha but i didnt know 13 man just wait for college when you will fall in deep love bro haha later man good luck

    NCKC... the way you spell shows me your interest in girl far outweighs your interest in studying.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 09:17 PM

    Originally Posted by Kitkat22 View Post
    NCKC...the way you spell shows me your interest in girl far outweighs your interest in studying.

    In his defense, I've seen adults who can't spell or punctuate as well as he does.

    Some people just don't have an aptitude for it, and it isn't necessarily a reflection of their cognitive abilities or their efforts in class.

    And the lack of punctuation may simply be a generation quirk.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 09:23 PM

    Originally Posted by BananaPie View Post
    In his defense, I've seen adults who can't spell or punctuate as well as he does.

    Some people just don't have an aptitude for it, and it isn't necessarily a reflection of their cognitive abilities or their efforts in class.

    And the lack of punctuation may simply be a generation quirk.

    Is that aimed at anyone in particular?
  • Jul 28, 2010, 09:32 PM

    Originally Posted by Kitkat22 View Post
    Is that aimed at anyone in particular?

    .. . I'm really not sure what you mean. Didn't I quote your post specifically?

    If you're referring to that non-spelling adults comment, yes - it applies to several hundred of them so far.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 09:37 PM

    Originally Posted by BananaPie View Post
    . . . I'm really not sure what you mean. Didn't I quote your post specifically?

    If you're referring to that non-spelling adults comment, yes - it applies to several hundred of them so far.

    Okay... This kid is probably so used to text speak, it hard spelling to spell correctly.
  • Jul 29, 2010, 07:05 AM


    Just another thought, well actually three thoughts and one comment.

    Comment: I don't think you are to young to have a girl friend. But that does not mean any type of deep romantic relationship. You are just to young. Girls make wonderful friends.

    I believe that "Woman" completes "Man". There is balance when "man" and "woman" join together. I do not mean in a sexual way. Do not put that kind of pressure on any girl you want as a friend.

    I'm a romantic at heart and I've been married for quite a long time. I tell you from my experiences that while sex is a part of our lives, it is not the total of our lives together.

    Now for my thoughts,:

    1) Truthfulness: Never lie to a girl about anything. That will kill any relationship from the moment it is discovered. Girls or for that matter just about anyone do not like to be lied to because of a myriad of reasons. After I got married, I had the toughest time breaking myself of that habit. My Lady cannot stand liars. It destroys the fabric of trust. No matter how dumb your truthful answer may be, tell it to her. To your surprise, you may find that she has a better suggestion for you. Women are truly marvelous.

    2) Respect: Always be respectful of a girl/woman. They deserve your respect because of who they are and what they are capable of being. Just like you!

    3) Kindness: Always be kind to girls/women. They deserve kindness just like you do. Never be a bully and try to get them to do something silly. If you want kindness in your life, you must share kindness with others.

    One other thought, just because your friends claim they have girl friends does not mean they really do.

    The boy/girl relationship is tough to understand at any age, don't make it harder on yourself by forcing yourself into a relationship that you are not ready for.

    Again, just my thoughts. When I was your age, I was in a Catholic Elementary School in the Bronx, NY. And God help us guys if we were ever caught treating any girl as if she was anything less than a lady. God would have to help us because the Nun's would not tolerate any disrespect to the girls.

    Please understand just how valuable an relationship with a girl can be and don't crush it from the git-go by being a creep.
  • Jul 29, 2010, 08:12 AM

    Originally Posted by donf View Post

    Just another thought, well actually three thoughts and one comment.

    Comment: I don't think you are to young to have a girl friend. But that does not mean any type of deep romantic relationship. You are just to young. Girls make wonderful friends.

    I believe that "Woman" completes "Man". There is balance when "man" and "woman" join together. I do not mean in a sexual way. Do not put that kind of pressure on any girl you want as a friend.

    I'm a romantic at heart and I've been married for quite a long time. I tell you from my experiences that while sex is a part of our lives, it is not the total of our lives together.

    Now for my thoughts,:

    1) Truthfulness: Never lie to a girl about anything. That will kill any relationship from the moment it is discovered. Girls or for that matter just about anyone do not like to be lied to because of a myriad of reasons. After I got married, I had the toughest time breaking my self of that habit. My Lady cannot stand liars. It destroys the fabric of trust. No matter how dumb your truthful answer may be, tell it to her. To your surprise, you may find that she has a better suggestion for you. Women are truly marvelous.

    2) Respect: Always be respectful of a girl/woman. They deserve your respect because of who they are and what they are capable of being. Just like you!

    3) Kindness: Always be kind to girls/women. They deserve kindness just like you do. Never be a bully and try to get them to do something silly. If you want kindness in your life, you must share kindness with others.

    One other thought, just because your friends claim they have girl friends does not mean they really do.

    The boy/girl relationship is tough to understand at any age, don't make it harder on yourself by forcing yourself into a relationship that you are not ready for.

    Again, just my thoughts. When I was your age, I was in a Catholic Elementary School in the Bronx, NY. And God help us guys if we were ever caught treating any girl as if she was anything less than a lady. God would have to help us because the Nun's would not tolerate any disrespect to the girls.

    Please understand just how valuable an relationship with a girl can be and don't crush it from the git-go by being a creep.

    Great advice!
  • Jul 29, 2010, 09:29 AM

    Personally I think you are too young to have a girlfriend and you shouldn't be looking for one.. If a nice girl comes along and you develop feelings for her and she does for you then it will happen. Boys your age should be out enjoying themselves with friends and focusing on school work,Not worrying about having a girlfriend. Someone will come along for you when the time is right.. and you will be happier than your friends will be when you find a special girl. I'd say your friends are only with these girls for the sake of it and not for the right reasons which shows that they are too young to have girlfriends. Don't be embarrassed by not having a girlfriend, its not really a big deal. I'm 19 and most of my friends have boyfriends and girlfriends and I don't. Don't rush through your teenage years, enjoy them and be happy:) x
  • Aug 6, 2010, 08:14 AM

    You don't NEED a girlfriend you WANT a girlfriend. Needs and wants are 2 different things. You have your whole life for girls. Don't get left back suffer. Girls like guys with mony;):)
  • Aug 10, 2010, 09:22 AM

    I'm going to middl school next year :( I never had a boyfriend in my love :(
    I love a guy and I know he loves me but I always say to myself that staying friends is better than dating because, if I date him and break up with him, then we will never be friends again. I made a deal with him that we stay friends untl we grow up a bit and start dating. I think you should do the same thing :)
    Good luck ;)
  • Aug 10, 2010, 09:22 AM

    I'm going to middl school next year :( I never had a boyfriend in my love :(
    I love a guy and I know he loves me but I always say to myself that staying friends is better than dating because, if I date him and break up with him, then we will never be friends again. I made a deal with him that we stay friends until we grow up a bit and start dating. I think you should do the same thing :)
    Good luck ;)
  • Aug 10, 2010, 09:53 AM

    Originally Posted by ROroROro View Post
    I'm going to middl school next year :( I never had a boyfriend in my love :(
    I love a guy and I know he loves me but I always say to myself that staying friends is better than dating because, if I date him and break up with him, then we will never be friends again. I made a deal with him that we stay friends until we grow up a bit and start dating. I think you should do the same thing :)
    Good luck ;)

    Study and leave the boys alone. You are much to young to be involved with a boy.:)

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