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  • Sep 29, 2008, 01:03 PM
    Buddhists in the military
    I often feel like converting from Christianity to Buddhism, but yet I want to join the Marines. If I'm a Buddhist, does the religion have anything against Buddhists being in the military? I mean the Chinese and Japanese military are made up of a majority of Buddhists. It's so confusing to me... I just want to find something that works for me without being persecuted and have me all worried about the afterlife. And my dad and step-mom are devote Chrisitians, going to church every Sunday and all, and I'm worried about what they might think about me converting and all seeing as how I was raised Christian.

    Also if I do convert... on holidays... when we pray, is the universal god that the buddhists have the same god as the Christians have?
  • Sep 29, 2008, 01:09 PM
    The first question I have is

    Why do you want to convert?

    If this is your belief then why worry what others think.

    You pray to the god of your choice, not to a standard god. Even among christians people view god differently.

    I personally am Wiccan and so we believe that everyone should be able to pray to whatever god they want. There are many paths to take and no one should be able to tell you what path you should take. That my friend is up to you
  • Sep 29, 2008, 01:42 PM

    Yes, you want to convert to a religion you know nothing about, guess you think their outfits are cool.

    You study their religion, you go to their worship groups and learn, Then you decide if you are willing to accept their teachings.

    Now you can just reject Christianity ( does not mean it is not true just you are rejecting it of course) but you are not being forced to accept any religion.

    Heck there is a couple of christian ones ( and personally I use that term lightly) that believe everyone is saved, no matter what you do you are going to heaven anyway.
  • Sep 29, 2008, 02:25 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    yes, you want to convert to a religion you know nothing about, guess you think thier outfits are cool.

    You study thier religion, you go to thier worship groups and learn, Then you decide if you are willing to accept thier teachings.

    Now you can just reject Christianity ( does not mean it is not true just you are rejecting it of course) but you are not being forced to accept any religion.

    Heck there is a couple of christian ones ( and personally I use that term lightly) that beleive everyone is saved, no matter what you do you are going to heaven anyway.

    Fr_Chuck: No I do not want to convert because I think their outfits are cool. I want to convert because I don't feel as happy with Christianity (not to offend you or anything) like I do with Buddhism. Buddhism summed up is about being happy and showing constant kindness to others and only needing to fight if necessary and to eliminate negative energy. And how do you know I don't know anything about it, I have a book about it that I read. Buddhism starts with the Four Noble Truths:

    1.) Life Means Suffering
    2.) The Origin Suffering is attachment
    3.) The cessation of suffering is attainable
    4.) The Path of cessation is suffering

    Also following the eightfold path

    . Right View Wisdom
    2. Right Intention
    3. Right Speech Ethical Conduct
    4. Right Action
    5. Right Livelihood
    6. Right Effort Mental Development
    7. Right Mindfulness
    8. Right Concentration
  • Oct 1, 2008, 12:02 PM
    Military and religion: Buddhism
    I am a Buddhist. And I also want to join the Marines. Buddhists fight to defend others when necessary and that's what the military does. There are Buddhists in the military right? I mean look at the Chinese and Japanese militaries, I'm sure a lot of them are Buddhist. I know there are Buddhist in their police forces.
  • Oct 1, 2008, 01:39 PM

    yingandyangr1 -

    You said "Buddhists fight to defend others when necessary." I guess the question I have is what do you personally value in terms of defending others and defending the interests of your country. It's a statement of fact when you say people of Buddhist faith fight to defend others but it's another thing entirely to say I, yinandyangr1, believe that I would be willing defend another person. Do you see what I'm saying?

    Personalize this decision to join the Marines a little more in terms of the philosophical reasoning of your decision.

    It's good you recognize that being a Marine can require a person to make that ultimate sacrifice because that's the most extreme form of defending others.

