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  • Oct 28, 2006, 12:17 PM
    How can I get over my ex boyfriend?
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently, and ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do. I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason.

    How can I get over him?
  • Oct 28, 2006, 01:07 PM
    In your mind, put him in his place. Remember, he just a guy, and no one is worth all that fuss.

    The first couple of days are normal to feel a lot of different feelings, but in the end, you just have to accept that he doesn't want to be with you anymore.

    The answer to your question will come naturally, because it has to, there is no other way.

    Ive had my heart broke before too, I think everyone has, the fact is that you do eventually get over it, in time.

    To use this analogy:

    This problem has buried you alive, you look, all you see is dirt, you think your going to die. Little to you realize, your only buried in about 2 inches of dirt. All you really have to do is sit up, and stand tall. Your only six feet under when you are dead.
  • Jan 31, 2007, 05:40 AM
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently too and I feel exactly the same. Even to its hard, you just have to think towards a future without him and go out, keep yourself busy. I find it easier to cope when I'm aroung others. Just simply having company, so I don't feel alone and let my mind go into overdrive thinking about him and all tho's what if's and why doesn't he want me. Just give it time and hopefully you'll become content or even enjoy being single for a while and you never know some other guy might come along and take your mind off him. Try to be optamistic.
  • Mar 22, 2007, 02:29 PM

    Originally Posted by shanny_2006
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently and from ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do and stuff like that. How can I get over him? I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason. How can I get over him?

    Start to think of all of his bad points! And just be strong because that will show you have confidence in yourself... if you carry on like this you are doing yourself more harm than good and that never comes across well with anyone trust me! Go out, join the gym, start liking your own company and think positive about the future, things happen for a reason... take it as it's a good thing that's happened and don't allow yourself to get too attached to people either... not too early on like I used to, I have been through a similar thing and I have picked myself up quite quickly :)
  • Mar 25, 2007, 07:45 AM

    Originally Posted by shanny_2006
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently and from ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do and stuff like that. How can I get over him? I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason. How can I get over him?

    Think of all the things you couldn't do or that he didn't like and do them! I'm in the same situation as you right now and I know what your feeling,go out with your fiends and have fun that really helps,being on your own give you time to think about all the things you did but don't watse your time! While your sat at home dwelling on the past mr right could be looking for u!
  • Mar 25, 2007, 10:03 AM
    It is always hard when you loved them. You will always think of him when you see thengs that remind you of him, even years later. One way to avoid this is by taking these things out of your life, at least for a while. Put that teddy, if your anthing like me you will have clung to some bear for hours since, any photos, anything at all that reminds you only of him. If there are things you can't do anything with like furniture, do something different with it. Deleate emails, texts etc. Remove his number from your phone and ignore him if his calls. This might seem extreme but I swear it helps. Then get the girls round, rent every chick flick you can find. Eat a ton of ice cream and have a good time. Look at all those perfect relationships and remember yours was not like that (they never are) and day dream about Richard Gere rescuing you from a tall building.
  • Mar 29, 2007, 11:26 AM
    Keep yourself busy, go out, meet new people, get involved in things, it really helps, although u'll be thinking of him at times, once you're so busy, you don't have time to think about him, you'll eventually get over him, remind yourself that you're a great girl and it's really his loss, seriously, he's out of his mind for breaking up with him, especially since you didn't do anything wrong, think about the next guy, he maybe even more perfect for you, love hurts but like all wounds, it heals, give yourself time, good luck babe, trying to get over someone sucks, but all in due time...
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:05 PM

    Originally Posted by shanny_2006
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently and from ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do and stuff like that. How can I get over him? I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason. How can I get over him?

    Keep yourself busy...

    Time will heal... time will help you to get over it.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, try to do every day something nice for yourself... and know: it does take time to get over somebody who was this important to you.

    One day at the time...
  • Mar 30, 2007, 01:55 PM
    I read a quote today 'You can't really know love, until some has broken your heart'. I'm not saying its true, but yeah, I think it helps. Knowing how badly ex's have treated me has helped me to see exactly how great my other half is.
  • Mar 31, 2007, 04:01 PM
    It hurts for a reason, learn form it.. Stay busy, no destructive behavior. Alcohol and sex are bad right now. Don't confuse the subject. Surround yourself with friends that's what they are for.
  • Mar 31, 2007, 06:40 PM

    Originally Posted by shanny_2006
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently and from ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do and stuff like that. How can I get over him? I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason. How can I get over him?

