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  • Mar 10, 2009, 05:03 PM
    Is she loving ME?
    I am in love with a girl whom I knew her since my childhood.She herself told me that she likes me but she don't love me. She told that she want a husband who's so caring and loving like me but not me.she gets angry if I talk to other girls. If I ask her about LOVE then she says that am too young to love,tell me when we are old enough to love.I love her a lot.Please could anyone tell me whether she is loving me or not? If yes or NO please give me a reason. Thank YOU.
  • Mar 10, 2009, 05:09 PM

    This girl is confusing. She told you she doesn't love but gets mad if you talk to other girls. Please don't waste another minute on this girl and move forward and all because your fond of a girl doesn't mean you love her so use that word lightly and be careful who you say that to.

    Also to answer your question is she loving you? No, maybe using you for attention but she isn't loving you.
  • Mar 10, 2009, 07:23 PM

    Yeah she is confused I agree with Liz28. It should not be her problem if you talk to other girls she not your women and your not her boy toy. If she doesn't love you then don't force it she might say oh she want her husband to be just like you but hey it up to you if you want to move on. Love can mean two things can love her for who she is. can be in love with her.
    There two that get mixed up a lot!
  • Mar 10, 2009, 07:49 PM

    Honestly you ask us to answer a question that no one here can answer. The only person that can truly answer your question is yourself...
  • Mar 10, 2009, 08:16 PM


    She herself told me that she likes me but she don't love me
    There is your answer right there.No,she is not loving you.You have to trust that what she tells you is true.

    she gets angry if I talk to other girls
    That is not love,that is ownership.
  • Mar 10, 2009, 09:20 PM

    Originally Posted by sivasattaru View Post
    she says that am too young to love,tell me when we are old enough to love..

    So how old are you 2??
  • Mar 10, 2009, 09:51 PM
    We are of 18 years old. We knew each other since childhood. I proposed her when I was done with my 10th standard. Am in america right now doing my undergraduation, a couple of months were passing since I landed ova here. I came here just for one reason i.e. if at all in the future if she want to think about me... Career and settlement should not be a problem between us. I love her more than myself. I came to USA with 80% scholarship and with out my parents support and trying to live my own life and build my career. I came up with this decision to come here just to prove her that I can do anything for her. Sometimes I feel like she herself may be don't know that she's loving me cz when ever I say the 3 wonderful words she always remains quite which means there are a lot of things going in her mind. Yes, right now I really couldn't convince myself that she doesn't love me but the fact is that she doesn't really love any one right now just because she thinks that career is important than love. I proved her that am career oriented,loving,caring,romantic almost everything what she expected her dream boy should be like... I didn't loose myself in this process but the love towards her increased a lot that I feel like one heart is not enough for me to store my feelings of love towards her... she is one in a billion for me... I can't love any other person. I feel like resting in peace if am not able to win her heart in the future cz she is my life she is my death... Am sorry guys that I didn't post this information in the starting.

    Any of your posts or comments are heartfully accepted. Thank YOU!
  • Mar 10, 2009, 09:58 PM

    Honestly, there is more then one love. I know you feel like that now, but right now you feel that this person is the only person you can love. If you eventually both come together and both love each other and it works out great then awesome.

    It sounds like it is only one sided. That you love her. It might be hard to except right now but one day you will find another. Somebody that will love you as much as you love them. There is no limit to where love can take you. Even with this feeling you have for this person. You will feel it again with another.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 12:17 AM

    I don't have any more words to express becz am very far away from my beloved ones at this age of 18 n I couldn't even go back home to india. I feel like no matter what happens life should just go on... I wish my girl would understand me and my feelings and accept my love cz I already experienced the feeling of loved but not the acceptance. For some reason she's not accepting me but I feel like I still love her for some reason... and I will go on loving her... cz I never expected her love... but her acceptance so that I can let her feeeeeel my enormous LOVE towards her...
    I misS my girl friend a lot... miss her a lot that even I talk to her for hours and hang up... I still feel like am missing her like HELL!
    Am completely confused!
  • Mar 11, 2009, 05:16 AM

    Please re read all the answers. It does not matter how much you love this girl. You can not force anybody to love you back. There is nothing to be confused about. Nothing at all.
  • Mar 11, 2009, 05:28 AM

    Agree with the above posters, move on as you can't force feelings.
  • Mar 12, 2009, 07:58 AM

    She doesn't love you the way you love her, so better to focus on you and leave her alone and find someone who is willing to share your life with.

    Have some fun first, and it may be painful, but after a while the confusion will leave you.

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