    Semper Fi.
  • Oct 1, 2008, 03:43 PM

    Originally Posted by jakester View Post
    yingandyangr1 -

    You said "Buddhists fight to defend others when necessary." I guess the question I have is what do you personally value in terms of defending others and defending the interests of your country. It's a statement of fact when you say people of Buddhist faith fight to defend others but it's another thing entirely to say I, yinandyangr1, believe that I would be willing defend another person. Do you see what I'm saying?

    Personalize this decision to join the Marines a little more in terms of the philosophical reasoning of your decision.

    It's good you recognize that being a Marine can require a person to make that ultimate sacrifice because that's the most extreme form of defending others.

    Semper Fi.

    Yes I understand what you are saying. It is part of my faith to defend others when necessary because it is a kind act, and being a Buddhist is a lot about doing kind acts for others , and being selfless to build up good karma. I appreciate your help jakester. Thank You, and Semper Fi... Always Faithful.
  • Oct 1, 2008, 04:15 PM

    Please do not start several threads on the same subject. Your threads and posts have been merged
  • Oct 3, 2008, 09:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    yes, you want to convert to a religion you know nothing about, guess you think their outfits are cool.

    You study thier religion, you go to thier worship groups and learn, Then you decide if you are willing to accept thier teachings.

    Now you can just reject Christianity ( does not mean it is not true just you are rejecting it of course) but you are not being forced to accept any religion.

    Heck there is a couple of christian ones ( and personally I use that term lightly) that believe everyone is saved, no matter what you do you are going to heaven anyway.

    I was raised christian and i don't feel it resonates as truth for me any longer. Buddhism is the closest to my beliefs that I have found. The thing I despise about christianity is exactly what you have done here,

    First you say that just because you reject it doesn't mean it is not true. The arrogance of christians to believe their way is the only way kills me. It sets God up to be a god of conditional love and acceptance. That is not my idea of a loving god.

    Then, with sarkasim you speak of the "so called christians" that believe everyone is saved, no matter what. Tisk Tisk.....:o
  • Oct 6, 2008, 04:46 PM

    Originally Posted by cozyk View Post
    I was raised christian and i don't feel it resonates as truth for me any longer. Buddhism is the closest to my beliefs that I have found. The thing I despise about christianity is exactly what you have done here,

    First you say that just because you reject it doesn't mean it is not true. The arrogance of christians to believe their way is the only way kills me. It sets God up to be a god of conditional love and acceptance. That is not my idea of a loving god.

    Then, with sarkasim you speak of the "so called christians" that believe everyone is saved, no matter what. Tisk Tisk.....:o

    I completely agree with you and couldn't agree with you more cozyk. I don't agree with some aspects of Christianity. I believe Jesus existed and all but I don't take him as my God. If your all for him that's cool, but it's just not for me. Buddhism makes me see things more clearly throughout the world and enables me to live more peacefully, Christianity just doesn't do that for me. My true opinion is that Chrisitianity was set up in a way to put people in fear (I don't mean to offend any Christians) like for example, I don't believe that through Jesus is the only way for all human beings to be saved and if I don't accept him as my savior I'm going to hell. First of all Buddhists don't believe in the Chrisitian Heaven and Hell, we believe in 33 Heavens and 33 Hells. To reach a certain Heaven all depends on how much good karma we build up over our lifetime and we reach a certain level depending on how good of a Buddhist we are. Once our good karma depletes in Buddhist heaven, we are then reincarnated into a new body, a new life, all that stuff. We won't know our race, the language we speak, the color of our skin, the family we are raised in... we won't know any of that until we are born and raised in that life. However, if you just claim to be a Buddhist and live a life of evil and build up bad karma then you will go to a certain level of Buddhist hell with a certain kind of eternal torture.