    Well one thing you should NOT do is play slow songs all day and eat chocolate lol that doesn't really solve your problems (not saying that you are doing that) Getting over your ex is reaaally hard, in fact Im still getting over mine lol. All I can say is, go out with your friends and meet some new guys somehow. Once you find interest in a new guy, you'll forget about your ex. You will think about him now and then I am going to be honest but it won't be as bad as it was from the beginning.
  • Jun 8, 2007, 05:46 AM

    Originally Posted by shanny_2006
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently and from ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do and stuff like that. How can I get over him? I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason. How can I get over him?

    It is hard to forget someone we think we love. You cannot love someone that do not love
    You. Your boyfriend played you like a yoyo until he got what he wanted from you and
    Conquered the other female. Think about the signals he sent you. I guarantee you will be glad he is out of your life. He is low down and did not deserve you.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 04:25 PM

    Originally Posted by shanny_2006
    My boyfriend broke up with me recently and from ever since I can't stop thinking about him and the things we used to do and stuff like that. How can I get over him? I really want to forget him and move on with my life but I can't for some reason. How can I get over him?

    My boyfriend split up with me in front of everyone! And same night he got wif this girl he liked before he got with me rite in my face!! I couldn't believe it! It all happened so quickly! I was heartbroken! I really loved him! I felt lost and like I couldn't go on! I didn't want to be without him! But now I have just got on with things and kept myself busy! Now I'm very independent and I haven't got with anyone since him. I don't need anyone I'm hapi on my own at the moment! Trust me girls!! Don't let them get you down just get on with things, at the end of the day it is their loss and they will realise one day but it will be too late :-) and remember what goes around comes around ;)
  • Jun 28, 2008, 05:08 AM
    Okay.. I was dumped by my exboyfriend too.
    Although I'm a young girl only at 16 I have plenty to say about breakup issues.
    Its really hard to face the truth but honestly you just have to motivate yourself to let him go. Its kind of stupid for me to say this because I'm still not facing the truth because I'm always thinking of him even when I'm with friends. But that doesn't matter. As long as you have your support system with you every step of the way you'll be able to make it alive with just a tiny hole in your heart.
    Its hard to find another person because you think to yourself that your ex might comeback to you and ask for you back but I highly doubt that that's going to happen.
    My exboyfriend we've been dating for 6 months and I keep on giving us hope even though deep deep down I know that there isn't any, because he already has a new girlfriend. And its only been 2 months since our break up.
    I know exactly how you feel and you're probably over him now because I just noticed that this question was about a year ago. So its your turn to help me.
    How did you get over him?
  • Jun 28, 2008, 07:16 AM
    Oct 2006
    I am sure she is over him by now, possibly even moved on and gee maybe even married by now!
  • Jun 28, 2008, 10:43 PM
    Get a life. No offense. It will pass. Find someone new, get a hobbie or a job, which stalking your ex is not an option!
  • Aug 17, 2008, 08:00 PM
    I like this topic cause I'm going through it all myself right now =/ goshhh whyyy ne'way I've read some of the answere's on here and it kind've helped out as well thank you guys Keep In touch With that add muahhhh
  • Nov 18, 2008, 10:35 PM
    It is hard to get over someone that you have strong feelings for but you have to do it one step at a time.
    To begin with get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex, personal items, poems, letters, cards, e-mails, texts.
    Do not have any contact whatsoever with your ex, if you think that down the road you ex might contact you, do not answer calls, texts or e-mails because if you do you won't let yourself get passed this situation and you will be allowing yourself to enter to a rollercoaster relationship and believe me YOU WANT OFF THAT RIDE!
    Sometimes you might ask why God doesn't help me out? He won't help you out until you start helping yourself out.
    The mind is a powerful thing and if you want to, you will be able to forgett about this situation but it takes time, be patient and remember that there is always something to learn after any expirience that we all go through.
  • Nov 20, 2008, 11:29 PM

    Yes you can and you will!
  • Jan 21, 2009, 07:18 PM

    So the best thing that ever happened to me just dumped me like a week ago. And I really do know what it feels like. He was my first love and all people keep telling me is that it'll be okay and that ill find someone new that he's stupid. but the truth is i dont believe until you believe it yourself you wont understand love sucks. He made my life suck

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