    Also, what about Muslims and Hindus and Wiccans? People think Wicca is a satanic religion but it's not. Like us Buddhists, Wiccans, Pagans, and Hindus believe in reincarnation... not sure if they believe in a heaven or hell, or immediate reincarnation after death. It's an evolved Pagan religion that basically adopted the belief of a universal god. I think Christianity attacks Paganism and Wicca because they wanted everyone to worship their God and only their God, and if they didn't they would kill them. I don't think that's right. I have a friend who is Wiccan along with his mother, and he used to live in Bar Harbor, Maine. He told me that when he lived down there, a kid asked him what his religion was. The asker was a Catholic (not singling out Catholics but just bringing out two different religion's points of view) and my friend said "I'm a Wiccan" and the asker said "Are you really a satanist?" That's a solid example of ignorance. The kid didn't know anything about Wicca and he assumed it was a satanic religion. People worldwide should have the right of religious freedom, to be able to worship any God they want to without having the gut feeling of fear and persecution placed into them and their lives.

    I have friends and are aquaintances with people who are Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, and Wiccan and they all believe in God, multiple deities, or both (referring to Wicca). God accepts us for us and sure Jesus IS the son of god, but aren't we all the sons of god? I asked one of my friends why he worships just the Pagan gods and goddesses and not his Pagan deities and the universal God. He said "Because the Pagan deities are older", and that's true. Try predating Christianity by 28,000 years. If Jesus was the only messiah put on this earth, then why did God send Mohammed for the Muslims, Mosis for the Jews, and Buddha for the Buddhists and not just Jesus for the whole world? If God just wanted himself and Jesus to be worshipped, then why does he allow the world to be made up of so many different religions and creeds? The way I see it, God sent different messiahs for different people who chose to live their life a different way than others. I chose God and Buddha, and whether you like it or not, that's your opinion, but please don't attack or persecute us or anyone from a non-christian religion, especially out of ignorance. As a Buddhist it is my job to educate others in what I know. I know I may sound non-buddhist to you at this moment but again, an ignorant thought. Just because Buddhists are said to always be polite (which I am), and calm and stay out of the way of things doesn't mean we can't stand up for out beleifs and the same goes for you too, everyone should be able to defend their beliefs whether agreed or disagreed with. But that doesn't mean we can't explain our beliefs to you in the more self-common way we know how. I am a Buddhist and I appreciate God and his blessings, and the teachings of Buddha.

    Note: Jesus is said to be the only messiah because he was resurrected from the dead and thought to be the only true God. Buddha died and the spirit of Buddha was reincarnated in another Buddhist human being, today what is known as the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzyn Gyatso.
  • Oct 6, 2008, 05:06 PM

    Just to make one thing clear here... Buddhists don't pray to a God... in fact, they don't pray at all... they meditate.

    You don't have to have a religion at all. There is no process of conversion that you have to go through. Simply believe what you choose to believe.

    Pay attention, ask questions, learn stuff... then decide. But first, it sounds like you need to research a little more of the "spiritual philosophy" that you seek
  • Oct 7, 2008, 12:40 PM

    Originally Posted by DrJizzle View Post
    Just to make one thing clear here... Buddhists don't pray to a God... in fact, they dont pray at all... they meditate.

    You dont have to have a religion at all. There is no process of conversion that you have to go thru. Simply believe what you choose to believe.

    Pay attention, ask questions, learn stuff... then decide. but first, it sounds like you need to research a little more of the "spiritual philosophy" that you seek

    Did you even read my last post, the one that was like 5 paragraphs long? Your talking about my first post which is like six days old. And Buddhists don't pray in the most common sense and form. They send kind thoughts to the world. And Buddhists can ask God to send kind thoughts the world while they meditate if they want too.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 12:41 PM

    Originally Posted by DrJizzle View Post
    Just to make one thing clear here... Buddhists don't pray to a God... in fact, they dont pray at all... they meditate.

    You dont have to have a religion at all. There is no process of conversion that you have to go thru. Simply believe what you choose to believe.

    Pay attention, ask questions, learn stuff... then decide. but first, it sounds like you need to research a little more of the "spiritual philosophy" that you seek

    Did you even read my last post, the one that was like 5 paragraphs long? Your talking about my first post which is like six days old. And Buddhists don't always meditate in the most common sense and form all the time. They send kind thoughts to the world. And Buddhists can ask God to send kind thoughts the world while they meditate if they want too.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 02:19 PM

    Ok, just because 6 days ago you were a Christian and then yesterday you apparently read some not-so-specific information on Buddhism doesn't mean that you are a Buddhist. Buddhism is a practice... something that I am positive you have yet to achieve.

    Don't let me discourage you... continue down your path. But check your pride at the door... or the start of the path, I should say... because it will get you nowhere.

    If you believe in God, you are not practicing Buddhism. While Buddhists believe that one can achieve Deva, or Brahma, which is godlike... a deity... they do not believe in One God, as most religions do. This is why it is more commonly known as a Spiritual Practice, rather than a Religion.

    The Buddha you refer to, originally Siddhartha Gautama, now referred to as the Dalai Lama, was just the founder of Buddhism. According to Buddhism, he was reincarnated, as we ALL are. While he may be a deity, he does not claim to be God... nor does he believe in One Supreme Creator.

    Don't take sh*t so personal... Im just trying to help you out. Be careful where you gather your information... a lot of people claim to know a lot of stuff and a lot of them are full of a lot of sh*t ;)
  • Oct 24, 2008, 07:36 PM

    Originally Posted by DrJizzle View Post
    Ok, just because 6 days ago you were a Christian and then yesterday you apparently read some not-so-specific information on Buddhism doesnt mean that you are a Buddhist. Buddhism is a practice... something that I am positive you have yet to achieve.

    Dont let me discourage you... continue down your path. But check your pride at the door... or the start of the path, i should say... because it will get you nowhere.

    If you believe in God, you are not practicing Buddhism. While Buddhists believe that one can achieve Deva, or Brahma, which is godlike... a deity... they do not believe in One God, as most religions do. This is why it is more commonly known as a Spiritual Practice, rather than a Religion.

    The Buddha you refer to, originally Siddhartha Gautama, now referred to as the Dalai Lama, was just the founder of Buddhism. According to Buddhism, he was reincarnated, as we ALL are. While he may be a deity, he does not claim to be God... nor does he believe in One Supreme Creator.

    Dont take sh*t so personal... Im just trying to help you out. Be careful where you gather your information... a lot of people claim to know a lot of stuff and a lot of them are full of a lot of sh*t ;)

    I know, I don't mean too. Just for the record... The Dalai Lama (Tenzyn Gyatso) was asked the same question. "Is it okay for Buddhists to believe in God?" he said, "It is niether important nor unimportant, necessary or unnecessary". The Buddha's teachings was niether monotheistic, duotheistic, or polytheistic, they are just "theistic" While the Buddha DID reject the idea of a "Supreme Creator God" he does not mention one is not allowed to have a little faith in him. Some Buddhists follow the old teachings, some have some faith in a creator god. It doesn't make them Christian because the word "Christ" exists in the word "CHRISTian", in which he is not incorporated what-so-ever in the Buddhist religion (which consists of five schools: Zen, Mahayana [the only fully vegetarian school], Varajyana, Theravada, and the oldest, Tibetan Buddhism). Some Buddhists look at our creation as "Science has enough proof that explains where we came from" while some others still wonder "If the Big-Bang Theory did happen, why are there so many complex beings (including humans) in the world today". The Buddha did not reject the "God" idea because of Science, he rejected it because people used the idea of God as a source of comfort through rough times, and that they became attached to the idea, which (in a lot of cases) caused much suffering for them. And as the Second Noble Truth states: "The Source of all suffering is attachment". I do not look at God as a source of comfort, but an understandable, more comprehendable explanation as to why we came to be.
  • Dec 17, 2008, 04:16 AM

    Dear yingandyangr1 and all,

    Yingandyangr1 you seem to be having lot of study on religion especially on Buddha.
    But one thing that you said about reincarnation I felt something wrong there. I also study about Buddha but Buddha himself never claimed to be God. He always used to preached that the thing (hell and heaven and God) that doesn't exist, doesn't seem, and doesn't useful for the betterment of the Mankind; we should not waste time and energy by thinking and talking on it.
    It is applicable to reincarnation also. Nobody don't knows what will happen after death so you can't just talk about reincarnation blindly.
    To see that we have to die.
    Well that's what other religion makes people scared about talking about life after death, hell, heaven etc.
    And made them to praised their God if they don't want to go to hell or punish by God.

    Buddhism teaches to remove bad thoughts(energy) and purification of mind so that one not to suffer in life.
    Also other aspect of Buddhism that to show kindness, love, make peace and other things.

    Yesterday, I answered friend imran_2k12 from Islam religion.
    He asked "God exists or not?"
    You can find his question in Islam under Religion section and my answer too.
    This question asked by his Hindu friend.

    You go through it if you want.

    Thank you.
    Have enlightment in life.
  • Dec 18, 2008, 08:10 AM
    What I find interesting is Relegion is suppose to bring peace and happiness. This thread has so much negativity feelings to it. Be what you want to be. Let know one make that decision for you.
  • Dec 18, 2008, 08:29 AM
    I don't understand why we have to "be" anything. If you live a life of love, compassion, sharing, caring, etc. why does it need a label. Can't it just be done because it is for the greater good and the right thing to do. It works for me.

    A relationship with god is an extremely personal and individual thing. For the details of this relationship to be dictated by a particular religious doctrine is not necessary and seems to create more conflict than anything else.
    Anytime you hear "OUR beliefs are this or that, you're setting up an "us and them" situation with each sides ego wanting to be right. It defeats the purpose.
  • Oct 14, 2009, 11:53 AM
    Buddhism does not condemn soldiers or a standing army.
    The only condition Buddha ever put forward to soldiers, that I know of, is that they can't be ordained as a monk unless they're either discharged from the military or officially resigned. This condition was made because his father complained to him that all his soldiers where deserting his army to follow his son (the Buddha) as a monk.

    As for your afterlife... it's really more of a 'next life'. It's here. You're same 'soul' basically in a new body. There are some traditions of Buddhism which talk about different realms (like the hungry ghost relm, for an unhappy example, and the god realm for a happy example), but each realm does contain some degree of suffering, which can only be elimated by enlightenment and ending the cycle of samsara. These 'after lives' are all as temporary as your life is now. So even if you make a terrible mistake in this life, you won't pay for it for eternity.

    As for a "universal god", this can vary depending on what tradition of Buddhism you're interested in. In it's earliest form, the 'god(s)' where the Hindu gods. However, you need not worship them. As a Buddhist, you really need not worship anything or pray at all if you don't think that will help you. Buddhism is a results oriented religion/philosophy. If praying isn't getting you any closer to enlightenment, then don't bother. However, most Buddhist prayers are actually aspirations. Usually what is said is something along the lines of "May I be like you." "May all beings cease their suffering." etc. Further more (and this will really get ya), Buddhism is mainly a nontheist religion (Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are not 'gods'. They're people who became enlightened.), but believing in a god will not make you not a Buddhist. You can be both a christian and buddhist, although there may be some logical sommersaults you may have to turn in some areas.

    As for persecution. It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what color or religion you're from, we'll all encounter it at some point in our lives. The most important thing is to follow your conscious, and I'd like to quote Harper Lee here, "...before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."

    Do what makes you happy, whether that's being Christian or Buddhist, joining the marines or a monastary.
  • Mar 6, 2012, 05:38 PM
    Well to be truly Buddhist would be to make your own path while not judging others thoughts and beliefs, even if they go against your own.

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